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Subject: ~She sees her daughter.~

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Date Posted: 11:07:48 08/28/02 Wed
In reply to: Gravity of Love 's message, "..::.>*<..::.." on 20:36:25 08/26/02 Mon

~She sees her, so alone and looking so forlorn. Immeadiately, a worried expression took over her solemn face as she rushed over to Gravity. How big she had gotten was a marvel to her, seeing her daughter for the first time in months gave her great happiness though.~
Gravity? Oh, Gravity, it is you. How I have missed you, daughter of mine.
~She kneels and embraces her daughter, now a beautiful dragoness of sorts.~
I am sad to say that all of the siblings you knew are gone. I do not know where they have gone to, but I do know that they probably won't be coming back.
~A tear appears in her eye and trickles down her cheek. She mustered a weak smile for her other news though.~
I know not if you have met Druid, your brother, but he has just become an adult and has moved out of the lair. Since Cinder, Sulphur, and Ripple all left me, I wanted to care for more hatchlings. I now have four daughters living at home with me right now. The twins: Levlynn and Leila, Keaira, the eldest, and Fiona, the youngest.
~She again gets a worried look upon her face.~
I know this is a lot for you to take in all at once, because all four hatchlings are very small, not even close to being a year. Fiona is but a newborn. And I know that Cinder, Sulphur, and Ripple can never be replaced, and I know that too. But you know my love for hatchlings, Gravity. I only wanted three to begin with, but the twins were unexpected.
~Her worried expression remains, although she did not know. She was trying to tell Gravity all of the new things going on in the best and easiest way possible.~
This must all be difficult for you to understand all at once, but I know that you are a dragoness now. If you are looking for a place to stay you know that you will always find family and a home at the lair. Your new sisters will find it as a pleasant surprise. Even if you do not plan upon living with us, please visit. I miss you dearly.

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