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Date Posted: 04:56:28 07/04/02 Thu
Author: Kyo
Subject: ....
In reply to: Lydia 's message, "interest" on 21:37:47 07/03/02 Wed

He looks down at the table. "Thankyou for the tea a head of time." He then touches the scar remembering how he had got it. "The war was a long time ago when I was younger. A war that not many survived. No guns or nothing just swords. You use different techniques you learned. It was a battle over a peice of land. Although my side lost I was the only one surviving on my side. Actually I lied. I was the only one surviving after the whole war. It was because I got injured. There is not a day that goes by that I wish I could have been there helping them. Maybe then we could have won. This scar came because a friend told me to drink some strong stuff. I drank some and cough afterwards. Achohol is what it was called. The next day it got to my senses. I could not think strait. I could not do any attacks. Then a guy used one on me and gave me this scar. That was the dy I was transford out of there. I was the strongest warrior there in that war. The other side even agreed. But I got hurt and could help my side all because... " A tear drops down from his cheek. He then just sits there and looks at the table.

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