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Subject: ..::.>*<..::..

Gravity of Love
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Date Posted: 20:36:25 08/26/02 Mon


All my days are midnight trances,
All my nights ethereal dances,
My heart's escapade in it's romances,
All unceased by critical glances.

Ah, sitting lone 'pon an idle monolith she lay.
Her mind overflowing with myriads of thoughts and ponderings.
Her polished amethyst body, dusted by silven dapples, glimmers brightly in the light. Her short but slender tail playing in the sand, rearranging it into mountains only to be flattened.
Much like her. For before she was once on top of the world, or so she felt. Her positive and upbeat attitude and personality...smothered.
How? You may ask?
Ah, but it was all to simple a reason.
She was lonely. Alone.
Her silven prisms scanned the shore hopefully for a glimsp of her crimson friend. Her only friend. One whom seemed to actually enjoy her company, and she his.
Then she went to looking for her adoptive Mother, the only Mother she had ever known. Oh yes, she had caught a glimsp of her birthmother while she abandoned her, the damned emerald 'Ness. Though she had no earlier memories, somewhat grateful for that she was.
Her orbs then searched hoplessly for any of her siblings....long gone. Since she was but 3, they had all gone. Thus ending her hope for their return.

What was she to do now?
She was a Gaian. A Pure one infact.
Thanks to the fellow Pure, Nokomis, her suffering had passed.
Her purpline and sterling wings rustling, she lay.
Alone. All alone.

Gravity of Love,
the Spirit of Hope.

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~She sees her daughter.~Jewel11:07:48 08/28/02 Wed

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