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Date Posted: 15:10:49 02/02/03 Sun
Author: Ri
Subject: Chapter 14 -rewrite

The Walkover
Chapter 14
Words: 1600
May 15, 1996

A "then and now" dream appeared about coordinating and comparing the chapter
titled May 15, 1996 with fiction and reality. As soon as the dream used the
word "Coordinating", I knew the blood test subject was complicated.
Sometimes dreams inspired me to investigate the authenticity of reality. The
dream I titled "God Visits" contained more accuracy than the words that
medical specialist spoke. Dreams aroused the differences between what was
real and what was merely fantasy. The United States Congress passed the
prescription drug law CAUTION: Federal law prohibits dispensing without
prescription, during the Korean War. The question then as now "What effect
did the prescription drug law have on United States antibiotic, patriotic,
and vaccine policies?"

First, I coordinated the blood test reality, then I tried to remember what
might appear as fiction. My first guess was the day after hubby cadaver body
part replacement surgery, which would have been July 10, 1996. Death had
taken a human figure form as a man wearing a black cowboy hat. Death and a
dying man (who wore a brown cowboy hat) had entered hubby's hospital room.
The words that Death had told the dying man were smeared as written words
on the wall. The written words were a vision. There was also a vision in 1998
when a spacey dagger appeared. First, the blood test reality:

May 15, 1996 was when I met the second person that was a man carrying
the blank 2'X1' white sign that appeared in the "God Visits" dream. He was a
doctor at the St. Joseph Hospital. My husband's blood test was the


White Blood Cells 10.2
Neutrophils 9.2 H 2.0-9.0 (2.4-6.2) 3.0
Lymphocytes 0.5 0.4-3.5 (1.1-3.3) 2.1
Monocytes 0.5 0.0-1.0 (0.14-0.7) 0.36
Eosinophils 0.0 0.0-0.5 (0.02-0.3) 0.14
Basophils 0.0 0.0-0.2 (0-0.08) 0.03
The white blood cell activity called the Eosinophils and Basophils had
disappeared, and an infection that had encircled and was destroying hubby's
heart was going unnoticed.

The British hematologist's information was greatly appreciated. The foreign
hematologist had found the establishing of a personal blood test figure
interesting. There were different blood test methods used.

The prior year (1995) I had met the dark haired woman carrying the blank
2'X1' white sign that appeared in the "God Visits" dream. She was the
emergency room doctor at Crittenton Hospital. At the 1995 time, blood tests
were again done and again a laboratory figure was raised 10 times the normal
figure and again blood abnormalities were not flagged. Again, hubby left the
hospital without antibiotics.

My husband's blood test was the following:
Neutrophils 68.5 30-80 (54-62) 59
Lymphocytes 20.2 20-60 (25-33) 30
Monocytes 8.2 2-10 (3-7) 5
Eosinophils 1.5 .01-5.00 (.01-3) 1
Basophils 1.7 .01-5.00 (0-0.5) 0.2*

*Notice the White Cell Basophils personalized figure when compared with
his more accurate personal-bible figure, when compared with the
Laboratory high figure of 5%.

At the time (1994) of the "God Visits" dream, my husband's blood test
was the following:

White Blood Cells 8.4 4.5-11.0 (4.5-10.0) 6
Platelet Count 285 140-400 (150-350) 225
Neutrophils 68.7 30-80 (54-62) 59
Lymphocytes 16.3 20-60 (25-33) 30
Monocytes 12.9 2-20 (3-7) 5
Eosinophils 1.1 .01-5.00 (.01-3) 1
Basophils .9 .01-5.00 (0-0.5)* 0.2**

*Basophils high tolerance level. A 5% was used on the blood test instead
of the suggested normal high of 0.5%.

**Notice the decimal point

In less than two months after meeting the second man on May 15, 1996, my
husband needed a cadaver body part to replace the bacterial damage done.
The 1974 subject of withholding antitumor/antiviral antibiotics had
manifested to surgically removing bacterial-infections. The permitting of
bacteria to destroy organs had become popular and profitable.

After I had met the 1995 doctor dream person in reality, I began writing
all over the world to see what white-blood-cell differential figures other
countries used. In April 1996 my husband had a death dream. Also in April,
I had received a letter from a British hematologist. He compared both
country figures and referred to the figure that I was looking for as mine as
a mean. What should a person do with medical lies that were used to
cover-up the purpose of a blood test?

Stacy, our college child, was in her room. I knocked and put her light on as
I entered. Stacy was lying in bed and watching television. "I have a problem
and I would like your opinion, "I said, waving the British hematologist's
two-page letter. In my eyes, medical lies that remained lies were a Death
Wish that my generation was leaving to hers.

I handed daughter the British hematologist informative letter and sat Indian
style on the floor, waiting for her reply, which was: "Mother, it's because
you don't listen."

"You didn't turn to the second page," I snapped, "Will you please read
the letter first? Then throw in your opinion!"

After daughter read what I thought was only the first paragraph, she gave
another opinion: "Mother you not only don't know how to listen, but you
have problems reading, and you leave out the fact that people have feelings.
Like the other day, you made me feel like dad's sickness is my entire fault."

Immediately, I remembered the snowstorm and daughter's added aggravation.
So I refreshed both our memories by saying, "To go out in a heavy snow
storm when you don't have to go any place, and have dad and I push on
your truck so that you can get out of the driveway was annoying.
Your dad was sick and was thinking that he was dying, and knowing
your dad he probably is! Now back to the British hematologist's letter.
Your dad's blood-bacterial level was over the high level for over two years
and remained untreated. My problem: I don't know if I should tell him
or what I should do with this tid-bit of information."

Again daughter replied: "It's because you don't listen. Now, I listened to
you, and I even read the complete letter."

So, I again pointed to the 1994 and 1995 blood tests that showed cell
activity. The St. Joseph Hospital 1996 blood test had showed that same
cell activity as disappeared!

Stacy shook her head, answering, "Now that's exactly what I mean. You
did not listen. We both know that the doctors will not come here. We
know that the only place that we can go is to the doctor/drug prescriber.
If the doctor wishes to prescribe poison, then we all will simply have to die!"

I stood up and proceeded to leave when daughter reminded: "Now shut
off my light on your way out. Remember, you turned it on when you entered."

My thoughts rambled about the Mutated Theory. I had paid as much as
$169 for a drug prescriber to write penicillin (Gram-positive) prescription.
After receiving the written prescription, I was then able to go to a drug
store and pay an additional $10 for the penicillin. The one penicillin
prescription was not enough antibiotics. I felt that a second prescription
for the Gram-negative bacterial activity should have also been written, but
I had no access to any except the one that the doctor prescribed. The
Mutated Theory about the American brain that used 20% penicillin and 0%
human brain was annoying. It was similar to a cold war side effect, and it
was noticed in Michigan. The medical specialists were inserting chaos and
mistruth into blood tests and medicine. People were forced to abide and
die to a drug prescriber dictatorship.

It was simply an extension of the century-old evil Michigan doctor's curse:
"I'll see you and your siblings sick and dead before I see you receive the
1908 tuberculosis vaccine."

Meanwhile, Hubby was receiving more false information. A Larry from a
well-known medical association in Chicago had called. I was not home,
and my husband answered the phone. Between my husband Bill and Larry
from Chicago, they decided that all penicillin history came from Marie Curie,
who was Polish. Marie Curie was most noted for her work in radioactivity
about 1903, which was when she won the Nobel Prize in Physics.
The country she lived in was France.

When my husband told me about his conversation with Larry, I went to the
bookcase for an encyclopedia and returned, saying, "Under the Nobel prize
winners for Physiology or medicine dated 1945, you will find the names Sir
Alexander Fleming, Ernst Chain, and Sir Howard Florey. You do not see
the name Marie Curie! After listening to you guys, I'll stick with my 'God
Visits' dream and the areas that God tells me to research!"

A few years later (1998), I ran into Cousin Gerald who had found the dream
titled "God Visits" interesting. The words began to twist, turning to
mockery about the Dream's accuracy when it was compared with Medical
History Reality. Shortly, crazy backstabbing Cousin Gerald from Alberta
accused me of knifing him in the back. Of course, I felt that it was he
who knifed me.

Well, you know how dreams go. In a finger-snap, a spacey dagger appeared
in my right hand. A spacey dagger could be thrown through space from
Michigan to Alberta. The dagger itself represented that when thrown "it"
would hit the heart. The thought about throwing the spacey dagger's straight
shot to the heart appeared. I was that angry with Cousin Gerald's
backstabbing accusation and in reality I was surrounded with medical liars.

As I pulled my arm back to throw the dagger, Cousin Gerald had putted
Cousin Ken in front of him. So I didn't throw the dagger, but wondered
why the vision?

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