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Date Posted: 13:09:10 10/10/01 Wed
Author: Rare Legacy
Author Host/IP: host-216-77-220-175.fll.bellsouth.net /
Subject: - irritated -
In reply to: Knight Invader 's message, "~-Notice-~" on 18:04:36 10/09/01 Tue

- Auds flutter and melt back unto weathered cranium shrewdly. Stained inscissors are fluted and clicked menacingly at the stud, what makes this arrogant beast think he is so worthy? Well, if he is he must prove it. Raven tresses scatter upon chisled features and liquid amber rounds glare at this brute. She-beast moves in a smooth, quick manner, many have tried this 'courting' before. Chipped onyx flints rake upon dry terra firma evenly packing the dirt hellward. Once more inscissors are bared and dainty lobes are pulled tight to cardinal and she rattles regal dial lightly. Round, straw-like muscles bunch in tattered hindquarters and she rocks back, lifting raven fores slightly before slamming back into the dirt irritably. Will this stud insist on bothering her? ugh. Dappled pelt is obscured by thin finger-like overhanging branches that are gently coaxing her towards the undefined shadows. Femmina jerks to a sudden halt and a slender hind is cocked self-assuringly. -

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[> [> [> ~-Amused-~ -- Knight Invader, 12:21:56 10/11/01 Thu (NoHost/

Ebony pelt of masculine flashes, femme was playing 'hard to get'. Fine with him. Masculine returns to his tt, he already had many fatales to run with.

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[> [> [> [> -sublime- -- Rare Legacy, 13:00:10 10/12/01 Fri (host-216-77-208-118.fll.bellsouth.net/

- A distinctive growl escaped femme and auds flutter atop worn cranium and jerk forward at the descending stud. A bemused gaze crosses glassy orbs as the steed gives up so quickly. Amused with this she jogs in place and snorts happily awaiting his reaction. -

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[> [> [> [> [> ~-Looks-~ -- Knight Invader, 09:54:12 10/15/01 Mon (NoHost/

Steed turns and looks at this capering female, he had no energy to waste with frivolties such as this. Stud snorts and resumes walking.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> -amused- -- Rare Legacy, 13:16:44 10/15/01 Mon (host-209-214-81-15.fll.bellsouth.net/

- Amused expression chases away harder features which quickly returs as auds melt back unto chisled cranium and amber rounds roll back into her sockets. Fluted ivories are bared grizly like and she snakes her head towards the steed, ah, this one will be fun... -

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> ~-Quiet-~ -- Knight Invader, 15:24:50 10/15/01 Mon (c1392013-a.sttln1.wa.home.com/

Proud head snaps around, this femme needed to be taught a lesson. She was much to uppity, steed thinks and quickly gets an idea. Cruel thoughts war with amusement as to what this fatale would soon be encountering. Massive masculine begins part one of his simple, yet effective, plan. Moving around, Friesian muscles ripple as he (none too gently) shoves the she-devil towards his homeland. She would join his herd, however unwillingly, and than he would "introduce" her to certain other members of the growing harem...

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> -b'loved filth- -- Rare Legacy, 12:53:42 10/16/01 Tue (host-216-77-212-187.fll.bellsouth.net/

- Auds flutter and snap back inscissors are bared veraciously and she lunges at the steed haunches sliding t'wards the filthy virile. Dappled haunches turn expertly at the steed and she kicks out viciously slamming the steed in the hock with chipped onyx 'flints.' Roughly she darts forth away from the stud and turns expertly on tattered haunches to face the brute. Upper lip is curled in a silent snarl and she lunges inscissors tearing away at his hocks before backing away quickly -

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> ~-Agile-~ -- Knight Invader, 15:29:17 10/16/01 Tue (c1392013-a.sttln1.wa.home.com/

Dodges pitiful attempts at driving him away easily. Moving his massive bulk, steed blocks cowardly fatale's escape. Raming her in the barrel, the motion forcing movement in the she-devil, stud nips hard the femme's tender auds.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> That's ten messages. You may have five more to wrap this up, no more!!! -- The Doctor, 15:31:29 10/16/01 Tue (c1392013-a.sttln1.wa.home.com/

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> -sneer- -- Rare Legacy, 17:26:52 10/16/01 Tue (host-216-77-220-183.fll.bellsouth.net/

-tears at the steed's mass. Easy to hit was this giant hulk but she was quick, a lithe creature. as he nips her barrel dappled cardinal is snaked around t'wards his own jugular and she grasps harshly. Tearing she throws regal dial side to side making his grasp on her loosen, as she slips through she sends out a piercing squeal and lets out a buck. hitting the steed i the chest before dodging him carefully.-

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> ~-Solid-~ -- Knight Invader, 15:26:41 10/17/01 Wed (c1392013-a.sttln1.wa.home.com/

Ebon steed moves not, letting the foolish fatale play her little games. Biting down hard on her tender auds as she passes him, he pivots and again blocks her way. There is a way out, but, it is in the direction of Misty Plains...

(Why don't you go there? I think you would have an, interesting, time there. *giggles*)

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Re: ~-Solid-~ -- Rare Legacy, 16:28:48 10/17/01 Wed (host-216-77-212-185.fll.bellsouth.net/

[-giggles and chokes on her own tongue mocking him- because i know what you are planning and i think it's unfair to power-play and then have your mares gang up on me because then it would be unfair considering i do no powerplay and you as well as most of your mares, i suppose, do too]
(but if ya wanna p.p let's go -smile-)
- Auds flatten and she slips out of his grasp since the stee'd head is now above her own, he is in a bad postition, velvetine lips are parted in a vicious snarl and inscissors click before opening and grabbing his chest, tearing into his muscle. Right fore is then lifted and slammed sideways into the steed's leg knocking him away from her. Lithe form darting away from the steed's bulck she shifts and turns t'wards him snarling, snapping, this feral she is now getting agitated and not in the mood for his type of 'playing.' Once more shifting her weight she rocks back unto tattered haunches and slowly lifts as if in a futile attempt to tear the stars out of the heavens. Lunging downwards, chipped onyx flints slam into marshy terra packing it hellward. Muscles ripple giving the illusion of the femme's shoulders broadening slightly. Raven appendage snaps across tattered hock idly. Amber rounds stay focused upon the steed that now stand in from of her. Crimson spots splotch dappled pelt sparingly and she emits a low almost ominous rumble from deep within vocals. Auds stay melted to cardinal and raven tresses cover amber orbs slightly. A jerk of cranium sends them over to the side of her regal dial. Dilated nares expand and contract rythmically as she stands facing this brute, waiting -

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> ~-Sighs-~ -- KI, 18:14:30 10/17/01 Wed (c1392013-a.sttln1.wa.home.com/

(No, no, no, you've got me all wrong...I will not powerplay and neither will any of the mares live in my herd {they aren't mine, as you so cutely put it...}. Well, Athena might, but I don't play Athena. Thank God. ;) I just want you to have a little 'talk' {considering you can't speak, but you know what I mean...} with some of them. Oh, and please get into a fight with Athena {the goddess of wisdom[ha!] and the arts of war[that sounds more like her...]}, it would be ever so amusing! *laughs*)

Lightly spattered with blood, but otherwise unharmed, steed retaliates with a shocking speed (he slits her ears, nose, and throat...no, no...). Lashing out with razor-sharp daggers of onyx hoof, he slices like a hot knife through butter (no, he doesn't melt the skin around it...*grin*) the femme's neck, whick now looks as spattered as his own.
Like a battering ram, heavily-muscled stallion rams into the hellion with incredable force, launching her several meters towards his home.

(How many messages do we have left before "The Doctor" bites our heads off and eats us for breakfast?)

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> -smirk- -- Rare Legacy, 12:51:34 10/18/01 Thu (host-216-77-210-83.fll.bellsouth.net/

(og darlin i'm sorry. -re- Yeh cuz I /like/ going into territories to be ganged up on by your mares, and [slick, what i meant by your mares is your 'herd members' -gag-]yeh, and no it would not be ever so amusing to me because it's unfair. :-) thanks and no thanks I do not like how you powerplay and yes, you do. shocking speed (he slits her ears, nose, and throat...no, no...) you CANNOT tell me that this is not powerplaying. -smile- and this would happen to be the last post! wow. if you want to carry on you may e-mail me enteringoblivion@yahoo.com )
{i think i like this powerplaying CRAP}

-Auds melt and she jerks her head down quickly away from his grasp before he can harm her anymore than a few nicks in her ears. Auds melt unto chisled poll in a stately manner. Ivories click shrewdly and she is jolted back as the steed slams into her, seeing as he thinks she is going down, she regains her footing adn darts past him. Apeendages slamming upon packed terra evenly. Bolting past him and spinning upon tattered haunches to face this filth she emits a growl and faces him, not letting him any closer-

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Ok, Rare Legacy, you are now a part of KI's herd. Live with it. -- The Doctor - As in Who..., 15:32:56 10/18/01 Thu (c1392013-a.sttln1.wa.home.com/

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> (Don't get Me Pissed Now Lil' person I happen to have a SHort temper! Lol) -- Athena, 04:17:27 10/22/01 Mon (cc684590-a.chstfld1.va.home.com/

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