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Date Posted: 20:40:04 04/18/02 Thu
Author: PAF
Subject: Please don't give up on The Lost World just yet!

Usually I don't post here because I am a member of the main Newline board and hang out there the majority of the time. Since the board is down I decided to visit other boards that pertain to TLW and was somewhat disturbed by what I found here. It would seem that many of you are upset over what has been occuring on TLW this season. First there is the absense of David Orth and Jennefer O'Dell, I have a very hard time explaining this issue because it deals with tax laws and stuff like that, but apparently DO and JOD could only appear in 22 episodes between them (him, 7 her 15) because he is Canadian and she is American and the funding only accomodated one non-Australian in 22 episodes or something like that. Anyway over on the main board those in charge with putting TLW on have actually posted behind the scenes information to us and have let it be known that they are working to fix this and hope that it will be resolved by season 4, which they are optimistic will happen. I strongly suggest that if you have any questions pertaining to any of this that you visit the main board after it comes back on on April 22 at the latest and look at the post call new from the treehouse, especially the earlier ones that go into this situation, they will help to clear up any questions you have and put you more at ease.

Now on to the recent turn of events on TLW, like many of you and believe me its many. I don't like the character of Finn or this whole lets save the future story arc. She changes the whole dynamic of the series and this last episode if we can call it that was such a rip-off I feel like writing TPTB and demanding an extra episode to make up for it. However, am I going to stop watching because of her and this story. As I said on the main board, I have been a watcher of TLW almost from the beginning and its going to take more then Finn to make me stop watching especially when I know of some of the things that are coming up. For those of you who said you were going to stop watching your going to miss Roxton and Marguerite taking a mud bath, you read that correctly. Your going to miss finding out more about Challenger and his past. All this occurs in the next episode. Your going to miss finding out what Roxton did during the war, and what connection he and Marguerite share with Avebury. This happens in the next episode, oh did I mention that this also the episode where Veronica returns, (hooray!!!). And this is just for starters I'm sure. From what they told us on the main board the season finale is really something. I know alot of you were turned off by this past episode, so was I in fact like you I started to wonder if this was the direction this series was now taking. I found myself longing for my series back but then I had to remind myself of what the first part of this season was like and it was great so I just had to trust in the future of what they will give us. Come on, do any of us really think Finn will be able to find a niche on the show with Veronica back. I sure don't, I've seen her as nothing more then a poor substitute from day one. So chances are with Veronica back it will be bye, bye Finn. We nearly lost this series last year and do we really want to turn our backs on it now just because someone made a huge error in story content. Instead of leaving lets make our voices heard to TPTB, let them know how we feel. It has worked before, why do you think they take the time to visit with us on the main board to touch base with us and to explain their position. So please before giving up fight for the program you love.

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