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Subject: ..{*}..Sigh..{*}..

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Date Posted: 13:04:31 06/29/02 Sat
In reply to: Thor 's message, ""She's....sheading."" on 09:42:34 06/29/02 Sat


..*..Just as I thought, then..*..

Gaianair sighs in show that things aren't as serious as they may appear. Rosen orixi draw closer as they observe each scabbing patch, topaz talon reaches forth to scratch one large off o' tattered hide.


Gestures humbly t'ward silken skin now revealed from it's healing encasment.

..*..She shall be fine in due time. She's a Sleeper. A Gaian dragon who's power hath never been brought forth, and therefore sleeps within her until it can no more stay hidden. It is taking her over and demands to be freed. And, of course, only a Pure such as myself can bring it out, therefore transforming her into a Hybrid, or half, Gaianair. May I ask of your permission, Jewel, to do so? It t'would end her pain and suff'ring, but she then must be trained to control her great power..by me..*..

Opaline femme awaits answere, smirk tugging at her lips playfully

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~By that time she looked dreadfully pale.~Jewel15:37:11 06/29/02 Sat

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