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Date Posted: 20:07:03 03/31/02 Sun
Author: TOM
Subject: TLW-Actors.

The thing I find about the show is Challanger,Will are suppose to be from England, Malone, Marigaret are suppose to from States, Veronica no one knows where she is from the never really didn't mention where her parents where from, but I persume she's from the states, and Finn apparently from the future but from the plateau from New Amazon.

But here's the funny part Challeger, Will, Marigaret and Finn are from Australia in real life, and Malone is from Canada and Veronica is from the states.

Now for as Malone being from the states for his acting part thats no problem there as Canadians & Americans basically have same accent(depending on where you come from in the states & Canada.)

The same for Veronica even though they haven't said where she is orginaly from I asuming its the States.

Now for Will & Challanger being from the England, I'm not sure if there is difference in a British accent verses a Australian accent. As I live in Canada I can't notice any differences, not say there is or not I just don't notice it(no offence to any Australian or British memebers on this forum, if your offended by my comment my appologies). Can anyone of the members here from Australia or Britain comment on that.

As for Marigaret & Finn I persume it takes some practise tring to speaking english without the Australian accent.

Has there been any word on if there's going to be a fourth season or not?


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