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Date Posted: 11:08:24 06/05/02 Wed
Author: todd
Subject: first day

well, I had an interesting first day(training) up at vetter on monday..terri and doris were very helpful and informative. we had some excitement around 3pm when we saw what appeared to be smoke to the east towards the direction of windy gap and bear canyon(north of azusa)..we had a hard time getting a landmark near there since it was in the canyon and not near any marked peaks on the maps or on the wall pictures. we listened to the radio while getting the coordinates, and didn't hear much talk of anything going on so we decided to call in a smoke report.
as it turned out, it was called in by someone(not sure who)
about 10 minutes before we made the call, but were thanked by dispatch. the thing that surpised me is that there really wasn't that much radio traffic even after the fire got going. we saw the tanker plane(c-130) a fixed wing, and the super scooper heli. go right past the tower heading for the fire, as well as many passes over the fire about 10 or so miles east of the area. Another interesting note is that we originally thought the smoke(for about 10 minutes) was actually part of the marine layer fog shooting up the canyon since there was a strong marine influence that day over the basin and the fog is a common occurance going up the canyon towards islip saddle. anyway, i saw it on the news that night(the fire) and i guess they got it knocked down before it got too out of hand. just thought i'd share our experience!..take care everyone.

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