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Date Posted: 19:22:03 08/08/01 Wed
Author: MFW
Subject: Monday Night Thriller #3

(Fireworks go off in every direction as the first ever sold out crowd screams for the 5 star rating MFW!! A new ring is set up. On the apron, it says Tuesday Night Thriller. "Hashpipe" by Weezer plays as an intro)

Conan: Welcome to the 5 star rating, MFW itself. Wondering why I say that? Well the results are in and the MFW is at the highest!! A 5 Star rating. But before we get on with the show, we have a live telecast scheduled with Slacker, plus one with Xas later on. Let's all focus on the ovaltron.

*On the screen appears Slacker, standing in a small room.
Slacker: Now, I can't be there tonight, but don't you worry, Slacker's presence can still be felt. I'm off doing a role for a movie, and will be back in the near future. Do you worry, I will be back for Blockbuster. I just wanted to come and tell everyone, that after I return, the shit will hit the fan and I will prove why they made this a 5 star rating, because as you know, my finisher is the 5 star frog splash. Frequency, give him hell tonight. Big Mak, I have a word of advice: Get ready, and just bring it!!

Jeffery: Strong words from a strong man. Tonight, as we heard him mention, the main event will be Frequency versus Big Mak for the MFW title. Mak could win back his title!
Conan: But also tonight, my EX-favorite wrestler will take on X-Con. (Conan giggles). Natural Disaster sold out, he quit, got beat the hell up, and then got sent on his ways, but then he came crawling back, so now my favorite wrestler is Jamie James. Though she hasn't wrestled, I have met her personaly.
Jeffery: Well, our first combatants are ready.

Tag Team Titles
Storm/Dreamer vs. King/Napalm
*Lightning flashes and thunder sounds over the speakers. A radio report can be heard in the background which says: "A storm is coming! Oh my god! It's here!! Take cover!! No one will survive this!!" Then static comes in place of the talking. Just there's a loud "Boom!" as fireworks come from the rafters like lightning. Then wind can be felt through the whole arena. Then a huges flash of lightning looking fireworks strikes as Storm appears in the ring. Immediately after the strike, thunder dreamer plays as Dreamer comes to the ring with lights flashing like dance lights, seeing Dreamer just once and awhile.
*"Full Nelson" by Limp Bizkit plays as King comes out to the ring with Napalm, both wearing titles around their waist. They run down to the ring and the match begins.

King hits a spinning legkick onto Dreamer to start things off. Storm attacks Napalm with right hands. The ref gets the teams to their corners while King and Dreamer keep on fighting. King hits a suplex and then a belly to belly suplex. He goes for a German suplex, but Dreamer catches him with an elbow to the head. Dreamer gets a snapmare, and then a leg drop. Dreamer tags in Storm and they hit a double suplex. Storm then gets King to his feet and whips him to the corner. He gives him right hands and knife end chops. Napalm hangs over the ropes, trying to get King to tag him. Storm runs over and clotheslines him off the apron. King comes from behind with a dropkick. Dreamer gets to the top rope and when King turns around, Dreamer hits a flying clothesline. Dreamer then dropkicks Napalm off the apron again and then tags himself in. Dreamer picks up King for a scoop slam as Storm rolls out of the ring. Dreamer hits a full nelson slam and gets in a moonsault off the second rope. Napalm gets into the ring and goes for a spear, but Dreamer moves and Napalm spears King. Napalm relizes what he did, but gets a neckbreaker from Dreamer. Dreamer goes for a pin and the ref counts since Napalm had made contact with King and that spear. 1,2, NO!! King kicks Dreamer in the head with both feet. Storm then gets in the ring as King sets Dreamer up for the twist of fate. Storm goes for a spear and connects, but with Dreamer lying motionless Napalm goes to the top rope and hits the swanton bomb. Napalm gets the pin. 1,2, NO!! Storm picks up Napalm and goes for Code Red. He grabs Napalm around the neck and lifts him up, then slams him back down. Out of nowhere, King wails on Storm from behind with a chair for the DQ.
*King wails on Storm with the chair and starts on Dreamer. When he feels satisfied, he gets Napalm to his feet and hands him his title. They celebrate to Dreamer's music and then leave.

Conan: What a match!! But that damn King cheated just so he could retain his title!
Jeffery: Yes, I definately think that Storm and Dreamer got cheated out of a win.

*Big Mak is sitting back in his chair, stretching. He starts to mumble to himself.
Big Mak: God it feels good to not be bothered tonight.
*He closes his eyes when there's a knock on the door. He gets up angerily and opens the door. It's a fan holding a piece of paper.
Fan: Can I have your autograph??
*Big Mak gives him a glare and slams the door so hard it cracks. Outside the door, the fan lay on the ground, moaning. Big Mak sits back down and smiles the falls asleep.

Jeffery: Well, I can tell you, that's one man I would not want to disturb.
Conan: True dat! True dat! (Jeffery gives him a weird look as Conan smiles and looks forward)
Jeffery: Next up, we will see the trader himself take on the man that has yet to become a star.

1st contender European Title
Natural Disaster vs. X-Con
*"Down With The Sickness" by Disturbed plays as Natural Disaster comes out to more booes then ever. The crowd starts to chant,"ND Sucks, ND Sucks!" ND comes down to the ring and tell everyone to shut the hell up!
*"Bodies" by Drowning Pool plays as Carson comes running down to the ring!? Carson spears ND down.
*"Anthem pt.2" by Blink 182 plays Capital P runs to the ring, followed by Trem, Stryfe, Storm, Dreamer, King, Napalm, Shadow, Nugent, Hitman, Gemini, and X-Con.
*They all get in the ring and stomp on ND. They then spread out and start putting their finishers on him, one by one. First, Code Red from Storm, then a Widow Maker from Shadow, and a Stryfistunner from Stryfe. Then, King sets him up and hits the Frankensteiner, followed by Hitman hitting the Pay Off from the top rope, and Napalm hits the Napalm Death. Then Dreamer hits the Dreamer Drop, followed by a Case Closer by Carson, and then Capital P hits the Capitalizer. Then Gemini doesn't do his finisher, instead hitting a low blow, followed by Nugent hitting his Nugentizer, and finishing it all off, X-Con gets the Lockdown on ND as all the other men leave.

X-Con holds tight with the Lockdown, with ND grabbing for the ropes. ND reaches for the ropes and gets hold!! As ND tries to get up, X-Con holds on tighter to ND. ND gets to corner with X-Con still on his back and he starts to climb he jumps back first to the mat, bouncing off X-Con. Both men get one hand on each other and counts. 1,2,3!!!

Jeffery: That was amazing! ND still pulled it off after being attacked by more than half of the roster.
Conan: Serves him right!! I'll be right back, I'm gonna go crap on the shirt he gave me. (Conan gets up and walks up the rampway to the backstage area)
Jeffery: Well while he's doing that, let's look at a clip of the outstanding main event last Wednesday night.

*On the screen, appears footage of the Wednesday night main event, containing Slacker, Big Mak, and Frequency. They the footage of Slacker spearing Big Mak off the titles from the top rope and Frequency grabbing the two titles, to win the match.

Jeffery: If that wasn't amazing enough, tonight's main event will be the same, but it will be minus Slacker and the TLC rule. As you know Slacker is gone, so he won't be here to help Frequency, and we know Xas is gone, so he won't be here to help Big Mak, so tonight will be fair. Well with Conan or not, we will start match.

*Conan is on his way to the mens' bathroom when he is approached by the all too beautiful Jamie James. She's wearing a short leather mini skirt and a tube top that goes right above her bell button and a half of foot under her shoulders.
Jamie: I heard what you said out there earlier, Conan
*She says this with a sexy tone and Conan stares wide eyed at her breasts.
Jamie: You're real sweet ya know. But I have a question I want to ask you.
*She says this as she works around to the back of Conan rubbing his shoulders
Conan: What question?
*She starts kissing his neck and working up to his lips and then stops.
Jamie: Have you seen Gemini?
*Conan stares as if he just came out of a great dream and pointed forward.
Jamie: Thanks hun.
*Jamie walks the direction he pointed as Conan stares at her ass. He then runs full force into the bathroom.

Jeffery: I think he's gonna do more than just crap on that shirt.

Intercontinental Title
Stryfe vs. Gemini
*"Smooth Criminal" by Alien Ant Farm plays as Strfye comes out holding the IC title. He runs into the ring and rolls in.
*"Big Pimpin" by Jay Z plays as Gemini comes to the ring and gets a huge chant from the crowd. He gets in the ring to start the match.

Gemini and Stryfe trade right hands as the match begins, with Stryfe still wearing the title around his waist. Finally, Stryfe one ups Gemini with right hands and hits a suplex. He picks Gemini up again and hits a jackhammer slam. He positions Gemini in the corner and hits shoulder thrusts until Gemini kicks him on the head. Gemini hits an inverted DDT and then gets him set up for a powerbomb. He hits one and then brings him up again, and hits two, and straining he brings him up for three and hits it. He goes for a pin on Stryfe. 1,2,NO!! Stryfe gets the shoulder up. Gemini gets up but Stryfe dropkicks him. Gemini hits the corner and then gets a neckbreaker put on him by Stryfe. Stryfe then sets him up on the top rope and hits a superplex. Then, down the rampway walks Jamie. She stops halfway down and watches. Stryfe, trying to impress her, hits a full nelson slam and goes for a pin. 1,2,NO!! Gemini gets the shoulder up. Still trying to impress her, Stryfe gets to the top rope. He goes for and axe handle slam but on his way down, Gemini hits a huge dropkick. Stryfe barely gets up and is thrown to the ropes by Gemini. He bounces and tried to kick Gemini in the stomach for the Stryfistunner, but Gemini gets around. Jamie then walks the rest of the way and gets on the apron. Right when Stryfe goes for the Stryfistunner, Jamie signals for him to come to her. Stryfe does and Jamie grabs him and kisses him, tongue and all. Stryfe looks at her and smiles a huge smile, but gets a running bulldog from Gemini followed by the Planet Aligner lionsault. He gets the pin. 1,2,3!!!
*Gemini grabs his title and walks up the rampway with Jamie in his arm. They exchange a kiss, then go back to the locker room.

Jeffery: What a match. I have to admit, that Jamie is something. She's the best looking women I've ever seen! But next up, our live telecast with Xas, followed by the main event for the MFW title, and I now have word, that will be a ladder match!! But first, the live telecast.

*On the screen, appears a camera view of Xas.
Xas: Hello everyone, and it is great to hear that this is the first ever sold out arena. Plus, with the 5 star rating, we should be well on our way to the top. But as many great things, they all must come to a stop. That's why I wa˙

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