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Date Posted: 10:38:33 12/08/02 Sun
Author: The Cottonmouth King
Subject: The Damage...

("Lose yourself" by Eminem begins to play as Ck makes his way to the ring with a rolled "Cigarett" in both his ears)

(Ck climbs into the ring as Serina brings him the microphone...)

CK: Matty Dee...I just caught you promo, bromo...Looks to me like you guys got a lot to try and prove out here...Steppin into MCW and in your first week, you already have a shot at The Cottonmouth King...And here you go talkin shit, just like all the rookies...Even I didn't come in here my first week and spit off to the current Champions, and think I was the shit...Naw I did one better...At Hardcore hell, I proved myself...In that Shopping mall match...I took the Fallen down for the one two three...And then outta nowhere comes this faggy Dee mo fo, down to hit me from behind...Seems to be the way home boy likes to play, but sorry Faggy Dee...I don't swing that way...Check it...You wanna come out andf about, lose your match to Dawn Dikewoman, and walk around here sayin it was an imposture...Yo homo...I mean bromo...Say what you want...It all ends up the same...You ain't shit but a pussy ass, no talent, shit talkin, goat lickin, camel stickin, Jockstrap smellin, son of a cock suckin bitch...But hey, why should I sit back and point out what everybody already knows...I mean, check out the "workout" ware...A blue tighty Tank top, and a red white and blue American Flag "workout" pants...I mean, what the hell is up with that...Your boy toy The Dickless Dan buy it for ya?...You wanna try and fool us into thinkin that you boys was back their chokin on some sticky greens?...I know you two faggety anns was back their chokin on somethin sticky, but I high-ly doubt it was green, if ya know what I mean...Then you come outta the back drop and say you got Ck on the main brain...Thats just wrong Dee dawg...I think you need to keep my name out your mouth before I replace it with my boot...yo...One word...ball...Second word...sweat...Oh wait I even got a third one for ya...Licker...You wanna sit back there behind the camera and say that we ain't shit...Cuz we get the titles and make the stable...Well Sorry bromo...But this stable was made way back before we even knew about MCW...Mike Johnson, A.K.A, Xstatic's new bitch...Braught Damage INC into the MCW in hopes of bringin him power and contol over MCW...even us...But thats where he went wrong...He tried to pull Damage INC's strings...And we hit him back...Now he got me set in a match against you...And heres the twister...You ready...He made it a non-title match...You see Nappy Dee...You gotta earn what you get in this fed...Listen, do yourself a flavor...Go on home and smoke down a little more...Maybe you'll get a f*uckin clue as to what the hell your doin here...

(CK stepped to the side and walked around the ring...)

CK: Now I got somethin else to bring up...I know that the unknown wrestler in those prmo's a few day's back wasn't Faggy Dee...I saw somethin in those promo's that set off a nerve...I saw two letters...A "T", and an "S"...Trade mark for The Tortured Souls...Now the first thing that came to mind...was oh shit here it comes again...But whose it gonna be this time?...Psycho Patrick, Raven, The Sandman, Corperal Pain...Who ever it was...All of the above or even all together...Damage INC is standin right here...and we ain't goin nowhere...Now I know it can't be Grimnuts...Cuz in the Fallen's Latest Promo...He was actually happy to see this person...The way I remember it was Grimstone kikced Fallen out on his ass after losing the World Title to me...But who could it be...Well to tell ya the truth I could give two shits and a fuck less who the hell you fuckin are...After my match saturday night...I want you to bring your ass to the ring...and Show yourself...Walk your goat lickin ass down to this ring...And bring it on...I'll be waitin for ya...

(Ck turns around and walked back to the center of the ring)

CK: Now lets get back to my match saturday, with Matty Dee...Now check this...I sat back and listened to your little twists and turns of my words you spit out, and I admit it was funny...Did your man the dickless dan help you out, or did you think'em all up on your own?..Matty Dee...your still one man, and your startin a war with a real army...Damage INC ain't no little boys...But say what you think you can about us to make yourself feel better...And then you go on to whine about how you don't wrestle in barbwire matches...You ain't hardcore...hardcore's for pussies...I know how to truely compete in the ring...I've been doin this for four years streight...Putting my life on the line time after time...Well get your shit straight bitch boy...You just joined up with MCW...Mid-west Championship Wrestling...And your goin face to face with a previous hardcore champion...here we're all about hardcore...and Oh hell yeah it's until the day we die...So saturday, I'm gonna Welcome your bitch ass into our world, the Barbwire match...So whine, bitch, moan and complain...I'm sure your man The Dickless Dan is already use to it by now...I don't wanna hear that shit...You just scured...Cuz you know...That I'll take everything you throw at me...Toss it up int my bong...And toke it up for all my homies out in the crowds and watchin at home...Cuz there ain't one wrestler alive..That I can't smoke!...

(the crowds begin to chant Cotton, Mouth! Cotton, Mouth!...)

(He put his index and middle finger up to his lips like he was puffin on a "Ciggarett" as he motions his opposite hand out from his mouth motioning like it was smoke as the crowd goes wild)

(As the crowds calmed down he stopped and walked to the front of the ring facing the Viewtron)

CK: Matty Dee...I know you think you got somethin to prove...So do what you think you gotta do...See you at Main events...6 days...Get ready, cuz you facin the next level in pain...And trust me...It's gonna be Damageing...

(Ck makes his way out of the ring as "lose yourself begins to play )

(He stands at the top of the ramp as the second corrus begins...but the music stops)

CK: Yo, I almost forgot...

This one goes out to my trues sittin out in the crowd
Go on home and turn the Tv up so mother f*ckin loud
Turn to this channel and watch for Matty Dee
As he steps into his next line and tries to diss me
He'll probly start off beginning or end
Sittin in the dark with his homosexual friend
Matty Dee, and his boy toy The Dan
You can say you just boys but we all know he's your man
Hold up Faggy dee here comes another thought
Run up behind me again and pray that you don't get caught
Try to take me out before I hit the ring
Cuz you know you can't handle the Cottonmouth king
But what your about to find out is the truth in my ryme
Your ain't got nowhere to run and now your outta time

This one goes out to all my trues in the crowd
Go on home and slam your TV's up so mother fuckin loud
Gather up the munchies and take up some drinks
Grab some sticky greens and make sure that it stinks
Break it out on a plate and pull out the bong
Don't listen to the homo's cuz you know that they wrong
The Whore Machine Army won't know what to say
When Dee Dawg gets his ass beat down by good ol' CK
These bitches best be getin down on their mother fuckin knees
Cuz they know they can't fuck with Ck after I've taken my weedies
So boys and girls you can go on home and step to cloud nine
Take your lighter to the bong and inhanse your mind
Start flyin high in the sky as you start to invoke
Then Smoke a toke for the guy you know that can't choke!...

(The Crowd begins to chant Cotton, Mouth! once again as he dropped the microphone to the ramp and walked backstage)

(Scene ends)

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