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Date Posted: 18:19:58 11/26/02 Tue
Author: The Unknown
Subject: Children Never Lie

(The scene opens as the Unknown strolls through a public park in the middle of the day. He walks off the pavement path, cutting through a field of happy, playful, children. The children sing in joy, rolling around in the grass with laughter. Smiles cover all their faces. They just all are enjoying their childhood to the fullest. The Unknown makes his way to a near by bench and sits down. He looks around, seeing nothing but green. He sees green grass and green leaves in the tress. Everything just seems to be full of life. The sun beats down on the earth as the wind gives off a cool breeze. The sunlight reflects off the pond in front of Unknown. A mother duck swims in the water followed by her offspring. Tadpoles can be seen gliding through the pond. Grass grows out on the outer edges of the pond. Frogs make their way from the shallow end of the pond into the grass. The cameraman sets his camera up in front of the Unknown and gives him a signal. Though, the Unknown said nothing. He turned around and continued to watch the little kids play. They tackled each other, pilling on top of one another. One of the mimics C4 by acting as if he were holding up his stomach and looking like he was stupid. Another kid mimics Thurman unintentionally by crying because of a cut he had on his thumb. The last kid emulated The Unknown by being the only one standing of the three kids. The Unknown imitator walks around the other kids acting as if he were holding up a title. Laughing to himself, The Unknown turns around and looks past the camera back into the pond.)

Unknown: Like they always say, kids always tell the truth. At such a young age they do not know of lying. They only tell what they see. It’s interesting what I just observed. Obviously that kid behind me was telling the truth. It seems as if he has the whole match played out, except for his childish little twists (he says with a slight laugh). And you say I have no right to criticize C4 Thurman? For crying out loud, C4 is so pitiful that even an innocent little child makes fun of him. Now if a child has sense enough to know that Chris is a complete waste of talent, why would it not be right for me to criticize C4? Then you question my training. You doubt that I’m in tip-top shape. Of course I’ve been training. Of course I’m in shape. You don’t see me trying to catch my breath after every sentence like C4 does, do you? Even if I didn’t train I still would be able to handle you and C4 with ease. Children don’t lie. Look at these ducks here (he says while pointing to the ducks). The baby ducks depend on their mother in order to survive. Without her, all of them would probably die. They depend on her to find them food and provide warmth when it gets cold. In equivalence to our match, I’m like the mother duck. Without me, the match would be nothing. It wouldn’t be worth seeing. Without me, people would actually turn the channel when the “big”(sarcastically said) match between Thurman and C4 took place. Without me Thurman, you would be a no body. I brought you into the spotlight, being known as The Unknown’s practice wrestler. In the past I used you for practice, as a mere warm-up for the big matches. Then you think you can beat me. You say it in every promo. You just love running your mouth, telling lies and false information during every interview. I’m gonna do this. I’m gonna do that. Just shut the hell up. You are all talk. Talk is cheap bitch. You and C4 are similar when it comes to intelligence. You both think on the level of a 1st grader. You both tend to process thoughts slowly, which is hindering you two from realizing that you can’t, and never will be able to beat me. Are you two just slow, or plane out stupid? For some idiotic reason you fill as if you will walk away the champion, holding up the title after the match. It looks like you running into the glass door during your last promo is getting the best of you. Process this you retard. In order to win the title you need to win the match. Just because you wish you could have the title does not mean that it’s gonna be given to you. What, you think Mike is gonna say, “well, since you really want that title I’ll just give it to you?” Hell no. You have to beat me before you win the title, and I know as well as you know that will not happen. The closest you’ll ever get to the Cruiserweight title is the spilling of your own blood on the title. As long as you face me you’ll never raise your arms in victory, and that’s a guarantee. I’m the hunter, and you’re the game. I’m the fisher, and you’re the fish. You will not survive at the Pay-Per-View. You will cry and continue to cry until you can cry no longer. Then at that point will everyone remind you that you’re a no body. They will remind you that you’ll never win. They’ll remind you that you are a midcarder. Ten years from now they’ll remind you of our match, describing how you nearly bled to death. You will be reminded Thurman. So don’t try to forget about what happened on Thanksgivings Day of year 2002, but if you do, there’ll be plenty of people to remind you.

(The Unknown gets up from the bench and walks out the park. He looks at the standing kid imitating him for one last time, laughs, and continues to walk away.)

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