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Date Posted: 13:54:43 05/22/04 Sat
Author: *CW*
Subject: Rinali


Name Rinali
Age 67
Gender Woman
Appreance Crow wing black hair streaked heavily with gray. Blue eyes, and tanned skin.
Personality Listens to what you say, but makes her own opinions, very hard to influence her, and she is as stubborn as a mule.
Clothing Black wher hide, with smooth cuffed white riding gloves. Thick yet flexible black boots.
Skills Healing, playing some pipes, but her fingers are going with arthritis(? You spell this how?)

Name Lilith
Age 47
Gender female
Appearance Darker than a light bronze, yet retains her queenly appearance
Personality Hates many of the bronze riders at this place. Her rider's twin is about the only bronze she tolerates.
Skills Can tell when a rider or dragon is faltering in Threadfall, Also can sense whe a Fall's going to be bad.
Preferred meal Fresh caught wherry. Deplores herdbeast, and is finicky with fish treats.

Okay, that's all I can fit right now, But I'll have samples up soon. Okay? Hi Pup. Good to see you so soon.

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