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Date Posted: 19:06:52 08/08/01 Wed
Author: MFW
Subject: Monday Night Thriller #1

(Fireworks go off as everyone is on their feet)

Conan: Welcome to MFW!! I am your commentator, Conan Mitchells along with my co-commentator, Jeffery James. Tonight is the first ever MFW wrestling event and it will be great. We have our limited men taking each other on for gold tonight.
Jeffery: We'll have a few matches tonight because of our limited resources, but be sure that sooner or later we will have a full roster.

Xas is here and Xas should be feared!!
*Xas walks to the ring, microphone in hand. He rolls into the ring.

Xas: Welcome, one and all to MFW's Monday Night Thriller. Now there has been speculation about tonight, hell i even have competitors already and Undertaker, I open a challenge to you. Come join my wrestling and then we'll talk. On the other hand, the last few days were filled with challenges and talking but tonight we'll build on that. As for tonight, it's going to go good. If not, who ever ruins it will pay.
*Xas leaves to his music as the fans cheer.

Carson Ender walks up to Hitman.
Carson: What I said the other day was not a challenge, Hitman. Now I know you have your sights set somewhere else tonight, but i would be proud to be your manager.
*Hitman glares at Carson, then walks away.

Conan: Tonight, King who was challenged by X-Con will fight him tonight for the Intercontinental title. What a match it will be and its next.

King will prevail!!
*King makes his way to ring as the crowd goes wild

Put you on the lockdown!!
*X-Con comes to the ring in handcuffs accompanied by cops. The cops unlock the handcuffs. X-Con runs to the ring
Intercontinental Title
King -vs- X-Con
King clothelines Con right away, but Con gets right back up. King tries to sidekick him but he moves out of the way. Con grabs his leg and throws him down. Con picks him up to his feet and throws him to the corner. Con runs to hit a clothesline but King moves and Con hits the turnbuckle. Con stumbles back as King picks him up for a full nelson slam. He goes for a pin, but only gets a two count. King gets Con to his feet. King goes for another sidekick, but again Con moves. Con hits a low blow and is warned by ref, but Con gets a lock on King. King gets out of it and snapmares King. Con gets a leg drop and goes for a pin but gets a two count. Con suplexes King, but King gets out of it and finally sidekicks him. King sends Con to the corner and sets him up for the Frankensteiner, his finisher. All of a sudden, the police that had brought Con out nailed King in the head with the handcuffs, with the ref never seeing a thing. Con gets down and gets the Lockdown on King. The match ends as King taps out.

Jeffery: Oh my god!! Those police officers just won X-Con the title. That is wrong!!
Conan: Come on, King could have been watching them. Never let anyone out of your sights.
Jeffery: But anyways later tonight, we know for a fact that it will be The Hitman taking on Big TJ Mak. That should be a good one after all the trash talking that has been going. But the real story is in what happened before that fued.
Conan: That's right. Originally, TJ Mak requested a match against Shadow, another superstar on the roster, but he never accepted. What happened to him? Did he quit? No one knows. If he's seeing this, maybe he will tell us what happened.

A storm's coming!!
*Storm's music hits, with thunder and lightning flashes fill the arena. Storm comes to the ring, dressed in a black robe.

Storm: I warned everyone that a storm was coming, and no one believed me, but its the storms strike that is to be feared, it's the storm's aftermath to be afraid of. Now I have an open challenge out and until someone accepts, this storm will not be going anywhere, come friday, this storm will become furious if no one accepts the challenge and no one wants to see a furious storm.
*Lightning strikes and Storm walks out, never revealing his face from under his hood of his robe.

*Big TJ Mak is getting ready for his match in the training room when King walks in.
King: Did you see what just happened to me? Isn't that gay? I hope that doesn't happen to you, man.
TJ Mak: Don't worry, it won't!

Jeffery: Mak seems very confident about his match coming up next, maybe he has a trick up his sleeve.
Conan: Doubt it! Big guys like that don't have a thought in their mind other than more muscle enhancers and pain killers.
Jeffery: That's bull! Mak has a plan I can feel it.
Conan: Is that why challenged Hitman? Hitman is not to be messed with!! We'll see that next.

I always get the Pay Off!!
*Hitman's music hits and he comes to the ring ready to fight.

Better watch your back, for Big TJ Mak!!
*Mak makes his way to the ring as the crowd gets on their feet and screams.
All*Star Title
Big TJ Mak -vs- The Hitman
Mak starts off with a lock up, into a back body drop. Hitman tries to get up, but Mak hits a leg drop. Mak gets Hitman to his feet and picks him up for a spinebuster and then another leg drop. Mak gets him up again and pounds on his face. Mak grabs the back of his head and slams it against the turnbuckle. Mak nails Hitman in the back of the head with an elbow, sending Hitman to the mat. Mak gets on the turnbuckle and puts his hands in the air as the crowd goes wild. After a look of satisfaction, Mak goes to pick up Hitman, but Hitman sends Mak to the mat after a leg sweep. He gets on top of Mak and hits him with several right hands. Hitman gets Mak to his feet and hits a dropkick. Mak bounces on the ropes and lays on the ropes. Hitman clotheslines Mak out of the ring over the ropes. Hitman goes to the top rope and tries to hit an axe handle slam but lands right into a rockbottom. Mak nails the rockbottom on the concrete floor. Mak rolls Hitman into the ring and goes to the top rope. Mak positions himself and waits for Hitman to reach his feet. Finally Hitman gets up, but just as he turns around a man jumps the guardrail and pushes Mak off the turnbuckle. Again, the ref seeing nothing. The man runs up the ramp and waits at the top. Hitman sets Mak up and goes to the top rope. He gets the Pay Off, flyng elbow drop and pins Mak, for the three count.
*Hitman gets his title and walks up the rampway with a microphone.

Hitman: I proved your sorry ass wrong, Mak. I beat the shit out of you. I dont believe you two have met.
*Hitman looks towards the man at the top of the rampway.
Hitman: This is my good friend, Shadow.
*Hitman gives Shadow the mike.
Shadow: Ya know, Mak. I wasn't afraid to accept your challenge, it's just that Hitman wanted to be a champ. But Mak, don't worry I'm not going anywhere. Like my name, I lurked in your shadows, they dont call me Shadow for now reason. Come Friday, I want you to accept MY challenge. Friday night, cage match, no escape.

This is not a test!!
*Sirens fill the arena and Frequency comes out.
Frequency: Who do you guys think you are? Mak is the man, and I will get his revenge for him. Shadow since you wouldn't fight him, I will! Tonight, I will soften you up for Friday!!

*Frequency attacks Shadow, but Hitman comes behind him attacks him. Mak gets up and runs up the rampway and takes out Hitman. Frequency holds up Shadow as Mak slams him down on the rampway.
Jeffery: That was Shadow!! What an amazing outcome!! Hitman just got his ass beat!!
Conan: That's wrong. Hitman is a champion, he shouldn't be treated like that.

*Mak/Frequency walk into Xas's office.
Xas: Nice Mak, very nice. Since you tried so hard, on Friday in your cage match, the MFW title will be on the line.
Mak: Great, but that's not why we're here. Frequency wants to be the commisioner. He was fired from WEW and there he was the commish, and he wants to show them what they're missing.
Xas: Well in the interest of fairness, I'll have to put up for grabs, how bout tonight when you fight Shadow?
Frequency: Sounds good, let's go Mak.
Xas: Actually, in the interest of fairness, mak will stay backstage and so will Hitman if he wants to keep his title.
*Frequency gives both men a worried look as he leaves.

Jeffery: The commisionership is on the line in this match. Can Frequency pull it off and if he cant, what will it be like with Shadow?

This is not a test!!
*Sirens fill the arena as Frequency comes out. The crowd is on their feet

Lurking in the shadows!!
*Shadow comes out and runs to the ring.
MFW Commisionership
Frequency -vs- Shadow
Shadow takes out Frequency right away. Shadow gets him in between his legs and hits a piledriver. Shadow picks him up and goes for another but this time Frequency throws Shadow over his shoulders. Frequency then dropkicks Shadow sending outside the ring through the ropes. Frequency jumps over the top rope and leg drops Shadow on the outside! After both men are down for awhile, Frequency fights Shadow over to the announcer's table. He throws Shadow onto the table and grabs a mike. He climbs on the table.
Frequency: Now everyone can withness the pain!!! No one beats on Mak! And no one gets in my -

He's interupted by Shane O Mac, the owner of WEW, who attacks him from behind. Shane O grabs a mike.
Shane O Mac: I fired you for a reason!! So you wouldn't have to bother these people ever again!! You just plain suck, Freq!! No one likes you!!

Better watch your back, for Big TJ Mak
Mak comes out mike in hand.
Mak: Leave him alone!! You have no business being here.
Shane O Mac: That's not for you to decide, Big Mak. I liked you! Now you have to ruin this? For what? This little weiner? Ha!
Mak: I said leave him alone!!
Shane O Mac: I don't think so

Just then Hitman attacked Mak from behind. Shane just laughed and continued the assault. He threw Frequency to Shadow. Shadow hit the Widow Maker on Frequency throw the announcer's table.

Xas is here and Xas should be feared!!
Xas comes out and has a mike.
Xas: You're not athorized to be here, Shane O! I suggest you leave before I make you!!

He's here! Dead man walking!
A man on a motorcycle comes out and almost runs down Xas. He drives around the battered down Mak and then past Shane and Shadow. He gets off his bike and gets in the ring. He gets a mike.
Bike Man: Xas, I believe you know me. The names Undertaker!! That's right, but as you said at the top of the hour, its false. I'm not your competitor. Shane is!! Tonight, we're giving you a warning!! Tonight is just that!! You give us all the superstars in your wrestling and retire or else we start taking people out. We'll give till Friday night, but this is are warning.

Shadow throws Frequency into the ring. Shane, Shadow, and Hitman all join Undertaker in the ring. Undertaker orders all three to each get him a table. The three get out and get three tables. Undertaker has them stack the three up. They set up the table, until there are three tables on each other. Undertaker then requests a ladder. Hitman gets him a ladder and they set that up. Undertaker carries Frequency up the ladder with him. Taker sets him between his legs and lifts him up for the Last Ride. Hitman and Shadow stand in the way as Xas runs down to try to save him. Hitman and Shadow just hold him as he watches his own man get a Last Ride through three tables. Taker climbs down the ladder.

Undertaker: That's your warning!! Next time it could be you!! So we have a deal? Give to us!!
Xas: (sadly) I'll think about it!!
Undertaker: Good! I don't want to have to warn you again!!

Hitman and Shadow let Xas go. Xas runs over to Frequency. Undertaker gets on his bike and rides out. Shane, Hitman, and Shadow all walk away with their hands raised.
~End Of Show~

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