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Date Posted: 19:08:22 08/08/01 Wed
Author: MFW
Subject: Friday Fight Night #1

(Fireworks go off in every direction as Friday Fight Night appears on the titan tron. Heavy metal music blares over the speakers)

Jeffery~ Well come to MFW's Friday Fight Night!! The first ever on Friday night!! If Monday's show is any indication of what might happen tonight, you should get everyone here seeing. Can you believe, Xas has competitors already. But he's laid out his plan for what he's doing. Also, I've heard resently that seen that WEW is out of business. They just say they don't have time, but they're out of business. That's why they're here, because they know they're going down and they want to take MFW with
Conan~ You can't prove that!!

He's Here!! Dead Man Walking!!
*Undertaker comes down the rampway on his motorcycle. Then circles the ring as the crowd booes him. Undertaker gets into the ring and asks for a microphone.

Undertaker~ Now, I'm gonna get straight to the point. Xas!! Get out here and give me your answer or your deathwish!! (Taker pauses and waits for a response) Come on!! I don't have all day!! Well, while I'm waiting, you are all probably wondering why Shane O Mac isnt with me. Well he had --

This is not a test!
*Sirens go off and Frequency walks onto the rampway staring at Undertaker. The sirens stop and he waits for the crowd to stop cheering.

Frequency~ Taker, no one cares where Shane is, no one cares about your problems!! All they care about is MFW and if you think that you can just come in here and take away from us, then you're very wrong!! As commish, I think I should put you in a match, but not tonight, come Monday, you can be me and my tag team partners opponents, for the tag titles! If you win, you get our, one and only, tag team titles. If we win, you leave!

Undertaker~ I didn't come here to make deals!! It's my way or the highway, but I accept your challenge. I'll put you through a dozen tables if that's what it takes!! But tonight I believe you're fighting my good friend tonight, Hitman! And I believe, he has an announcement of his own. But it's a different announcement than you think. (Undertaker says pointing in the direction of behind Frequency)

*Frequency turns around to be blindsided by Hitman, armed with a chair. Hitman continues to nail him until Undertaker gets on his bike and drives past Hitman. Hitman yells and walks back to the backstage area.

*Slacker is lifting weights when Capital P walks in. Capital P puts his hands around the weights and chokes Slacker with them. Slacker's faces starts to turn purple.

Capital P~ Listen, I'm the big man in the MFW and no one hits me with a chair! After tonight, you're gonna wish you would have stayed at home and played with the little kids, then to step into my turf! Table match tonight, I will show you what happens when someone steps on my turf.

*Slacker pushes the weights off him as Capital P walks out of the weight room. Slacker has an angry look on his face, but then starts to smile and evil smile.

Jeffery~ I can't wait for this. The main event tonight!! Big TJ Mak with the first ever tag team against Shadow with Taker, Shane, and Hitman in a cage for the MFW title. The stakes couldn't be any higher!
Conan~ Bet they could! I could think of how they could be higher! It could be for the MFW ownership! That would make the stakes higher!
Jeffery~ Anyway, tonight is going to filled with explosive firsts. We'll have our first table match, our first ladder match, and our first cage match. Also, we'll hear from Carson Ender on the subject of Xas.

*TJ Mak walks up to Xas backstage.
Big TJ Mak~ Xas, I need you at ringside tonight!! You're the man, please!!
Xas~ Maybe, I have to get ahold of this masked man. I have something important to talk about!
*Xas walks away with Mak giving hima strange look.

Jeffery~ Why does Xas want to talk to the Masked Man so badly?? Who is the masked man??
All*Star Title
Frequency vs. The Hitman
I Always Get The Pay Off!!
*"#1 Stunna" by Big Tymers plays and Hitman comes out raising his All Star in the air. The crowd booed, but he continues to show off the title.

This is not a test!
*Sirens go off, but you can barely hear them over the cheering of the fans. Soon, Frequency runs out, sporting new wrestling uniform. Yellow and black tights with letters spelling Frequency down the leg.

The match starts with Hitman jumping at Frequency with the title. Frequency ducked and the title flew to the outside. Frequency gets a neckbreaker on Hitman landing them both to the mat. They both get up and Frequency clotheslines Hitman down. He puts Hitman between his legs and lifts him up for a powerbomb. He nails it and then hits an elbow drop. Shanes then seen walking down the rampway. Frequency warns Shane, but that doesn't stop him. Then Hitman hits a low blow and scoops Frequency up for a pin. Hitman gets a 2 count. Shane makes his way to the stairs. Hitman looks toward him. Hitman picks up Frequency and whips him to the corner, where Shane is standing. Shane removes his hands from behind his back to reveal a baseball bat. He tosses it to Hitman when TJ runs full speed down to the ring. TJ tackles Shane off the stares and about 10 feet from them. Hitman looks with worry, but then swings around and clotheslines Frequency with the bat. Slacker then runs full speed down to the ring and slides in. Slacker dropkicks the bat into Hitman's head. Slacker goes to the top rope and goes for the 5 Star Frog Splash, but Hitman gets ahold of the bat and nails Slacker on his way down. Mak comes from behind and hits the superkick. Frequency rolls up Hitman and gets the three count.
* Frequency grabs the title and he and Mak celebrate. Frequency goes to look at Slacker but Mak gets in the way and they leave Slacker sprawled out in the ring.

*Almost the whole roster is in the locker room trash talking one another. Trem, Carson, Capital P, Great White Shark, X-Con. Just then Xas walks in with an angry look.
Xas~Will you all shut the hell up!?!?!

*Everyone quits down and looks at Xas.
Xas: Listen, if you all like to challenge each other, then you all can be in a TLC match!! Trem, Carson, Capital P, X-Con, and Great White Shark, you'll all be in that match TONIGHT! Hell, why don't we throw in Slacker, and hell why not the masked man!!!!

*Xas walks out as the all the people start trash talking again.

Jeffery: My god!! What match that will be!! Can you believe it? Half the roster almost in a first ever Tables, Ladders, & Chairs match! And it's next!!
Intercontinental Title - TLC Match - Elimination Match
Capital P vs. Carson Ender vs. Great White Shark vs. Slacker vs. Trem vs. Masked Man vs. X-Con
I'm the whole f***ing show!!
"Fearless"by ICP hits the speakers and Slacker comes out limping and holding his stomach from the massive beating he had just taken.

*"Smooth Criminal" by Alien Ant Farm plays as the arena goes black. The lights come back on and in the middle of the ring stands a man dressed in complete black clothes and mask. He attacks Slacker with great agility. The masked man chokes at Slacker.

*A "P" appears on the titan tron and Capital P runs to the ring, but the masked man takes him out right away. Capital P, was also sporting wrestling uniform, He was wearing white tights with black tiger strips on it and the letter P on his shirt.

*Great White Shark runs to the ring with no music with a table in hand. He sets up the table and gets in the ring. The masked man takes him down too. The masked man now works on three men and keeps them all down with right and left hands.

*Trem runs to the ring with no music also. He slides into the ring and gets stomped down by the masked man.

*Right away, Carson Ender comes down to the ring to censor music. The masked man easily takes out Ender right away,

*X-Con comes out without the police and dropkicks the masked man, but the masked man chokes him out as X-Con taps out as the bells ring, eliminating X-Con.

The masked man keeps all the other men down. The masked man delivers a big boot to Ender. He picks Ender up and delivers a tombstone piledriver. He pounds on Ender's face as Capital P dropkicks the masked man outside the ring. Trem goes to the top rope and goes for a missle dropkick but gets a chair to the gut. Capital P picks up Ender and slams his head against the turnbuckle. Capital P picks Ender up for the for the Outsider's edge and slams him down. Capital P hold him like that to get the three count to eliminate him. Trem then slams a chair across Capital P's head. Capital P falls down, but comes back with a spear. Capital P then pins him for the three count. Great White Shark gets back up and goes for a huricanrana on Capital P. Great White hits it but Capital P rolls onto his feet. Great White celebrates, but gets lifted up by Capital P with both hands. Capital P takes a running start and launches Great White through the table he had set up at the start of the match. Capital P went to the top rope and went for a splash. He hit it and pinned him on the outside. A little dizzy, Capital P picks himself up. What he didn't notice was that the masked man and Slacker had snuck up next to him and they both had chairs!! They both wound up, but Capital P ducked and the two chairs hit. Both men dropped the chairs, as Capital P took both men by the head and slammed both of them together. He rolled both men into the ring. Capital P picked Slacker up for the Baldo Bomb. He goes for the pin, but the masked man missle dropkicks Capital P. Capital P gets up to a superkick. The masked man hits the Impaler and gets the three count on him. Slacker rolled out of the ring and removed the smaller ladders. He pushed it in the ring, but right into the hands on the masked man. The masked man slammed the ladder against Slacker's head as he tried to get back into the ring. Slacker fell to the hard floor. The masked man takes the ladder outside the ring and set it up. He then got a table out and set it next to the ladder. He laid Slacker on the table. The masked man climbed the ladder and got ready to put him through it. Then from the crowd came Natural Disaster. ND pushed the ladder forward as Slacker moved out of the way and the masked man goes straight threw the table. Slacker climbs to the top rope and hits the 5 Star Frog Splash to the outside, onto the masked man. Slacker picked up the three count as he watches ND walk up the rampway smiling with satisfaction.

Jeffery~ Oh my god!! What a match!! And that was just the second one!! We still don't know who the masked man is, but he almost won the IC title right there. He beat the IC champ right at the start.
Conan~ He should be the champion! If it wasnt for that bastard, Natural Disaster, the masked man would have won!!
Jeffery~ But did you notice Frequency didn't come to help Slacker?? I wonder what this means!

*Frequency is in his office getting bandaged up. Then Slacker walks in.
Slacker~ I did it, Frequency. Now we can be partners, we'll have double gold after we get the tag titles!! What do you say??
Frequency~ That's great and all, but I wanna see what Mak can do later. If he loses his match tonight, I wouldn't to feel weird as me having gold and him not having it, so if he loses we'll be partners, Slacker, but if he wins, I'll have to have you two fight for the right of my partnership at Blockbuster.

Jeffery~ What would that match be like?? It would be IC champ versus MFWchamp for the right to Frequency's partnership. That would be great! But next will be a fourway ladder match!!
European Title - Ladder Match
Storm vs. Natural Disaster vs. King vs. Gemini
*Lightining flashes and thunder sounds over the speaker. A radio report can be heard in the background which says: "A storm is coming! Oh my god! It's here!! Take cover!! No one will survive this!!" Then static comes in replace of the talking. Then a loud "Boom!" as fireworks come from the rafters like lightning. Then wind can be felt through the whole arena. Then a huge flash of lightning looking fireworks strikes and Storm appears in the ring. The crowd gets used to the light and doesn't know what to think, but "that was awesome!!"
*"Purple Hills" by D12 plays and Natural Disaster comes out to a cheer for once. ND takes off his MFW shirt and throws it into the crowd. He runs to the ring and slides in but gets stomped by storm.

*"Full Nelson" by Limp Bizkit rings through the arena and King runs out to the ring with a ladder in hand and the advantage, since he was the only man in this match that had actually been in a match already.

*A photo of the arena rafters appears on the titan tron. Then Gemini comes to the ring, with no women. The match begins.

Storm tears at ND as King launches at Gemini. The European title stay hanging above the ring, dangling back and forth. King delivers a huricanrana to Gemini, sending him face first into the ladder. King moves fast, springing now at Storm. Storm catches King in the air and hits a over the head belly to belly suplex. This gives just enough time for ND to recover and to attack Storm from behind. Gemini gets up and goes to set up the ladder, but ND dropkicks the ladder into his face, sending Gemini over the top rope and taking the ladder with him. He lands with a big crash on the floor and the ladder landing on him. King gets up but gets a clothesline right away from ND. ND goes to the outside (opposite side of Gemini) and goes under the ring. King rolls out of the ring to the side toward the enterance and goes under the ring also. King goes in the ring with the tallest ladder and ND gets in the ring with a medium ladder. King sets up the ladder under the hanging title and ND sets up his ladder next to the other. King starts to climb when Storm puts King on his shoulder. Storm walks with him on his shoulders and then grabs his legs and hits an eletric chairslam. ND continues climbing. Storm pushes the ladder and sends ND over the top rope landing on his knees with a thump on the floor. Storm starts climbing the extisting ladder. Gemini gets in the ring with his ladder and smacks Storm over the back with his ladder. Storm falls and goes over the top rope. He lands on his back. Gemini sets up his ladder which is smaller then the tallest. Just then a crazed fan dressed as a clown runs in the ring. He runs up the tallest ladder and gets a huricanrana off the top of the ladder sending Gemini into the outside of the ring. The fan/clown puts King on his shoulders and helps him up the tallest ladder. King unlatches the title and holds it in the air as he celebrates. The fan/clown runs out of the ring and into the crowd as secruity runs him down.

Jeffery~ Oh my god!! It just keeps getting better!!
Conan~ You know what, that was sad!! Natural Disaster deserves to be that champion!! This is an outrage!!
Jeffery~ We only have one match left!! A cage match for the MFW title!! If Mak wins, then Frequency says that Mak and Slacker will have to fight at Blockbuster. But Mak is gonna have to go through Shadow!!

*Xas is shown talking to the masked man.
Xas:Good! Thanks man!
*Xas walks away from him, as Mak approached him.
Big TJ Mak~ Hey man! You coming to ringside with me. Frequency's coming, but I lost Slacker, now they have two more men then me.
Xas~ Sorry man, got work to do, but good luck. You're the man! See ya!
*Xas says as he walks away. TJ gives him a worried look and goes in search of Frequency.

Jeffery~ That means Mak is coming to the ring with alone , while Shadow has three men!!
MFW Title - Cage Match
Big TJ Mak vs. Shadow w/Taker, Shane, & Hitman
Lurking in the shadows!!
*"Dragula" by Rob Zombie plays as Shadow comes to the ring. Followed by Shane & Hitman. They walk down and let Shadow get in the ring.
He's Here!! Dead Man Walking!!
*"Rollin" by Limp Bizkit plays and out comes Undertaker on his motorcycle. He circles the ring and parks it. They start to lower the cage as Taker, Shane, and Hitman watch from outside the ring.

Jeffery: This isn't right!! TJ has to get through these guys to get in the cage!!
The cage is lowered all the way and Hitman, Shane, & Undertaker line up in front of the enterance.

Watch your back, for Big TJ Mak!!
*"Break Stuff" by Limp Bizkit plays and everything is still. The music plays and plays, but no one comes out. Just then inside the ring and the cage, TJ Mak busts through the mat of the ring behind Shadow!!!

The three men outside the ring turn around and watch the fight, cheering on Shadow. Shadow and Mak exchange right hands, but Mak over powers Shadow and gets him to the corner. Mak does shoulder thrusts into Shadow's gut! Mak whips Shadow into the other corner. Shadow goes to kick, but Mak catches his leg. Shadow swings his other leg around and hits the enziguri. Shadow picks him up for a suplex. Shadow gets a headlock and starts to climb the cage. Hitman races up the cage and puts a hand over for Shadow. Shadow grabs Hitman's arm and Hitman starts to pull Shadow over. Mak grabs Shadow's leg and pulls. Hitman and Mak fight over who can pull harder and in the end, Mak pulls Shadow down and also pulls Hitman over. Hitman lands in Mak's hole in the mat. Mak clotheslines Shadow and gets his legs ready to launch him. He lauches Shadow into the cage and Shadow starts to bleed. Mak repeats the launching twice more. Mak sets up Shadow on the turnbuckle and goes for a superplex, but Shadow kicks Mak off. Shadow signals for Shane. Shane climbs the cage. Shane gets up and goes for a flying elbow drop and hits it. They both signal for Undertaker. Undertaker opens the side door and wails on Mak. Undertaker signals for the chokeslam. Undertaker hits the chokeslam and then gets Mak up for the Last Ride. Undertaker hits the Last Ride. Shadow then gets ready for the Widow Maker. Hitman climbs out and tells him to wait. Hitman signals toward the titan tron.
I'm the whole f***ing show!!
"Fearless" by ICP hits the speakers and Slacker walks out with a sledgehammer in hand. He goes inside the ring, through the cage door and goes straight to Mak. He lifts the sledgehammer up and brings it wailing down on Mak. Mak twinges with pain and coughs up blood. Slacker winds up again and brings it down on Mak's ribs. Then Slacker tells them to pick him up. Hitman and Shadow lift him up, one on each side. Slacker swings it back like a baseball bat and goes to swing it at Mak, but Mak ducks and Slacker takes out Hitman & Shadow. They both fall straight to the mat twinging with pain. Mak spears Slacker, who drops the sledgehammer. Mak then launches him into the cage. Mak gets the sledgehammer and winds it up to hit Slacker, but Taker grabs it. Mak tries to pull back but he won't let go, so instead of pulling it, he pushes the sledgehammer at Taker, who turns around hold his nose. Then Mak takes the sledgehammer and from behind hits Taker's crotch. Taker falls to the mat. Shane who had worked his way to the top of the cage, does a flying elbow drop onto Mak! Mak drops the sledgehammer. Shane wails on Mak. As soon as Mak recovers from the elbow drop, he spears Shane. Mak gets the sledgehammer and climbs to the top of the cage. He brings the sledgehammer above his head wiht both hands and jumps all the way down, wailing Slacker in the stomach with the sledgehammer. Mak goes to the top rope, as Shadow gets up. Mak hits the Iron Arm on Shadow and picks up the sledgehammer. He then sees that Shane is outside and is locking the cage door. Mak walks to the door, which is chained shut and locked, and swings the sledgehammer at the door. The door bends a little and Mak continues it again and again until the door busts off it's hinges. Mak chases Shane with the sledgehammer, not noticing he won the match. Mak threw the sledgehammer at Shane. The sledgehammer fell about 3 ft short and left sparks as it hit.
Mak goes back and gets his title. Mak climbs the cage with it and holds it in the air, Rock style, as the crowd gives Mak the biggest ovation of the night.
~End of Show~

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