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Date Posted: 15:06:56 11/27/02 Wed
Author: Cross and Cypher
Subject: Red Wings vs Canucks

** Tomorrow is what it's all about. A match for the World Title and a match with a mid-card. Very, very weird. But that weirdness in of no importance. Cross has to take on, once again, The Crusher, the World Champion who actually beat James Jones. Cypher, on the other hand, has to take on Deadcell for the third time. It isn't really a feud. It's an excuse. The feud for Cypher is Thurman Skydive. The feud for Cross is pretty much anybody but the mid-carders. Tomorrow, though, the matches will have to take place. Cross will take on Crusher again and beat him for the World Title, if all goes well. And Cypher will win 2-1 on the "feud" with Deadcell. But the real question, is why are these two individuals, with totally different personas and goals, be teaming together for an interview? Well, if you've been following the WeWA, these two have to team together to face four mute men for the Tag Titles. These two have lots to say. **

::: 5:00 PM EASTERN TIME :::

[ The familiar noises of a bar are haunted by the presence of two MCW superstars; Scott Cross and Cypher. The two have a match at Communication Breakdown and have been ordered by good ol' President Johnson to work as a team until December. The bar is dark and musty smelling. Like piss on a hot day. "Rust In Piss"... The familiar quotation is very fitting. About 30 men sit around on badly carved bar-stools with a pint in their hands. The TV is displaying the Detroit Red Wings vs Vancouver Canucks game from last weekend for some reason. What a damn good game it was, anyhow. Scott Cross is dressed in a black MCW t-shirt, with the pharse "Hardcore 'Til The Day We Die" plastered on the back. His jet black hair wavers down to his shoulders as he wave shte bartender down. "The most alcholic drink you have here!" he announced. Not in a good mood. Cypher, no the other hand, was watching the game on the screen intently. Each amazing goal by Vancouver brought up his spirits. "F*cking Americans think they're so good." If only Cross was paying attention. If only everybody in Flint heard him as well. Cypher's dyed blonde hair stood out in the darkness of the bar, and his red "Thurman Skydive" shirt was also out in the open, so to speak. ]

" To the assholes! " Cross announced as he took one shot of whatever the most alcoholic thing in the bar was.

" So, we're hear to talk, huh? Well, the first thing, though, I want to announce to Thurman Skydive. "
" Uh, Scotty, what the hell are you talking about? "
" The idiot had the nerve to call a man who is twice his size a homosexual. Not that there's anything wrong with homosexuals, right? You should know, Cypher.."
" F*ck you, assclown. "
" Anyhow. Thurman proclaimed that I was in love with him. How he justified that was beyond me. I cam eout here and told him that he will pay for what he said, and he blatently called be a faggot. Alright, then Thurman, if you don't like to justify what you say, than I can call you a fag, too. There, it's done. Thurman Skydive is a fudge-packer. "
" I knew it all along. "
" What the hell is with that shirt, Cypher? "
" Intimidation, you fag. "
" If Johnson hadn't said anything about a suspension, you're ass would be thrown through that god damned horrible Wings game on the screen up there. "
" Horrible? That was the greatest game ever! "
" F*cking Canadians... "

Cypher didn't respond, or else Cross would be bloodied.

" Damn straight. But, I have other important things to talk about. I need some air, first. "

Cross stands up and leaves the bar, needing some air.

" It's about damn time he left. What an asshole. Plus, I have a match with Deadcell to talk about. "

Cypher paused.

" Deadcell, luckily for me, you have been silent. This is our third meeting in a row, and quite frankly, it's getting pretty damn boring. I know you're weaknesses. I know how to easily beat you, Deadcell. You are a f*cking joke. Why would you bother even going to the ring, Deadcell? You could just save yourself the time and the physical pain you will induce and just give me the win I will inevitably get. Seriously, I have had enough of you. You are one of those mid-card losers who nobody talks about. Youare no star in the WeWA. I have a Tag Title shot, what does that tell you? I am a star. I am worth more than a match with you, Deadcell. I deserve that title shot more than Scott does over there."

As if he was cued, Cross burst through the door with a loud bang. About 4 guys try and stop him but Cross crakcshis knuckles and closed-fisted, punches each man right in the nose, crushing each one probably. One unlucky drunk was even put in the Jaws of Life before he was kicked out. Cypher got kicked out, too. "Guilty By Association".

" What the f*ck? " asked Cypher.
"I didn't do anything..he deserved the J.O.L.!"
" I missed the god damned hockey game! "
" F*ck the hockey game. You know you're country won. "
" And don't you f*ckin' forget it! I'm gonna go back in and figure this s*it out now! "

Cypher walks back in the bar.

" Finally, I've had enough of this cocky ass*hole. Plus, I need to talk about another ass*hole in The Crusher. "

" You see, Crusher, once again we have to fight for that Title, this time with Triple B, who I and you both refuse to take seriously. Why should we? But, Crusher, I want that title you hold. I'll beat your ass to a pulp to get that title, and I will. Jaws of Life, Flag, Cross-shot, whatever it takes to take it from you, I will do. Your little Crunching Crusher move won't work on me, Crusher. You won't even get the chance to use it on me anyhow, tomorrow. Crusher, I am too good for you. You are no match for me and I trust that you know that. I'd go on and on about how much better I am than you, and how much deserving of that World Title I am, but why waste time. We both know it. The whoile f*cking world knows it, Crusher! You better beware of me, Crusher, because I will take that title tomorrow, whether you like it or not. "

It wasn't much, but it was enough. Cross has little to say about Crusher considering neither him or Triple B has said anything to him about the match lately. Cypher walks back out of the bar with both of his middle fingers in the air at the bartender. "F*CKING AMERICANS! GET ME OUT OF THIS GODFORSAKEN PROVEN DIRTIEST TOWN IN AMERICA!" Cross looked pissed off, but didn't want to risk a suspension. "After our tag shot, Cypher, I will kick your Canadian ass..."

[ SCREEN FADES TO B...L...A...C...K...]

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