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Date Posted: 12:43:19 11/17/02 Sun
Author: Anclaire/William/Houdain
Subject: Sits...
In reply to: Briar 's message, "..." on 06:33:24 11/17/02 Sun

The young maiden sits, calm and cool. William is about to get up, but a look from his daughter keeps him sitting. "China is nothing to us, have it if you wish." She says calmly. But seeing the boy tossing the beautful cup and the dirty face showing such hatred she had never seen before made her break. Suddenly, her perfect posture slouches, her head bows, and tears start to stream down her face. "Oh, why can't you leave us alone! We didn't do anything to harm you!" William gets up, obviously enraged and sits by his daughter, "It's all right sugar..." He pats her gently, and out of the corner of his eye he glares at the intruders. "Now look what you've done! First you insult us, now you make my poor sugar cry."

Suddenly, Houdain enters the suite. Seeing his misstress crying on the bed, he rushes over. "Wha happned mas'er Willem?" He asks, alarmed.
"This boy here distressed Anclaire, now she sobbing." He looks worridly at his servant, as if asking him for help.
"Aw, hush Miss Ancler. Dey don men naw harm te you. Dey jus dun understend you kind of folk. Hush naw, hush" He soothes.

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