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Date Posted: 12:12:16 07/02/02 Tue
Author: Richard R. Cordero
Subject: Re: re: Slide, Cuyama Pk., Thorn Pt.
In reply to: Ken Ketman 's message, "Re: re: Slide, Cuyama Pk., Thorn Pt." on 21:37:32 06/30/02 Sun

I was pleased to find this sight and read of the interest in saving/restoring these LOs. I spoke with Tom Kuekes, District Ranger in the Frazier Park area about hiking up to Thorn LO for the purpose of creating a photographic record of it's current state. The objective it to put together a simple web site with these photos to promote interest for the restoration. Tom indicated that the trail up to Thorn would probably be reopened in the next few weeks. I was enouraged by his responses. If I can accomplish my mission I will provide those interested with the web address of Thorn LO photos.
>Update on Los Padres Lookouts: Something is happening!
>Thorn Pt. survived the fire thanks to helicopter water
>I have opened some dialog this month with Los Padres
>N.F. regarding restoration projects for several
>lookouts. Discussions are very very preliminary and
>taking back seat to fires and other pressing issues
>for moment. Lookouts presently up for discussion and
>evaluation are; Frazier Mtn, Cuyama Pk, McPherson Pk,
>and Thorn Point. Probably only preliminary, startup,
>survey, and organizing activity for this year but at
>least we're starting. I'll keep you all posted as
>things start to develop. Please collect any input you
>might have re; history, stories, materials etc.
>VOLUNTEERS?? for when things actually get moving.
>Probably winter/spring at earliest before the real
>work can start. We still have Slide to get open anyway.

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  • Re: re: Slide, Cuyama Pk., Thorn Pt. -- Richard R. Cordero, 12:30:50 07/02/02 Tue
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