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So, you will join Intrigue? Very good. Please, do tell us a little about yourself...

Please choose one of the following as your "class": Warrior, Mage, Tradesmen, Rogue, Jack-of-all-trades.
Please state what your ability is in:
Whatever else you want to include:

-This is not a recuiting grounds. IE- No players are allowed to respond to another's on this board IC. If you have an OOC conflict, then whatever. If I have any questions about your character, I will either post them here or tell you to e-mail me. -Just a reminder, the rules of Intrigue are under the link "Our Ways". I hope you read them.

  • |.you may say i'm a dreamer, but i'm not the only one.| -- |.Rustykindness.|, 20:16:41 02/03/03 Mon (

    |.no new tale to tell, its all the same thing.|
    -Love n Rockets


    trips 'round the sun=13

    lore=elvish shifter

    identification=tall:blonde:steel blue eyes: arcane:

    powers=speed:eye sight: wit

    Please choose one of the following as your "class":
    Warrior, Mage, Tradesmen, Rogue, Jack-of-all-trades...Warrior

    Please state what your ability is in:

    Weaknesses: may own people

    Personality:to be found out and yet formed


    Whatever else you want to include:oh, i become ae wolf

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  • [evil takes many forms, everything is not always as it appears...] -- [charisma], 08:17:55 11/16/02 Sat (
    name [charisma]
    age [around 23]
    race [human]
    appearance [pale skin, bright chestnut hair, blue eyes. around 5'10 in height]
    strengths [can use basic weapons, summon powerful magick]
    class [rogue]
    ability [magick]
    weaknesses [actual hand to hand combat]
    personality [on the outside she appears cool, calm and collected, however she is quite hot tempered and easily angered. very manipulating, can be cruel. almost schizophrenic in her mood swings]
    background [unknown]

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  • A tall, young, and remarkably beautiful woman Mage appears in a roar of Fire... -- Kitana, 17:39:17 04/16/02 Tue (
    Name: Kitana
    Pronunciation: KIT-tON-a
    Gender: Female
    Age: 19.8 (nineteen years & eight months)
    Race: Kind of a mutt really-a cross between an Elf and a
    Appearence-1st Form(Normal)Elf: Tall(5'11), lithe, slender
    but well muscled; hair-deep red; eyes-usually green but
    change with her moods; sharply pointed ears; light tan
    year round
    -2nd Form: Tall(5'11), lithe, slender but well muscled; hair=deep red; eyes=usually green but change with her moods; pale complextion; sharply pointed ears; fur along forearms, ankles and around her neck; long, sharp nails; leathery wings-each 3' long
    Strengths: Agility, strength, stealth, defense, highly intelligent, Magick
    Class: Mage
    Ability: Fire Magick
    Weaknesses: her heart-she tends to be a romantic and a matchmaker; her wings are very fragile and rip easily; her short, fierce temper have put many inocent people in danger
    Personality: She is somewhat adventurous, with a commanding presence, though being careful, untrusting, and somewhat reserved when meeting new people-and even old friends-has served her well in the past. She is generally kind and sweet and always has a ready grin when you prove yourself worthy to her. Once you do prove worthy, you will have a fiercely loyal, trustworthy, and faithful friend for life...unless you make the stupid and fatal mistake of betraying her. She will not balk at killing if attacked, betrayed, or taking revenge. She also is prone to being head-strong and stubborn when she thinks she is right, but in an insistant, rather than pushy, way. Talk to her to find out more...just don't cross her
    Background: Maybe she'll tell you if you ask...

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  • .rogue. -- Bkkonis-Shay, 18:43:31 04/06/02 Sat (
    Leopard-Cat Anthro
    Normally bearing a leather belt, pants, no shirt; he belives it io wasteful.
    Age: Adult; 25 human years.
    Please choose one of the following as your "class":
    Please state what your ability is in:The ability to blend easily away;hide; sneak.
    Weaknesses:Major Weakness to magic, and sword combat. Fairly even in others.
    Personality:Strong, Silent, Arrogant. But, at heart, a Poet, philosipher.He would rather die than betray, but it takes time to gain his trust. Would rather love than hate, but if love calls...
    Background: Known in some villages as 'Felinas Malus Mort' (Cat can be Evil cause Death), he will normally do whatever it takes to get the job done.
    Whatever else you want to include:

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  • My Character -- Wolffe, 17:08:27 04/04/02 Thu (
    name wolffe

    age teen

    species HalfWolven(c)

    apperance somewhat hard to descrive...go to www.expage.com/wolffe to learn about HalfWolvens


    Ability:Stealing and Warfare

    Weakness:pretty well-rounded and has few weaknesses:but the number-1 would be non-psyical torment

    personality 4 me 2 know and u 2 find out...

    background ask her if you must

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  • **Entrance** -- Yshyno, 10:32:40 03/16/02 Sat (
    Age:very young, only around 17
    Race:??? Her race is not ver difinative. She appears to be human/elf/cat. But more 'felana.' (isn't that what it's called??)
    Appearence:Sharply pointed ears. She has arather pale complexion. Small stripes can jusr barely be seen enveloping the side of her cheeks. She has ragged black hair that falls just under her ears. She has yellow-green cat eyes.
    Strengths:Magic, assasination by magic.
    Please state what your ability is in:Fire magic.
    Weaknesses:She is physically weak and has very low defenses. She can be injured VERY easily.
    Personality:rather cocky.
    Background:((i gotta go! i'll post the rest later!))

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  • ...and he stumbles in, mostly intentionaly -- Quicksilver, 20:28:13 03/01/02 Fri (
    Name: Arini Carlin
    Age: 22
    Race: Human, more or less
    Appearence: 6"11', black hair, violet eyes. Has blue robes, glasses and a ruinic staff.
    Class: Mage
    Please state what your ability is in: legends, particularly about magic.
    Strangth: Ability to call powerful magic
    Weaknesses: inablity to fully control magic, also phyisicly weak.
    Personality: Arini is quite absent minded and forgetful, and has an inordinat ablity to lose things. He spends most of his time lisingin to tales of magic and items of wonderous power. he's intrested in inproving his (magical) art. if only he could get it to do what he wanted.
    Background: Arini learned at an early age he could call upon magic, however time he was suposed to gain absolute control over the forces came and went. Although he has limmited amount of control, his magic is mostly random in nature. This lead to him being kicked out of his home town for safety's sake. Magic, espesaly perminent kinds, has taken his itrest, and he longs to create something that will be remembered after he is gone. he also hopes he won't cause to many strange occuances with his magic while he's at it.

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  • Joining -- Senna, 16:05:41 02/10/02 Sun (
    Appearence:she is small and thin. When she shifts she become a pure black ferret. When human she has long straight silver/blonde hair and cool blue eyes.
    Strengths: she is clever. She steals stuff and money.
    Please choose one of the following as your "class":Rogue
    Please state what your ability is in:Theif and Gypsy.
    Weaknesses: she cant really fight, just strike out suddenly and run.
    Personality: she seems quiet and all, but she can get angry and then she goes really quiet and suddenly strikes, she is dangerous and clever. She can be very nice, by sneaky. SHe loves animals and would never harm one. But she isnt afraid to hurt a person, if you get in her way she might pull out her dagger and have it ask you to move.
    Background:she left in search of her loved one. SHe hopes to find him, but she has visted hundreds of towns. She has decided, that if he isnt here she will stay here. SHe needed a home.

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  • Join -- Eryalosta, 12:46:14 02/02/02 Sat (
    Name : Eryalosta
    Age : 14 years
    Race : Human
    Appearance : Welsh...dark hair, dark eyes, pale skin. Small and kinda skinny but still tough.
    Strengths : Climbing, sneaking, skilled with her knife, deceiving.
    Please choose one of the following as your "class" : Rogue.
    Please state what your ability is in : Thief
    Weaknesses : Not trusting, has a hard time being honest, not good at making friends
    Disposition : She doesn't like to be insulted...she's got a barbed tongue. Sneaky, too...
    Background : She's an orphan, she's always wandered around...

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  • Joinin' -- Adiria, 17:28:18 01/24/02 Thu (
    Age:14 or so
    Appearence:When human, she is dark skinned with straight black hair that fall down to her shoulders. When an animal, she's a pangolin. They're this scaly anteater things that can curl up in balls and have prehensil tails.
    Strengths: Climbing.
    Please choose one of the following as your "class": Jack-of-all-trades.
    Please state what your ability is in:
    Weaknesses:The tendency to curl up in a ball when scared :)
    Personality:Kind of shy but curious.
    Background:She has always wandered from place to place, usually hiding from everyone.
    Whatever else you want to include:

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  • ...evil... -- Erol, 15:57:56 01/22/02 Tue (
    .Name. Erol Remel
    .Age. 28
    .Race.Wood Elf .Type. Warrior
    .Religion. Apeoa
    .Appearence. Evil looking at times.About 5'8, very graceful and thin.She has shoulder-length blonde hair. A rough, slightly scarred face. She has dark olive skin,very beautiful.She wears a brown leather type of belly-button top, with a leather skort. String goes through it.Her eyes shine green.Wearing leather-brown moccasins.
    .Strengths. Combat
    .Do you have an Ability? Which?.Fighting Ability,LongBow
    .Weaknesses. Soaked Fungus Bread
    .Personality. Evil,mischevious and talks very quicky, and is very talkative. Fast-minded and very wise.Never gives up,confident in her self, faith.Trusts NO-ONE.Keen as an eagle.
    .Background.Her parents were the evilest of all elves. She comes from a background of Mordor.Lived in Middle-Earth at one point.

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  • ...evil... -- Erol, 15:55:53 01/22/02 Tue (
    .Name. Erol Remel
    .Age. 28
    .Race.Wood Elf .Type. Warrior
    .Religion. Apeoa
    .Appearence. Evil looking at times.About 5'8, very graceful and thin.She has shoulder-length blonde hair. A rough, slightly scarred face. She has dark olive skin,very beautiful.She wears a brown leather type of belly-button top, with a leather skort. String goes through it.Her eyes shine green.Wearing leather-brown moccasins.
    .Strengths. Combat
    .Do you have an Ability? Which?.Fighting Ability,LongBow
    .Weaknesses. Soaked Fungus Bread
    .Personality. Evil,mischevious and talks very quicky, and is very talkative. Fast-minded and very wise.Never gives up,confident in her self, faith.Trusts NO-ONE.Keen as an eagle.

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  • ...evil... -- Erol, 15:53:48 01/22/02 Tue (
    .Name. Erol Remel
    .Age. 28
    .Race.Wood Elf .Type. Warrior
    .Religion. Apeoa
    .Appearence. Evil looking at times.About 5'8, very graceful and thin.She has shoulder-length blonde hair. A rough, slightly scarred face. She has dark olive skin,very beautiful.She wears a brown leather type of belly-button top, with a leather skort. String goes through it.Her eyes shine green.Wearing leather-brown moccasins.
    .Strengths. Combat
    .Do you have an Ability? Which?.Fighting Ability,LongBow
    .Weaknesses. Soaked Fungus Bread
    .Personality. Evil,mischevious and talks very quicky, and is very talkative. Fast-minded and very wise.Never gives up,confident in her self, faith.Trusts NO-ONE.Keen as an eagle.

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  • .Join. -- Firavene, 14:02:58 01/21/02 Mon (

    Name: Firavene
    Age: 24
    Race: Draconic Shape-shifter
    Appearence: In human form, Firavene is short and pale, with vibrant gold-red hair and black eyes. She dresses usually in tight-fitting clothing covered in a thick black cloak.
    Strengths: Can endure high temperatures, good at hand-to-hand combat
    Class: Mage
    Abilities: Can shape-shift into a dragon, limited fire magic
    Weaknesses: Fear of water, weak with weapons
    Personality: Firey temper (no pun intended), follows the motto 'Act first, think later'. Firavene despises water and loves flying. She makes a hot fire whenever possible, and is rather anti-social.
    Background: Firavene flew in from the south a day ago and hasn't volunteered any background history.

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  • Joining -- Galadria, 09:42:15 01/21/02 Mon (

    Name: Galadria
    Age: unknown
    Race: human
    Appearence: 5'6"; medium build; waist-length black hair (with some grey); brown/golden eyes; bronze (tanned)skin
    Strengths: highly intelligent, skilled with magick
    Class: Tradesmen/Mage
    Ability: business sense, dancing, folk magick
    Weaknesses: of only average strength and agility
    Personality: She is very open and honest, and can sometimes be very cutting. She is generally friendly and likes to laugh. She gets along well with most people and has a keen intelligence.
    Background: Very little is known. She is probably of a strong gypsy decent.

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  • Joining -- Turik, 16:28:36 01/20/02 Sun (

    Name: Turik
    Age: 21
    Race: human/shapeshifter ((wolf))
    Appearence: 6'; lean build; shaggy, dark brown hair; dark brown eyes
    Strengths: agility, stealth
    Class: rogue
    Ability: hand-to-hand/dagger combat
    Weaknesses: feels compelled to stick to his own code of honor and help those who are unable to protect themselves
    Personality: He is generally reserved around those he doesn't know and it can take him some time to open up to anyone. His thoughts and emotions will remain nearly impenetrable to all but a very few people who he develops deep relationships with. His intensity can be intimidating, but anyone with the ability to make him genuinely smile is definately someone who will become a good friend of his. He enjoys being around a diverse range of people and once he has befriend someone, he is as loyal to them as a knight to his king. He lives by his own unique code of ethics, which he has developed over his twenty-one years.
    Background: He grew up in a small village with only his father. He was rumored by the villagers to have an elven mother because of her unexplained abscence and his own precociousness. He was often excluded by both adult villagers and those his own age. Because of this and lack of other relatives, he was very close to his father, who died of consumption when he was seventeen years old. After his father's death, he set out to start his own life.

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  • Joining! : ) -- Haruken, 09:28:48 01/14/02 Mon (
    Appearence:Short,(Well dwarfs are short usually)thick arms and stubby legs. Rather fat, and a no beard. (Yes dwarfs usually have beards but no, he doesn't. Let's pretend he loves shaving O.K?) He is almost bald, and likes to wear a warm fur coat, with fur boots. His skin is also fairly light.
    Strengths:Can run amazingly fast, and is a little above average in terms of strength, but only a little.
    Please choose one of the following as your "class":Warrior

    Please state what your ability is in: Bowing very fast. His specialty weapon is a shortbow.
    Weaknesses:His shortness limits his shooting range. He can at best strike near the chest. Usually he hits the legs. In that case a character with heavy leg armor will take almost no damage.
    Personality:Very grumpy at times. And when happy, he is extremely jolly. He likes a glass of ale in the evenings. Unfortunately, most of the time he is grumpy. Were it not for his few brain cells of self control, he will slice off anyone's head.
    Background:He comes from a rich background. But just as he was in his tops. His father dies. His greedy brother takes the fortune, and he is thrown out into the streets. He gambles quite a bit for mooney. But mostly he gets into brutal fights with others and takes their money, if he wins. All the cruelty from which he comes from has made him good at running and makes him slightly stronger than the other easy going people.
    Whatever else you want to include: His fur is his main defense, it makes him nice and warm which conserves energy for when he sprints out of a deathly blow.

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  • *Joining* -- Kiena, 11:58:35 01/13/02 Sun (
    Name: Kiena
    Age: 13
    Race: Unknown
    Appearence: Kiena has short red hair and eyes that act and look like fire; sometimes they die down and sometimes they are alight and blazing. She is small for her age, and wears clothes that are so worn and torn that you can't even tell their original color.
    Strengths: Quick with her hands and learning.
    Class: Rogue
    Ability: She's quick with her dagger, as it has been her main source of protection
    Weaknesses: Sometimes to cautios and often classifies everyone as enemy
    Personality: very calm, even in life n' death situations. However, she is shy and cautious.

    Background: As a child, her parents where unknown. She was left with an old woman when she was just 1 day old. However, her the woman soon died when she was 4, leaving her on her own. Kiena has since vowed to find who her parents are...or what. However, most of this is spread by word of mouth. There is a very, very high chance for this to be untrue. At the age of 9 she was the prime suspect of 4 murdurs...that, to, could be untrue. People always avoided her. "Her eyes." They'd say, "They are a sign of the Dark One!" even "She is out to kill us all. Don't trust her."

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  • *Entrance* -- Brira, 21:11:18 01/10/02 Thu (
    Name: Brira

    Age: About Middle Age

    Race: Human

    Appearence: Average in every way, Brira has long brown hair she sometimes braids, or leaves down, her eyes are grey, but never dull, they sparkle with youth where as her body and face seem to lack it, although she's believed to be middle age, her face is creased with lines, her body round and soft, like a mothers although she claims to have never had children.

    Strengths: Working with cloth and a needle and thread, fixing clothing and the like, making fabric, embriodery

    Class: Tradesman

    Ability: Works as a Seamstress

    Weaknesses: Any fighting or magical ablility

    Personality: She's a kind soul that goes out of her way to help others on most occasions, although a bit of a loner, she values good friends, always gives a fair price for her wares.

    Background: Little is known about her past because she nearly refuses to speak of it, gossip and tales that have followed her from her homeland say she had lost a husband and children, but Brira denies ever having children, although she has an almost motherly instinct and has a soft spot for little ones, she also claims no surname or heritage as she has no last name to anyone's knowledge, this is shrouded as well... She comes to this land for unknown reason, shouldering a few heavy packs, her cart pony suffering a broken leg on the trip and leaving her to carry as much as she can by herself, her only companion now is a small Papillon dog whom she calls Palorn.

    Whatever else you want to include: Now I must go about finding how to start a shop...

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  • She trots in, all pep and interest... -- Sherona Parla, 17:52:58 01/10/02 Thu (
    Name: Sherona Parla
    Age: 34
    Race: Human Female
    Appearence: A handsome female face with strong, defined features that coexist in an artistically pleasing manner. The jolly grey eyes flash out from under a fringe of jagged black bangs. Ther rest of the raven hair is drawn back into a braided ponytail. Her lean, supple body sports a bright green vest over a creamy tan blouse and a pair of patched green trousers. Her boots, worn and dusty, were once a brilliant purple in color. At her left is an ordinary sheathed saber. Tucked into both boots are short knives. Her right hand has a single brown glove encasing it.
    Strengths: She's swift, agile, physically strong and a relatively good actress. Her greatest strengths are in close combat, and she has excellent hand-to-hand combat skills (think martial arts... )
    "class": Warrior
    Please state what your ability is in: close combat (sword and dagger) the sling.
    Weaknesses: Volatile temper, not good with polearms (or fighting them either), great fear of magic.
    Personality:She's a jolly, courageous woman with a very short temper. She has a tendency to act without thinking and isn't great with words. She loves the adrenaline rush fighting gives her.
    Whatever else you want to include:

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  • +Wander+ -- Arwen, 18:07:25 01/09/02 Wed (
    Name: Arwen

    Age: 25

    Race: Elvish

    Appearence: A long-brown haired,green eyed girl,about 25

    Strengths: Magic and Horses

    Class: Magical (with warrior lines,though makes more moves with magic,uses warrior like with horses,and her horses help her fight evil things)

    Ability: Incantational/Magical (is her defense)

    Weaknesses: Unknown and untold,yet she has not yet found hers

    Personality:Loves horses,knows lots of incantations(in this game she obviously can't say them:P),very curious,strong,very fast,sweet, pure good,

    Background: Daughter of Elrond, and granddaughter of Galadriel.

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    Closing tag. -- Mun Elionia, 06:39:06 01/12/02 Sat
  • is entrance rarly goes unnoticed.... -- Khor, 15:35:05 01/07/02 Mon (

    Race:1/4 giant, 3/4 human
    Appearence: The first thing you notice is his height. This figure stands at nearly eight and a half feet tall, and is encased in huge, rolling muscles. Thick veins bulge over the ebony black skin. His face is boyishly handsome, and innocently charming. A mop of raven black hair hangs in his doe brown eyes, and is tied in a longish poneytail behind him. A heavy warhammer rests against his shoulder easily. He wears thick boots, a pair of sturdy trousers and a pair of suspenders. During the winter, he dons a cloak made of the pelt of some huge, unknown creature. This is tied up behind him with bits of sewn-on leather during the hotter seasons.
    Strengths: Physically extremely strong. No magic. Mediocre agility. Thoughtful. "Battlerage" (he goes into an insane killing spree when in a rage during battle, and can overcome even the most fatal of injuries unless physically cut apart).
    "class": Warrior
    Please state what your ability is in: The Warhammer (Dwarven forged) and hand-to-hand to an extent.
    Weaknesses: Mediocre agility. Short temper. Battlerage can wear down to a stupor of exhaustion.
    Personality:He's a gentle, fun-loving giant. He has a special soft spot for children and animals. Drinking ale is one of his favorite pasttimes, as well as recounting old tales with new friends.

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  • ::Entry:: -- Lina, 18:07:10 01/06/02 Sun (



    Race~Elf/Dwarf X (interesting, huh?)

    Appearance~Short, about 4'1", with long black hair and green eyes. Pale. Stocky for an elf but slim for a dwarf. Ears are distinctly elven.

    Strengths~Intelligent. Good with sword and knife fighitng. Also good with fistfighting.

    Weaknesses~Can't do magic, and her temper sometimes gets the better of her.

    Personality~Very smart, kind, compassionate beneath her passionate temper. Can be stubborn on occasion.

    Background~Only reveals it to those she truly trusts.

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  • ...wondering... -- Rekar, 13:29:42 01/06/02 Sun (
    Age: appearing to be in his mid 20s

    Race: Barbarian

    Appearence:under his armor he has pale scared skin intence grey eyes and shoulder length
    black hair, war paint covering his body, as well as the blood of the ones he has slain

    Strengths:His unnatural strength and his brutal sword

    Class: Warrior

    Abilitys: His ability to fight and take heavy damage without stopping

    Weaknesses: over protectiveness and self sacrifice

    Personality: Calm and passive, if angered will unleash hell upon the one who caused it and all others who step in his way a pain filled soul searching for the comfort he so very longs for alone in this worldall family slain when he was a child raised to killand has slain countless foes. Each Dawn, I rise alone, mired in ancient sorrows. Wretched and deprived of my native land, I have had my mind bound with fetter. For meny years, I lay hidden in the concealment of the earth, buried deep in stone. From there, I went, abject and wintergreiving, over the surface of the waves. I sought the prison of my noble kinsman. Sorrow is a cruel companion to one who can afford few friends, and the path of exile attends this mournful spirit.

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  • ...:::Entra:::... -- ...:::Nieve Limitada:::..., 11:39:27 01/06/02 Sun (
    Name:Nieve Limitada
    Age:Said to be about 21-24, no one actually knows
    Appearence:She wears a green cloak,hood down,and her golden-brown hair is always down or in 2 braids.She has green eyes.Underneath is warrior like clothes,a tight brown bikini like bra,what warrior women wear,as well as a brown skort.
    Please choose one of the following as your "class":Mage
    Please state what your ability is in:Earth
    Personality:A neutral like woman,very pretty.Always wheres a forest green cloak.Her personality is ONLY known by those of whom have met her.She does not reveal her peronality.
    Background:You must meet her.
    Whatever else you want to include:Pic coming soon.

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  • ...Dark Creeper... -- Lucid, 22:05:28 01/05/02 Sat (
    Age: Unknown
    Race: Shadow Vampire
    Appearence: Standing 63 weighing 185 lbs of mostly muscle shrouded by a dark cloak covering his body completely hiding his faceshoulder long black hair with intence glowing green eyes pale skin and razor sharp fangs hands covered with black leather gloves with small blades at the knuckleslooking into his eyes you would see an emptynessyou would see an eternity of painand the rage that was built up because of it
    Strengths: his 52 inch long glowing black blade claymore
    ability is in: his skill and speed with a sword
    Personality:honorable and loyalshort fussed but can be your best friend if you are nice to himwill always fight on your side if you befriend him he will fight to the end

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  • ...Ingression... -- Isndra, 15:09:40 01/05/02 Sat (

    Name: Isndra

    Age: Unknown, looks about 18 in human years

    Race: Tiefling

    Appearence: Looks human in body but is plane touched, slightly thin build, short black hair with two backward spirling ram's horns on either side of her head, and a black tail similar to a horse's at the end of her tailbone, stands about 5'5" high and carries a sword in it's sheath all the time

    Strengths: Fighting ability

    Class: Warrior, hoping to add some magic to that...

    Ability: Longsword

    Weaknesses: Often a victim of prejudice for her lineage, can be hot-headed, stubborn, and curious

    Personality: A bit reserved, but can be boastful and hot-headed some of the time, very stubborn and sometimes curious

    Background: Daughter of a half demon and human, she holds the lineage of a tiefling, or part demon, she's spent most of her life as a wanderer and adventurer, her life's path leading here unexpectedly...

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  • ..l.y.r.a... -- Lyrathiel, 16:23:05 01/04/02 Fri (

    identify Lyrathiel, or Lyra, Greywords
    year numbered Appears eighteen
    being elven
    for show [bad desc] Down to a slender waist, with a head up almost six feet high, flows the tresses of white-blonde in posession of Lyrathiel Greywords. Her eyes are grey, and quite a sight to stare into - mind Lyra lets you get that close.
    strength in numbers telekinesis, which must be developed. bow-and-arrow work as well.
    classification mage in training
    ability foretold telekinesis and waft (grace, swiftness)
    weakening physical fighting
    she is bipolar like. meek at times, outgoing at others.
    backdate it's a secret. you'll find out in rp if you're lucky.

    -bad, yes, I'm aware-

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  • Another -- Jhi, 08:03:26 01/04/02 Fri (
    Name: Jhi
    Age: Fourteen
    Race: Fellus (A human with cat-like qualties)
    Appearence: She is 5'3 with tan, black striped short fur all over and yellow-green cat eyes; ears are triangle and on top of the head; hands are fur-less and normal except for the nails which are dark, thick, and blunted to a sharp point; the feet are the same, but they also have pads; nose is a bit flat
    Strengths: Climbing, especially trees and wood buildings; walking/moving quietly
    Class: Tradesmen
    Ability: Alchemy
    Weaknesses: Armed combat; Amythists
    Personality: Quiet and observant, when she speaks it is usually over buisness matters, a muttered insult or rude comment. Jhi doesn't like to be noticed, trying to blend with the crowd. She wears tight leggings and a brown tunic covered by a goat-hair, hooded cloak.
    Background: She grew up as an alchemist's apprentice and an orphan in the outskirting woods of a city.
    Whatever else you want to include: Not a thing

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  • *enters, gazing around* -- Gwintaro, 22:25:59 01/03/02 Thu (
    name:Gwintaro nan Garit
    age:22 summers
    race:appears to be a human...
    Appearance: He has long, somewhat stingy, thick hair, tied back in a warriors tail - his features are a little sharp, very strong, not bad looking really. He wears a cloak with strange sigils on it, which almost appear to glow. Around his neck is a medallion, emobossed with an image of some sort of a three headed creature.
    He wears under his cloak the garb of a warrior... for his god, the mighty Devaki.
    strengths:His faith in his god, the one true god (to him at any rate) and his detrermination to make others see the light. He also can do some magic on behalf of Devaki - and has a reasonable amount of sskill in arms.
    weaknesses:He can irritate people at time s with his zeal - he also refuses to allow others to stay ignorant of Devaki.
    ClassMage/Cleric (warrior fr hisgod)
    PersonalityHighly intelligent and strong willed. Can be very ruthless if need be - but also caring at times.
    background:This will have to be seen...
    Other information and perhaps an image will be added eventually...

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  • ..pads.. -- Andesh, 17:22:31 01/03/02 Thu (
    Name: Andesh
    Age: In Prime, approx. 24 human years
    Race: Changechild (furrie)
    Appearence: (see picture)
    Strengths: Despite being a tiger changechild, he has a calming event on most animals, paws give an almost gentle touch. For self-defense purposes, he is also quite skilled with a katana, but never carries it around the equines he has been ordered to care for.
    Weaknesses: He has a short temper with humans. On his bad days, if he even sees you looking at him strangely, he may just act a little strange.
    Class: Err, Trademan I guess.
    Please state what your ability is in: Tradesman & Warrior
    Personality: He may be old in human years, but is very young in his race. He is the gentlest with the animals, and can be cold toward any of the human-generality. Though he has known to make friends on both ends of the spectrum.
    Background: Has been a groom for the Seven Kingdoms in his country ever since he was born - it's usually a family job amoung the siblings. Had ventured off on his own during the Ritual (when cubs become adults) and his path let him here.
    Whatever else you want to include: He is not as small as he appears to be, the horse in the picture is along the lines of an Erebrilind, so Andesh's height is approximated at about 6'7" - tall guy =) Also, he carries but what he is wearing in the portrait, and a cloak and a heirloom katana.

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  • May I join? -- Zeno Silverbain, 13:35:54 01/03/02 Thu (
    Name: Zeno Silverbain

    Age: Youngish

    Race: Fireling

    Appearence: Small female, with nut brown skin, gold and red hair. Huge moltain gold eyes. Slight build. Mixture of clothing ranging in colours and styles.

    Strengths: Can weild a glaith and has her own type of magic. Stronger than she looks.

    Class: Warrior/mage I surpose.

    Please state what your ability is in: Nither. Amerture with the glaith, and weilds untamed magic.

    Weaknesses: Her magic, when used drains her and weakens her. Its uncontrollable so she trys to hide it. When released can do as much bad as good. When she gets too close to a large fire her magic can overwelm her.

    Personality:Firey temper (litrally)and says what she thinks. Can be mischevious, but is loyal to those she likes. Cool headed in a fight (most of the time) and stronger than she looks.

    Background:None she wishers to talk about.

    Whatever else you want to include: She is a Fireling. This means shes a sort of part elemental. Her magic allows her to burn physically but also can drain or burn her if she lets too much energy go. As much as a curse as a blessing. The fire allows some control over small fires, can heal with it and mind walk. All these things take alot of effot and usally make her sleep for days after. When users it she gets gold veins all over her skin and her hair moves like a live thing.
    Loved by all immortals esspectially fire ones.

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  • *Ingression* -- Taraneh Swiftfang, 12:18:23 01/03/02 Thu (

    *a sleek young cloud leopard ingresses into the new lands, cold ice blue optics shifting over the terrain, abruptly changing to a humanoid form she continues along her way*

    Name: Taraneh Swiftfang

    Age: About 20 years

    Race: Shapeshifter

    Appearence: As a human Taraneh appears as a sleek human woman about 20 years of age, her hair a starking white and eyes of ice blue, on her body many tribal tattoos are inscribed, particularly swirls around her eyes and 'claw marks' along her cheeks, and a small band of ivy on her right ankle, she never wears shoes, always barefoot in her human form.

    As a clouded leopard:

    Strengths: Agility, skill with her weapon, shape shifting

    Class: Warrior

    Ability: Double bladed staff, also can use a dagger decently

    Weaknesses: Spends more time in leopard form that is necessary, distrust in any magic other than shifting magic, can come off as aloof and cold, a bit judgemental, stubborn

    Personality: She can appear as aloof, and indeed she cares little for other's endeavors although she likes to observe others, a bit strong headed and stubborn

    Background: Not much a history, Taraneh has been brought up in a large clan of cat type shifters, when she reached adulthood she left to find her own fortune, they believe she wishes to start her own clan, but that is yet to be seen

    Whatever else you want to include: Nope, I think thats it... I hope I didn't miss anything!

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  • *~*He enters slowly, almost seeming to the personification of misery*~* -- Soewyn, 20:14:24 01/02/02 Wed (
    Name: Soewyn

    Age: 22

    Species: Human

    Appearance: Messy black hair and deep brown eyes that seem to express a lot of pain. Tall and thin. Sharp, finely formed features.

    Strengths: Although he himself doesn't believe he's got any, he is very skilled with magick. He's also sympathetic, loyal, and generous.

    Personality: Very, very shy and easily embarrassed. Guided more by heart than his head. Doesn't talk a lot and has low-self esteem. Tends to be an escapist. Nervous. Compassionate and generous.

    Class: Mage

    Abilites: Good with healing magick

    Weakness: Low-self esteem. Tends to fall in love with the "wrong" kind of girls; the kind that use him and leave him.

    Background: He won't talk about it

    Items carried on his person: Wand & book of healing spells

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  • Whee. Joining. -- ....Moriyah...?, 16:50:56 01/02/02 Wed (
    --Name: Moriyah Kh'lorra

    --Age: 22

    --Race: Elf (with a hint of merfolk. New blood! Ahaha!)

    --Appearance: Moriyah is a frail figure, almost looking as if she could break at any moment. She would be quite the beautiful figure, have not for her past and current fragility. Her hair is a soft strawberry blonde, having hues of shimmering golds and even deep reds blended in. The many shaded locks fall just past her shoulders, though it seems they were cut quite jaggedly, some strands falling in layers that come shorter or longer than the rest. Her skin is pale, only slight bit of rose coloring her cheeks. Her eyes are large -- alert pools of the purest silver glowing against her ashen face. The rest of her features are small and delicate, from her thin, rarely smiling lips, to the gentle point of her ears. Her body is, as said, quite thin, and almost shockingly so. It appears that if she got any thinner, her bones would be showing. Shes short in height, doubtfully even as tall as the average woman is. Her legs are peculiar, showing her not-so-distant heritage. Scales of maroon, cerulean, gold and white dot from her feet, all the way up her legs, but they are by no means overpowering, only a subtle glint can be seen from under a skirt. But all across her body, there are other markings, scars, even paler than the rest of her skin. Her arms, legs, and stomach are all tainted with these markings, but they show most numerous on her back. Bruises show of past treatment, having yet to disappear. Both are markers of the life she fled from.

    --Strengths: A clear knowledge of right and wrong, and when fear subsides, she'll almost always do the thing she thinks right in her heart. She also can sense people's intentions, leading to an even deeper telepathic ability, but these are rarely even uncovered.

    --Weaknesses: A great fear of men (watch all the men come and greet her.) She's withdrawn, and will rarely act under even the direst of circumstances.

    --Please choose one of the following as your "class": The rules page said put wanderers under Jack-of-All-Trades, so that's what she is!

    --Please state what your ability is in: I'm not sure if that wee bit of telepathy is magic, so it's just 'Special'.

    --Personality: She's shy, and would rather not ever talk to anyone for the rest of her days. Her past has lead her to distrust and generally fear almost all men, and rarely even any women. It'll have to be a special person indeed to take her out of this shell. But deep in her soul, she's rather lonely, craving someone she can trust, but knows far better. She could possibly be a playful, humorous person, but time will only tell what progresses.

    --Background: Moriyahs parents were a high classed Lord and Lady. It was on her fathers side she received her merfolk heritage, as his own mother was a mermaid. For the first thirteen years of her life, she was treated with the utmost care, learning the finest of things from horseback riding to literature, and loved dearly. But then, several months into her thirteenth year, while travelling with her parents marauders captured the family. Right before her eyes her parents were killed, then turned on Moriyah to do horrible things. Weeks later she was sold into slavery. For the next five years of her life she worked harder than ever, but when she hit eighteen, her master saw her with a new light. Becoming his favorite slave from then on, her life turned harder than ever. He abused her, practically raping her every time he laid his eyes on her. Bruises formed, scars appeared, and slowly Moriyah sunk into the timid nature that she lives by now. In her third year of being the favorite, she fought back, striking a vase over her masters head and fleeing from his home. She wandered to this land, now a shadow of what she once was. Perhaps this country wont be as harsh as her life.

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  • ~Elven maiden enters~ -- Mowen, 10:06:10 01/02/02 Wed (
    Name: Mowen

    Age: 18

    Race: Elf

    Appearance: Thin and bony. Shoulder-length red hair and blue eyes that seem to hold the endless wisdoms of the universe inside them. Swift, graceful movements.

    Personality: Good at heart, although she is a loner. She is an aethist and a heretic, sometimes going out of her way to oppose conventional beliefs and attitudes. Despises conformity. Distrustful. Cynical. A bit eccentric. Has a hard time showing love to anyone. Usually serious, but can be mischevious and she likes to play mind games. Intelligent and deep. Has a tendency to either talk too much or not talk at all. Has an urge to travel.

    Strengths: Very swift and strong despite her delicate appearance. Agile and intelligent. Good with words. Extremely wise despite her young age. Very accurate aim when using crossbows.

    Class: Rogue, but is also a skilled warrior.

    Abilites: Is especially skilled with crossbows and in hand-to-hand combat. Very, very swift.

    Weaknesses: Unskilled in magick of any kind. Also, she has a very hard time trying to trust anyone and that sometimes proves to be a real problem for her because she doesn't know whose friend or enemy.

    Background: Was born the first child of a poor family. Her father abandoned Mowen, her mother, and her two younger brothers when she was eight years old. Her mother got sick and died a year later. For two years, Mowen and her brothers lived with a family who treated them very cruelly; the parents beat them, the son taunted them, and the daughter often played cruel tricks on them. One day, Mowen couldn't take it any more and ran away. She felt guilty about leaving her brothers behind but she knew she couldn't take them with her. That night, as she wandered through the forest, the eleven-year-old girl was attacked by a werewolf and nearly killed, but a warrior rescued her. He took home with him and began training her in the arts of warcraft. When she was seventeen, he was killed in battle and so she set off on her own. Mowen had always had different ideas from those around her, especially when it came to philosphy and religion, and many didn't appreciate her aethism and heresy. Because she would not abandon her beliefs, she was driven out of town after town. Maybe here she will find a home...

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  • .wanderer. -- Legolas Greenleaf, 20:27:02 01/01/02 Tue (

    Legolas Greenleaf

    2,931 years old


    Of course, as many elven folk, appears younger than truly is. Slightly pale skin, slightly lighter than pigment of hair. Dark hazel orbs of emotionless depths.

    Expert archer, with a deadly aim. Lightfooted and eyes witch fore-see everything. Incredibly agile and quick-witted.

    Warrior, but often portrays that of a wander.

    Again, an excellent bowman. Seemingly strange at this ability. Rarely misses mark.

    Rarely dares to fight, unless under threat. Is much like a fox-would rather retreat, but deadly if cornered.

    Quiet and subtle, he rarely stays in one place. Often practices the art of archery.

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  • Makes an appearance... -- Chlora Porthyn, 17:38:13 01/01/02 Tue (
    Name:Chlora Porthyn
    Gender: female
    Race:desert elf/shape shifter (cat)
    Appearence: brilliant orange hair grows wildly out of her head, cropped boyishly close, contrasting with the deeply tanned skin. Her slanted, pale blue eyes peer out from beneath a heavy curtain of black lashes. Her slender, elven body is of medium stature (5'6"ish). Her attire consists of a tight-fitting leather bodice with shoulder straps, a pair of tight silk pants beneath a shredded (into long strips that hang just below her knees) black leather skirt. ordinary brown boots encase her calfs. Twin, silver bracers adorn her wrists, carved with the elvish words for Darkness (on the right) and Chaos (on the left). A black staff reaches up to just below chin level, wrapped in leather about the middle. A single sentence in elfish trails up its length; "In the depths of Kargnos, one will find herself, and only then will her life be truly hers". A pair of plain, silver hoops swing from the pointed ears. A thick book sits in a small pack slung over her back, a pack that also contains her heavy woolen cloak of black.
    Strengths: Especially strong in 'sommonings', and natural quick wits. Agility. Common sense.
    Please choose one of the following as your "class": Mage
    Please state what your ability is in: Necromancer
    Weaknesses: Typically, things that are "Pure" can distort her magical spells, and tend to weaken her. Not physically very strong unless magically aided. Compassion for suffering women.
    Personality: She is typically malicious, exhalts in chaos and pain. She will "meddle" in other poeple's lives at time, just to amuse herself. Her dark art has instilled a sort of cruel cynicism into her. Yet, she has a soft spot for women in need or trouble, and sometimes acts against her own instincts and common sense simply to aid one.
    Background:She grew up with the nomadic desert elves, who focus most often on the lighter arts, but do not shun the darker ones. Chlora's mother was raped and murdered by a band of maurading orcs when she was four. It was one of her first memories. Her father, a necromancer, took her in, even though she was a lot more of a bother than anything else to him. He taught her his dark art. She was a quick learner and had reached near mastery at age 20. Then, her father attempted to take a new wife, and settled on Chlora. She was horrified and furious, and when she refused, he beat her. With magic. In sheer fury, she destroyed him. Unfortunatly, she also destroyed the entire Family train (the traveling group of 130 elves). She ran from the incident, and has been wandering since.
    Whatever else you want to include: She can shapeshift into the form of a sleek black-and-orange tabby with silver-white ears and blue eyes. This cat is long and sleek, much like a persian (think ancient egyptan types).

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  • Enters (Rylith) -- Rylith, 13:42:06 01/01/02 Tue (
    Name: Rylith
    Race:Elf X Shapeshifter
    Appearence: 5'6 Long blonde hair, Light Green eyes, female. She wears A white shirt and pants with a pearl encrested white chest piece. a bow and quiver hang over one shoulder and soft brown boots reach up to her knees.
    Strengths: Quick thinking and fast. A skilled Horse trainer.
    class: Jack-of-all-trades
    Please state what your ability is in:Fighting
    Weapon:Long Bow
    Weaknesses: Head-strong and stubborn
    Personality:Cautious of everyone at first. Kind hearted and good spirited, her trust is a valuable asset.
    Background: The daughter of an elven woman a shapeshifter, she is a wanderer. Talented with a long bow, she has become a respected warrior.
    Whatever else you want to include: Altough her father was a shapeshifter, she has not yet learned how to change forms.

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  • *** Enters Sevale *** -- Edoered Sevale, 22:27:01 12/31/01 Mon (

    Name: Edoered Sevale
    Age: 22
    Race: Human
    Appearence: A young gentle man, medium build and height, blue eyes and scraggled brown hair.
    Strengths:Intelligent, Wise, and Strong
    Weaknesses: Not agile, can be easily annoyed
    Do you have an Ability? Paladin, Minor Healer
    *If fighting, what weapon: Two-Handed Sword - Flamberge (see below)
    *If Magickal what class/element?: Little bits of magic.. mostly healing.
    Personality: Charming fellow, understanding, annoyable, caring
    Background: Lived with his parents most of his life. During childhood, His parents were killed when stumbling upon thieves robbing their store.
    He led a life to become a Paladin and to clean out those who dared to attack innocent people.
    Whatever else you want to include:
    *Two-handed wavy-blade sword - no advantages.
    (ref: Flamberge )

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  • ..hums to herself.. -- Celena, 19:49:36 12/31/01 Mon (
    Name: Celena
    Age: 23
    Race: Half-Elf
    Appearence: (see picture) Long brown hair with glinting violet eyes
    Strengths: Has the gift of healing to heal major injuries, knows the herbs to heal common ailments
    Class: Tradeswoman
    Ability: Magical
    Weaknesses: Uh..I've sorta made her into an NPC, but she does not tolerate rudeness which gets on her nerves or people that are nervous of magic..
    Personality: Sorta described above, not quiet at all, very caring with certain people. Talkative at times to keep people's mind off their injuries
    Background: Half-Elf and proud of it! Was taught at an institute deep in the forest about her healing powers, has never used her magic for any other purpose. Lived a quiet calm life.
    Whatever else you want to include: Make sure yah check the OOC board Mun Devon! Also, credit to someone else for drawing this picce..lol. Um, also, it is a bigger image, just scaled it down for messaging purposes.

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  • Joining -- Taedan, 15:22:06 12/31/01 Mon (
    Name: Taedan
    Age: 25
    Race: Human
    Appearence: Stands at 5 foot 9 - strong enough to have confediance in his dagger skills but will avoid other brawls when possible. In other words, he recongizes that he's not a piece of steel and is quite content with it. Chin length raven black hair and oddly colored navy blue eyes that hold a quiet intelligence within
    Strengths: Swift in the foot and mouth (once he starts takling). Also his dagger skills.
    Weaknesses: Keeps his head down more often then he should and often times becomes unwillingly invisable.
    Do you have an Ability? Fighting
    *If fighting, what weapon: twin dagers
    *If Magickal what class/element?:
    Personality: Taedan would never and will never be the one to start talking. If cornered and spoken too he'll reply but he would never let his tongue roll aimlessly. His disposition is that of a quiet seriousness but his face has not quite yet forgotten how to grin.
    Background: Known only himself and if asked about it he'll more then likey lie.
    Whatever else you want to include: I'm as happy as a clam and really don't think there's anything else to say about Taedan....

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  • ..walks forth.. -- Elionia, 21:33:53 12/30/01 Sun (

    Name: Elionia
    Age: 22 years
    Race: Elf
    Appearence: (see picture) I know it's not colored, but it's the best representation - thanks to the drawer Tim Lui. Anyway, brown hair with green eyes, the tattoo below her left eye is just a few shades darker than her skin
    Strengths: Quick on her feet, more agility then strength. Very dexterious and has exetremly acurate aim.
    Weaknesses: Er, more agility then strength I would guess would count as one.
    Do you have an Ability?: Indeed I do.
    Weapon: LongBow
    Personality: Sometimes can be on the quick-tongued side. Not quite shy, er, actually likes the taverns on some nights. Anyway, you'll find out more about her.
    Background: Not much is known, but you could probably find out some by talking to her.

    OOC: I know, I know a lot of elves have joined many RP games ever since the LoTR movie came out, but I've actually been dying to find a new RP game to test this character out. I will not make any references to any of Tolkien's books, just a normal elf standards, didn't come from the middle-earth and all that stuff. Reason why is because I saw and loved the movie and personally don't like messing with characters based on book ideas because it takes one's immagination away. Whatever, rambling and I'll stop now. And I hope the image resizing worked, to see the full image just take the URL and post it in a browser and presto, the whole big thing.

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  • Joining -- Jahari, 08:15:58 12/31/01 Mon (
    Name: Jahari
    Age: 20
    Race: Human/Shape-Shifter
    Appearence: Clean clothes, short blonde hair, blue eyes...
    Strengths: Great runner, and climber
    Weaknesses: Clumsy with any weapon.
    Do you have an Ability? Shape-Shift
    *If fighting, what weapon: None
    *If Magickal what class/element?: Shape-Shift to Tiger
    Personality: Cheerful, happy, good natured
    Background: Born in a far away land of shifters, they saw he could only do one form, so they kicked him out. He was wandering around homeless, when he came across these lands, and so he decided to register himself and stay.
    Whatever else you want to include: His goal in life is to learn how to shift to more than one form.

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  • Joining -- Saberal GoldenEye, 10:35:53 12/30/01 Sun (
    Name: Saberal GoldenEye

    Age: 2,103

    Race: Elf

    Appearence: Tall and dark, with eyes of gold. She wears robes of a woody brown and is usually silent.

    Strengths: Fighting abilities.

    Weaknesses: Her heart, which sometimes gets the better of her.

    Do you have an Ability? Yes, fighing and healing.

    What weapon? Something called an Ayervr. (More below)

    Personality: Like I said before, she's really quiet. She burns with a passion to destroy all evil things. Her beauty is obvious, but right now she's not very interested in starting relationships. She's much more of a warrior. She can be very gentle to young children, and very helpful to people.

    Background: She comes from Lothlrien, and is the granddaughter of Galadriel and Celeborn, niece of Arwen Undmiel. She was raised in Lothlrien, and lessoned in the healing arts and in song. She left Lrien and travels worlds, ridding them of all evil she can find.

    Whatever else you want to include: The Ayervr is a long pole of fire-hardened wood. It comes from one of the Elder-oaks in Lrien. On either end is a four-inch blade, of the Dwarf-metal mithril. The weapon itself is less than a pound, wonderfully light, easy to wield, stunning to behold, deadly to face. The name, Ayervr, means "air blade".

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  • Ingression... -- Raven Darkstar, 09:11:06 12/30/01 Sun (

    Name: Raven Darkstar

    Age: Unknown, but rather young

    Race: Human, or so she believes...

    Appearance: A slender creature, with the build of an elf, but the look of a human, shoulder length crow's wing hair and startling golden eyes, but perhaps the most unusual of her characteristics would be two black feathered wings protruding from her shoulders that enable flight, she wears a cross strap of supple leather across her chest with a loop to carry her spear across her back, the spear itself is made of rosewood with silver inlays of pegasi in full flight and a serrated tip

    Strengths: Very agile, stronger than some might suspect

    Weaknesses: Her wings, very limited patience, gets frustrated easily

    Do you have an Ability?
    *If fighting, what weapon: Spear

    Personality: Amicable for the most part, a little reserved at first because she's used to prejudice against her, always ready for adventure though with an amber flame glowing in her golden eyes

    Background: Her background is not even known to her, her species is a mystery to all, often she finds herself the victim of prejudice, thinking her a demon kin or a wizard's construct gone awry, but she was raised by humans and believes herself to be one of them, of some sort, she was given the name of the blackbird, for her raven wings, her last name she gave herself, an identity all her own, she has spent much of her time on a ship, oddly enough, now she is in search of something, perhaps her past or something more, her heart leading her to this place...

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  • His name is Mignar. Mignar Wolf. And he's joining -- Mignar Wolf Recharian, 08:40:59 12/30/01 Sun (
    Name: Mignar Wolf Recharian
    Age: 40 years
    Race: Dwarf
    Appearence: Standing straight, he's about 4 feet tall. However, like others of his kind he's got muscles, and lots of it. His clothing is simple, just a tunic and leggings. A big black beard scruffs his face, while dark green eyes are always watching his surrondings. A large, worn backpack is carried, showing him as a traveller.
    Strengths: His strength. Mignar is as strong as an ox, literally. Not many buffed up human men can compare with his strength.
    Weaknesses: Not the most agile being around.
    Do you have an Ability?: Yes. BlackSmithing.
    *If fighting, what weapon: He can use a hammer decently as a weapon.
    *If Magickal what class/element?: N/A
    Personality: He has an obsession over precious metal, and loves good music (ie- music played by an actual, bonefied bard). I don't think this fits up personality, but whatever. He, like all dwarves, has a passion for good beer too. There are few more things, but if I include 'em, they won't be much a surprise, would they?
    Background: He's a dwarf from a faraway land. Travelling the distance he's had, tends to lead to some stories.
    Whatever else you want to include: I dun feel like including anything else, so there!

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  • Joining -- Covyan, 15:44:50 12/29/01 Sat (
    Name: Covyan
    Age: 19
    Race: Human
    Appearence: She's slightly petite with nearly brown, blond hair. Her eyes are a nearly colorless pale green. Her skin is light and she's rather stong despite her size.
    Strengths: Anything resulting in fighting and gynnastic moves, aiding in her fights.
    Weaknesses: People. In the beginning she usually hates people, or tries to, but whether they show hate in return or love she grows to like people and trust them all too much. And Love. It pretty much ruins everything, doesn't it?
    Do you have an Ability: Fighting
    *If fighting, what weapon: Large two handed sword.
    *If Magickal what class/element?:
    Personality: She has a rageing temper and is easy to dislike. But she gains aw of those who show her hate in return, and love for those who shed no hate. She's easy to fall in love but she has smorn that tears may never fall. Strangely at time she has two sides and can be quite enjoyable.
    Background: None that you'll hear her mention.
    Whatever else you want to include:
    I don't think she's half naked... wryte? Oh, and sorry for it's size, but it's the PERFECT pic of her.

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  • ->Imgression<- -- -*Lady Elana*-, 12:19:10 12/26/01 Wed (

    Name: Elana A. Mcknight.
    Age: 16 Years.
    Race: Human x Shapeshifter.
    Appearence: Long black hair, somtimes curly, somtimes straight...depending on her mood, very pale skin, almost white, and violet eyes. she's a small atheltic build.
    (Cat apperence- small, silver haired golden eyed cat)
    Strengths: Her mind, she's a fast thinker, and a quick ready learning.
    Weaknesses: Deep Water & Heights, she terrified of them both, and no one knows why...some say its to do with her past.
    Ability: Fighting.
    weapon: Spiked Staff.
    class/element?: None. (she can however shapeshift into a cat.)
    Personality: Unpredictable, her hearts in the right place, but she's young, and often gets herself into trouble...mostly nothing she can't get herself out of however, she was born a shapeshifter, and can change her form into that of a felines, but...in her age, has only done it once...and since then has stayed away from it, considering it a curse. For her family did. as they could all change form into strong fighting creatures, more then one..and that fact there daughter couldnt...well, was the reason she left. She longs to learn to fight properly, with a sword....and one day become someone...Whom her family would be proud of.
    Background: She was born into a clan of highly respected shapeshifters, to only become a dissapoitment to them, and was shunned away from her home..she traveled here, picking up the art of fighting to servive....
    Other: Her only possesions are her black cloak, a pair of deerskin breeshers, and deerskin shirt, and a spiked staff, in which she made by hand...She's a lady, or claims to be...for now.

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  • *Young male enters 'pon foot* -- Sir Gworyn Verraent, 13:47:14 12/26/01 Wed (
    *He was a knight a mourning, from the kingdom he traveled from....on a never ending quest of life and death, his trusted mount, had died by his side only moons before, and now he walked pon foot, missing his four legged companion greatly, he mutters a prayer for his lost friend, to the gods, he wasn't even sure existed anymore, now that'd he'd venutured to far away lands, and expereienced the real world...*

    Sir Gworyn Verraent
    Dirty Blonde Hair, slightly long, green eyes, muscualar build, faitly tall in height.
    Swordsmanship, he can fight both right and left handed, mounted...but on foot he struggled. somthing he would need to learn fast...
    Longbow, Shortbow...any sorta bow, he needs work on.
    Fighting, with a long sword. (used for mounted battle)
    His personality is muysterious, and slightly dangerious, yet his heart is in the right place and he fights only for what he believes in.
    He was a knight in his old home, before the king sent him on a very special quest, one that would take the rest of his life, he sadly left everything he had behind, except for his mount, armour and trusted long sword Soul Xenith on the quest of life, life & death.....so he traveled here, after many near death accounts....still seeking what he'd first set out for many years ago.

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  • *Fetale Enters* -- *Gwenieve*, 13:08:13 12/26/01 Wed (

    Lady Gweniveve Cywen Honor
    Lady Gwen-E-Vhve C-ywen Honor
    19 years 3 Seasons, and 14 Moons.
    She has long golden tesses, often piled high atop her head, so many ringlets cascade down elegently, her eyes are a stunning blue, and for that she was once known as Lady Blue Eyes. Her skin, unlike many is a golden hue, dark from the sun, her skin is smooth, as delicate fingures are often kept in white gloves for protection. She is fairly tall, yet thin.
    Her looks, usually gets her what she wants, when she wants it, she's a good actor, and can "change her personality" on an instent...She also has some wild magik about her she's yet to discover.
    She could not weild a sword, or any weapon for that matter if her life depending on it...
    Magickal...yet still unknown.
    Ever changing, like her mood...she has a soft heart, but can be cruel. She looks at life like a game, and does what it takes to win, from changing her personality, to decivingly tricking others. somtimes helping some along the way. not really evil, yet not really good. Just her own self.
    Is Currently Unknown...

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  • . advent . -- :::::: [ lyanna ] ::::::, 16:25:23 12/25/01 Tue (
    . magus treads 'poun icy turf ; dark robes enshroud femm ; pale extensions reach to lower hood to unvail fair face ; espials surruoding with interest .
    ~Name: Lyanna
    ~Age: 23
    ~Race: human
    ~Appearence: Slender and tall, but not very muscular, long red hair and blue eyes with pale skin
    ~Strengths: magic and animal empathy
    ~Weaknesses: few mudane defenses. She knows some knifing and some swordplay, but for the most part need to toughen up and build muscle for self-defense when magic fail
    ~Do you have an Ability? Which?: magikal
    ~Personality: tends to be inrovert when you first meet her, but she will open up into a pretty nice person. However, she is not a very trusting person, but if you do win her trust she is loyal to death. Also, she is secretive.
    ~Background: Unlike so many tragic tales, she had two parents and they were living when she left home. She grew up in a fairly well to do home with a younger sister and brother, neither of whom show any signs of magical apptitude. She learned magic early and her affiliation with magic began with the horses and other stable animals, including her cat and her wolf (both of whom she left at home). She also deloped a certian uncanny love for fire, almost to the level of a pyro...but she never got that obsessed
    ~Why is she here: Home was getting boring. She wants adventure!

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  • *An introduction* -- Ysolla, 12:43:11 12/25/01 Tue (
    Name: Ysolla Rytorian Damascus
    Age: 38 years old
    Race: Human, with a taint of Elven Blood.
    Appearence: Her face shows a sign of once being very beautiful. Now, however, there are wrinkles forming, revealing that she has had a hard life to live. Dark brown hair is streaked with grey, and is cut just above the shoulders. Her height is about 5'4', not that very tall, and rather stocky in build. However, she moves with surprising grace.
    Strengths: Close combat, so long as it deals with knives or short swords. Her elven blood gives her a stealth beyond that which humans can have. That little bit of Elven blood also prevents most Elves from sneaking around her as well.
    Weaknesses: Can't fight with a sword worth anything. She just can't find the right balance for her. Doesn't know magick either, and doesn't care for the stuff.
    Do you have an Ability? Which?:Yes. Fighting Ability with a Knife.
    Personality: She can be a cranky old lady at times, or a young, nubile temptress.
    Background: Ysolla came from a large city, and was part of the elite in the Thieving Guild stationed there. However, shocking as it sounds, that Guild was too corrupt for her, so she came here.
    Whatever else you want to include:

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