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Date Posted: 08:01:57 08/11/01 Sat
Author: MFW
Subject: Friday Fight Night #3

(Fireworks go off everywhere, as "Hashpipe" by Weezer plays. The crowd gets on their feet, knowing this is the last event until Sunday's Blockbuster)

Jason: Welcome to Friday Fight Night!! We are back to Friday now, and boy, I'm getting ansy. Blockbuster is just three days away!! Remember to also join us in the Sunday Night Reclaimed presentation before Blockbuster. Sunday Night Reclaimed will come to you at 9 o'clock pm, on Sunday night live! Blockbuster will be presented at 10 o'clock and if you miss it, then you will miss everything that MFW stands for. Conan is currently backstage searching for someone, god knows who! But the show must go on.

*A big roadster is pulling up into the dark parking lot, but then it rolls into the light area and it reveals Hitman in the front seat. He pulls into another dark area and kills the engine. He sits in his car just staring.

*Shadow is seen pacing in his locker room. He is holding a dart. He turns around and throws the dart as hard as he can and it goes straight through the wall. Shadow peaks through the hole and he sees a shower room.

Jason: Oh my! Hitman has just arrived and seems to be waiting, but why is Shadow here tonight?! He doesn't even have a match.
Intercontinental Title
Slacker vs. Gemini
*"Fearless" by ICP plays as Slacker comes out to the ring. The crowd goes wild as Slacker returns to the ring after his leave.
*"Big Pimpin" by Jay Z plays as Gemini comes out with his IC title belt, but without Jamie. Gemini has a puzzled look and seems to be looking around.

With Gemini looking around Slacker attacks him from behind. Slacker whips him to the ropes and then hits a clothesline. Slacker then picks up Gemini for a suplex, but Gemini reverses it and hits a suplex on him. Gemini drags him to the ropes and chokes him with the bottom rope. The referee forces him away from Slacker. Slacker starts to crawl, but Gemini dropkicks him and he rolls out of the ring. He gets to his feet as Gemini runs at the ropes, and leaps over onto Slacker. Gemini rolls Slacker back in the ring and goes to the top rope. He goes for a leg drop, but Slacker moves. Slacker hits a spinning heal kick as Gemini sits up. Slacker picks Gemini up for an inverted DDT. He hits it and poses to the crowd. Gemini staggers up and Slacker hits a spear. After the spear, he goes to the top rope and signals for the 5 Star Frig Splash. He leaps down onto Gemini, but Gemini gets his knees up. He rolls up Slacker. 1,2,NO!!! Somehow Slacker gets his shoulder up. Gemini kneels on the mat in amazement. He gets Slacker to his feet and whips him into the ropes. Slacker is thrown over Gemini's shoulder, but Slacker lands on his feet, and hits a neckbreaker. They both lay on the mat as the ref starts his count.! At 7, Gemini and Slacker start to rise. Slacker runs and hits a running bulldog. He then hits a back body drop on Gemini. He goes to the top rope once more. Just then out of nowhere, Gemini makes Slacker fall. Gemini hits a superplex and then goes for the Planet Aligner. He nails it and goes for the pin. 1,2,NO!!! Again, Slacker kicks out. Even more amazed, Gemini wails on Slacker with right hands. Then goes for another pin. 1,2,NO!!! Again, Slacker gets his shoulders up. Gemini rolls out of the ring and gets a chair. He brings it in the ring. The referee tries to stop him, but Gemini wails the ref with it. Gemini wails on Slacker with the chair until he feels satisfied. He then continues wailing him with the chair. Gemini rolls out of the ring and gets his title. He gets back in the ring and shoves his title in Slacker's face. Just then, Dreamer in a referee's shirt runs to the ring and hits the Dreamer Drop on Gemini. He puts Slacker on top of Gemini and makes the count. 1,2,3!!
*Dreamer grabs the IC title and gives it to Slacker. Slacker with a dazed look takes the title and rolls out of the ring and staggers to the backstage.

Jason: My god!!! Dreamer just costed Gemini his IC title plus his shot at the title at Blockbuster!! Now the stakes for the main event at Blockbuster just got rose to the limits!!

*Jamie James is seen in her locker room with Conan! Conan has his arm around her, and they go to kiss when the door flies open and Gemini walks in.
Gemini: Where were you bitch!!! You costed me the IC title belt. I was worried sick about you!
Conan: Hey man lighten up!
Gemini: Get out!
Conan: Hey I'm wanted here, maybe you should get out!
*Gemini gives Conan an angry glare then grabs him and throws him out of the locker room.
Jamie: I'm so sorry, baby! Let me make it up to you.
Gemini: How??
Jamie: Well first all go get your title back, and then I'll have a suprise for you. Just wait, you'll see.

Jason: Well maybe Conan will come out here and do his job!!
Tag Team Titles
No Disqualifaction
King & Napalm vs. Storm & Dreamer
*Thunder Dreamer plays as the strobe lights go off, as lightning and thunder accompany it. Storm and Dreamer come out and get in the ring.
*"Full Nelson" by Limp Bizkit plays as King and Napalm come out. King and Napalm slide into the ring, but get kicked down.
Storm gets King up to his feet as Napalm and Dreamer brawl to the outside. Napalm goes for a clothesline, but Dreamer gets a sleeper hold. King gets a snapmare on Storm and then a leg drop. King gets Storm to his feet and hits a huricanrana. Dreamer and Napalm wrestle outside as King jumps the top rope and lands on the two below. Napalm gets on the guard rail and runs it until he gets to the end and hits a flying clothesline on Dreamer as he gets up. King gets on the apron to try to hit a huricanrana on Dreamer below, but Storm hip tosses King into the ring. Napalm goes under the ring and grabs a ladder. He sets it up and climbs to the top, but Dreamer gets up and climbs the otherside. Storm whips King through the ropes and King hits the ladder sending both Napalm and Dreamer into the crowd over the guard rail. Storm goes outside the ring and sets up the ladder. Storm goes under the ring and gets a table. He sets up the table and sets King on it. Storm climbs to the top of the ladder, when Capital P runs in from the crowd. Capital P has a chair and hits Storm with it. Storm falls onto the top of the ladder, stomavch first. King climbs the ladder and hits a Frankensteiner off the ladder through the table. Gemini runs down the rampway and jumps the guard rail and attacks Dreamer as Capital P walks up the rampway laughing. Gemini throws Dreamer over the guardrail and gets over too. Gemini goes under the ring and sets up a table right over King and Storm. Gemini sets Dreamer up on the table and climbs onto the apron. Gemini then goes for the Planet Aligner off the ropes, but Storm moves the table with Dreamer still on it. Gemini lands on King and Storm on the ground as Napalm comes over the guardrail. He climbs the ladder and hits a swanton bomb off the top of the ladder onto Dreamer through a table. Napalm rolls Dreamer into the ring and hits the Napalm Death. He goes for the pin. 1,2,3!!!
*Napalm grabs both titles, when ND runs down followed by X-Con. ND and X-Con attack Napalm. They wail on him with right hands and then start to kick on him. ND then clotheslines X-Con and walks up the rampway.

Jason: That match was amazing!! Conan still is not down here though! Where the hell did he go now?!?

*Xas is pacing in front of the new window of his door. Big Mak walks by and Xas calls him over.
Xas: Mak, I need to speak to you.
Mak: What about boss?
Xas: I don't want anyone to hear this.
*Mak goes into the office and Xas looks around and closes the door.

*The camera shows Shadow in his locker room. Noises can be heard in the shower room. Shadow walks to the hole in the wall and looks through. Inside, Conan and Jamie are making out. Jamie's leg is held up in Conan's hand. Right when Conan unbuttons her blouse, the camera switches back to Jason.

Jason: Well, we found out were Conan is, and all I have to say is: Go Conan!!!!

*A car rolls into the building and drives toward the ring area, almost taking out several officials and ND. The camera reveals Frequency in the car. He drives to an opening where you can see fans and light.

This is not a test!!! Sirens go off as the car rolls into the ring area. It pulls up the ring and a the engine dies. Frequency gets out wearing a racing uniform, with helmet and eveything. On his car, the hood says Frequency and on the sides, on the doors it says Commish on both sides. Frequency gets a microphone as the music quits.
Frequency: Now listen up!! Hitman, I waited in the parking lot for you all night!! Now Hitman, let's do this thing right here, right now.
Click Click Boom!! "Breakdown" by Tantric plays as Xas drives out in Hitman's car. He stops on the top of the ramp and then puts the pedal to the metal and races down the ramp. He smacks into Frequency's car, shaking the ring as the car bumps against it. Xas leans out the window wearing racing gear also. He already has a microphone.
Xas: Listen up, Frequency! Hitman isnt here anymore, he showed up and I took over for him. Now listen Frequency. That leather strap match would be fun, but a demolition match would be even better!!! Come Blockbuster, I'll show you the kinda man I am!! As for Hitman....

*Behind Frequency, Hitman slides in the ring with a strap. He whips Frequency with it, sending him to the ground. Hitman chokes and pulls on the strap on Frequency's neck. Xas puts the car in reverse and squeals out of the ringside area, to the backstage. Frequency soon battled away from Hitman. He then hits a suplex on Hitman. Just then down the rampway came a huge monster truck. The truck runs do Frequency's car and then backs up over it. The engine to the truck dies as the door swings open and out comes Big Mak!!! Big Mak gets in the ring and Hitman pushes Frequency into him. Big Mak then hits a Mak Bottom on Frequency!! Big Mak then gets back into his truck and drives away.

Jason: Why?!?! Why Mak why?? Why did he do that?

*Mak parks the truck and gets out. Just then he is blindsided by Nugent!! Nugent attacks Mak and then gets in Mak's truck and starts to drive. Right away he puts the pedal to the metal and rams straight into a wall. The truck begins to smoke as Nugent open the door and gets out.
Nugent: Not so pretty!

Non-title match-up
Nugent vs. Big Mak
*Calling all freaks!! "Name Of The Game" byCrystal Method plays as Nugent staggers down the ramp. Frequency is still lying in the ring, along with the crunched car outside the ring. Nugent stops by the crushed car and looks around it.
Nugent: Frequency?? Are you in there?
*You can clearly see Frequency lying in the ring but Nugent continues to worry.
Nugent: Freqissioncy, you on there??? Raise your hand if you hear me!! Freakysee?? Calling all freaks?? NUGENNNNNT!
*Mak Daddy in the house, watch yo' back!! Big Mak runs down the ramp and starts to beat on Nugent. He rolls Nugent into the ring next to Frequency. Big Mak then gets in the ring.
Big Mak kicks Nugent and Frequency while they are down. Slacker then runs down to the ring. Slacker and Mak have a stare down in the ring. They continue to look face to face as Frequency staggers to his feet. Just then, they both start to beat on Frequency. They kick him and punch him. Big Mak hits the Mak Bottom as Slacker goes up for the 5 Star Frog Splash. He hits it as Xas runs down to the ring. Xas spears down Slacker and beats on him. Big Mak continues to beat on Frequency. Big Mak then goes to the top rope as Frequency is staggering again. Big Mak hits the Iron Arm and then beats on Frequency more. Xas the hits the Chopping Block on Slacker, hanging him on the top rope. Out of nowhere, Nugent hits the Gore and then the Nugentizer. Nugent then hits the Gore on Xas and then the Nugentizer. Nugent clotheslines Xas out of the ring and kicks both Slacker and Frequency out of the ring. Nugent then pins Big Mak. 1,2,3!!!!
*Nugent goes under the ring and goes all the way under. He comes out the other end with a pet taxi and a piece of cut paper. He rolls in the ring and opens the pet taxi with the name EGG on it in crayon. He then gets on the ropes and poses with his paper shaped like an MFW belt, except on white paper and written on with crayon, saying NUGENT WOURLD ORDO, NWO CHAMPON. He holds up the paper title and cradles the dog in his arm as the show goes off the air, leading to Blockbuster.

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