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Date Posted: 20:07:58 02/02/03 Sun
Author: Ri
Subject: Chapter 13 re-write

The Walk-Over
Chapter 13
Words: 1150
I dreamt I died

Decades of medical lies could produce nightmares. In order for the dreamer,
such as myself, to evaluate the accuracy of the nightmare, I would have to
have the medical records in front of me. After an Oakland County
hematologist that used the 1950's prescription drug law to withhold
antitumor/antiviral antibiotics in order to discover a new disease treated
my husband, I had discovered that the blood tests were the easiest for me
to read.

I also that the discovery of DNA tests were known to be extremely accurate,
while blood tests weren't. One reason could be because laboratory figures
had a lengthy range of tolerance level figures that was called normal.
According to the Bible "Life of the flesh is in the blood".

Blood tests would be similar to a personal health bible. We lived in a
high-tech world were DNA tests were discovered after blood tests were.
Therefore, a person would need all their blood test reports in order to
determine a personal bible blood-test figure.

The normal White Blood Cell figures for my husband and I would be about six,
whereas the blood-test-laboratory would be stating a 10-or-11 for someone
else. By the time my husband or my blood test reached 10, there would be an
infection in the blood. Dreams could assist with identifying the health
problem severity. The magnitude of the sickness would show up in reality on
his or her medical records, especially when comparing the old and new blood
test figures. The comparing of old and new blood test revealed the
patient/medical customer's increased figures as well as the blood test
laboratory specialist's inconsistencies.

A dreamer could go back into a dream to ask questions in order to receive
new areas or to review old areas to research after waking. Death dreams
would be consider serious dreams, and should be investigated thoroughly.

Hubby had a dream in April 1996 that I titled "I dreamt I died".

Poor Bill. His dream must have been filled with pain and gore. Hubby lifted
his right arm and waved his hand signifying that the death was to horrifying
for repeat. "Finally I died and was placed peacefully inside a cushioned
coffin buried beneath the earth," Bill said. "I wasn't there very long,
maybe a couple months, when I heard shoveling. Someone was digging up
the ground to my coffin. The coffin door was opened by a nurse, saying,
'Sorry to disturb you. But your wife said that we didn't do a test, so we're
going to do it now.'

"I was pulled from my grave, the test was done, and I was re-buried. Two
months later, I was dug up again. It was the nurse again, saying, 'your wife
says that we didn't do this test right. Now we have to disturb you for a
test re-do.' Again I was re-buried, and again two month later dug up. 'Sorry
to disturb you again. But your wife says that this test disappeared, now we
have to do the test again.' All I know is that I feel real sick now!"

For eons, dreams have forwarded the sick and the dying that Death
approached. I decided to change my attention from blood tests to focus
on Bill's dream by looking up the dream symbol meanings:

Being the Victim: Feeling victimized.

Body: Our body represents physical life; the process which causes
growth and aging.

Buried: Letting go of the past or repressing painful experience within.

Coffin: A reminder of one's own mortality.

Dead Body: Our skin or shape is felt as our boundary, the edge of our

Death: The death of some aspect of our outer or inner life.

Digging up Ritual: Similar to initiation. It reveals the deeper levels of
oneself. A digging-up ceremony that required reality digs to our attention.

Shovel: The digging into our memories to uncover our past experience.

Sleep: Foretells sickness and broken engagements.

Underground: You are in danger of losing reputation and fortune.

Uniform: Denotes that you will have influential friends to aid you in
obtaining your desires.

Stranger: Unknown aspect of oneself.

Time (two month): The passage of time in our life.

Since I was familiar with the importance of blood tests, I wished for more
areas to research about the increased laboratory figures. In 1995, I had
again complained to the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulations.
The 1995 complaint was about the Oakland County hospital laboratory raising
a blood test figure 10 times what the figure should have been. The 1995
complaint appeared to fall upon deaf ears. Unless, it was something that the
Michigan Health Department had already know about for the last few decades.
The Michigan lawmakers passed more unpatriotic medical laws.

Meanwhile, I believed that medical liars would fall under the category of
Health Saboteurs and the Bible version of the Anti-Christ, Liars, and etc. I
could have and probably swore the Michigan medical murders up-and-down,
but it didn't help. Legalized Health Sabotage was legalized Health Sabotage!

Medical history revealed that Michigan doctors have been lying to their
patients and the public since the discovery of the 1908 tuberculosis
vaccine. When a medical person said that the BCG vaccine was occasionally
used and the fact was that it was never used, that medical person would be
called a liar!

As I was searching for a better explanation to the 10 times laboratory cell
figure increase, I, too, had a death dream appeared. I titled both Hubby and
my dream: "I Dreamt I Died".

In my death dream, I was speaking to my husband and two of our friends;
when I woke I couldn't remember who the two friends were. Anyway, in the
dream, I sat upon a backless wooden stool, while my husband and the two
friends were standing. The four of us were looking out a large glass window
nd viewing a mile of meadow.

I remembered telling the three of them that I could run that mile, come
back, and explain the basophil-blood-subject better. You know how dreams
are; it was a blur. Yet, I ran the mile, came back short-winded, and
continued the conversation with the other three.

In the midst of the conversation, I had a massive heart attack. I fell
backwards off the stool, telling the three: "You have to get my differential
blood test now. The basophil blood activity will continue in relationship
with the pathogenic microorganism invasion. This cell activity will continue
only for a short time: after that, a proper reading will be forever lost. I
want to know how long 'after death' it will take before my blood basophils
reaches the laboratory recommended 5.0 tolerance figure."

In the dream, the other three people were awestruck that I was dead, and
so was I. My eyes were in total shock to see my dreamself dead.
Immediately, I stated to tell my dreamself to get up. I didn't. So I waved
my hand in an upward motion while saying, "Get up. Get up!"

The dream informed that when you are dead, you do not get up.
End of Dream.

What I had found interesting about my dream was that any hospital anyplace
in the world could check to see how long it would take a sick or dead
person's blood to reach the 5% basophil figure.

At the time of my husband's dream, his medical problem was Endocarditis.
The bacterial-damage-hole-in-his-heart was difficult to diagnose. Medical
history was also that at the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the
drug-of-choice to treat Endocarditis was Gentamicin Sulfate USP. It was
known to be a short-term (10-to-12-day antibiotic). The Gentamicin Sulfate
USP was known to drug over-dose halfway through the recommended (6-week)
treatment protocol.

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