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Date Posted: 17:13:00 12/09/02 Mon
Author: Matty dee
Subject: The War Machines......

[A blue screen appears. Yellow letters appear in the middle of the screen.]


[the letters dissolve as the blue turns to a black one that fades in on a shot outside an office building. A voice is heard.]

BRITISH VOICE OVER: (laughing) This is different now isn’t it? Usually you are used to hearing from me in front of a plain blue screen. Will you ever see me? (pauses) Who the in the bloody hell cares? What is important is why we are here in front of this luxurious office building here in the Queen’s land, London, England. My clients, the WAR MACHINES, are inside making the deal of a lifetime. Their company NATIONAL FLARE Industries, in partnership with the law offices of THE FIRM, have had certain few employees working day and night for the past year on this plan. And finally I do believe they have come to a quite profitable conclusion. (pauses) But we need not worry about that right now, just relish in the fact that once again the War Machine Army knows something that you don’t.

[The circular front doors of the National Flare offices swings open as two men step foot out of each one. First, on the right is MATTY DEE wearing a blue, Armani business suit and a yellow tie. THE DAN ANDERSON stands to his left wearing a black sports jacket and a white t-shirt tucked into black slacks. They walk down the steps and towards the camera. Matty also carries a silver briefcase in his right hand. The reach the camera.]

=MATTY DEE= (removes his sunglasses) Ha ha! Looks like the War Machine Army just got a little bit richer, a little bit cooler, and a little bit better in the profession that we have chose to excel in!

THE DAN ANDERSON: (shakes his head and smiles) Yeah yeah, when we’re out of the gym, when we’re _OUT_ we make sure that the greenbacks still come this way. The War Machines are businessmen. We’re not to be financially f%&ked with. It would be an ugly scene.

=Md= What we’re looking at right now, is about a seventy five percent increase of the profit that rolls through National Flare Industries as a whole. And with that much money, I could take Midwest Championship Wrestling and turn it into something that I have always wanted to control. . .(pauses) but that is a whole other story.

The DA: Don’t let these idiots know quite yet Matty, talk about Saturday come on…

[Suddenly a teenage kid walks up to The War Machines.]

KID: (pointing at Matty dee) Hey you’re that guy Cottonmouth King calls “Faggy dee”.

[The Dan starts laughing at the little kid.]

=Md= Yeah I guess that’s me alright, whenever Cottonsack says around you sheep is gospel I forgot.

[he grabs the little kid by his collar, he then reaches in his pocket while The Dan continues to laugh.]

=Md= (takes out a coin) Here’s quarter you little hole, go home and watch the COTTONASS try and make fun of me some more! Then spend that quarter on a guy crazy enough to hit you with a shovel for that type of money!

[Matty then pushes the kid out of the picture and straightens his suit.]

The DA: Children. F%&k ‘em.

=Md= No doubt, Cottonmouth King, you’re mearly just a child to me. You are a tired and boring act. These people cheer for you and I know that it makes you feel good to change a few names around and blah blah blah. But the truth is, I ripped your mark ass way before you said a word about, *hmph* “Faggy Dee”. Brilliant. It takes one to know one. Just remember that, chode.

The DA: Cottoncunt, you are in no place to say _ANYTHING_ about The Dan. You’re talking to 100% PURE MILK. Are you DAMAGE INCORPORATED ‘bronies wanting a little VITAMIN _D_ in your reginment? It would be a bad idea, a _REALLY_ bad idea.

=Md= As healthy as it sounds Damage Incorporated, Vitamin D, _THE_ Dan Anderson has been in a professional ring in about two years. He is my Executive Consultant. He will not exert himself in any of my wrestling contests. So please, don’t get The Dan into this, it’ll just get more worse for you lamebrains. Like the MCW Unified World Champion CRUSHER. After Saturday Night, I’ll be the new United States Champion, I think I’ll a top, if not _THE_ top contenter for your title. You’re looking at the beginning of the end for Damage Incorporated. You’re right now looking at an intresting situation as well. It appears that just two men are going to try and fight on an army that has somewhat consumed the MCW as a whole. Imposssible?

[The Dan and Matty shake their heads.]

=Md= A cake walk is what we like to call it. Peace.

[Matty and The Dan step away from the camera as it fades to black.]

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