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Date Posted: 06:33:24 11/17/02 Sun
Author: Briar
Subject: ...
In reply to: Aurora 's message, "OOC" on 18:24:21 11/16/02 Sat

.x. lightning quick, he grabs a valuable vase off a small table, tossing it carelessly from hand to hand. .x.

"And there are a great deal more of us then you."

.x. the comment was chit-chatty, as if speaking of fair weather, yet an underlying threat was present. he tosses the china up into the air, again, letting it fall a bit past him before catching it quickly. he felt sorry for them; they couldn't see past their own happy lives into reality. oh well, their problem. his eyes flitted over the room, wondering if there would be anything wortch stealing. .x.

[occ-Sorry, know nobody has responded yet...just felt inspired to toss something...freaked my friends out last night by 'stealing' an apple from a table-we were supposed to take them-playing catch with it for about 45 minutes, and managing to send it flying all over the room in the process. I kinda had to give it up when it landed in the host's soup...fortionately, it never occured to her it was me. And I got it back later, when everybody had gotton up. Had to dry it off, then carried it around all day afterwords...anyways. Apples are good.]

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