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Date Posted: 18:58:03 01/05/02 Sat
Author: Lady Embyr
Subject: "Rugby? Active? But the massacre...it was decommisioned, and the five..."
In reply to: Lord Lye-Onitron 's message, "The look on Lye-Onitron was indeed one of horror..." on 08:59:20 01/02/02 Wed

Embyr trailed off, catching herself. Or rather, something in the back of her mind caught, like a switch being thrown. She looked at the younger, smaller Maximal senator standing proudly before her, delivering one bombshell after another. And Betacron's inexplicable reaction, that too was more to take in, almost too much. His demeanor was typical of the Predacons, and his attitude mirrored somewhat by Hegemon. True, Hegemon voiced his own concerns regarding Cybertron's poor, but did nothing to conceal his contempt for the Maximals.

"Predacons. Maximals. Cybertron is teeming with them now, from the newer technorganic models to the older returning warriors who underwent scanning and replication of lifeforms on their assigned worlds. For all the improvements the newer, more efficient Cybertronians have undergone, have they sacrificed something? A little piece of sanity, perhaps?

Galvatron. Battletrap. The Insecticons. The Stunticons. Our own history is peppered with its share of irrationals, with Shockwaves and Bludgeons few and far between. Decepticons of rationale. Decepticons of honor. But this new breed, mingled with animalistic tendencies....I shudder to think of the population that spews forth Betacron or Hegemon as those best suited to lead them. What must the Predacon general public then be like? And the Maximals...the way Lye-Onitron leaps across the room in beast mode, or the way his bodyguard sniffs the air, ready to spring into action at the next provocation....the Maximals are no better.

Though it would sully the name of Decepticon, I cannot help wondering if it were better for this rogue faction moving about Bastion might do well to destroy it. If that is their intent. If those explosives are used to gain access to the Command Center of that Starbase, and if it is still online...by Bludgeon's blade! A fully functional military outpost in the hands of a terrorist faction! The peace we've worked so hard for...even the actions of Decepticons working independently could tear us apart! And here we are, watching these events live?! While Betacron asks for our silence until he divulges...divulges what? More and more do I dread his words, for while his talk of this world's destruction seems like familiar hyperbole, why else would he hurl his weapon into one of the monitors surrounding this chamber? The events at Bastion could escalate into war, but whatever it is that he's afraid of...it's something WORSE, something BIGGER.

We've survived so much. How many times has our homeworld been torn from its orbit? How much of a reminder is our unwanted moon, Unicron's head, of how close we came? And while I was out among the stars with Formulak, seeking the glory of my past, Cybertron very nearly lost its future when a Predacon gave new meaning to the name of 'Megatron.' For those who went through having their sparks removed, not alive, not dead, just...in a kind of limbo. I wonder...could that explain Betacron's madness? And even if it did, is he being paranoid, or is there something out there?

Oh Embyr, look what you have become! Here I sit, confined to this chair, while Onitron deliberately shows off his grace and limberness. It is no secret that the rust and wear of the years has made it very difficult for me to transform, making me even more useless than an Actionmaster! Where once I soared the skies with seekers the likes of Thundercracker and Dirge, hunting down Autobot scum whereever they hid, now walking is but an effort. Onitron knows this. He has even more of a flair for the dramatic than Betacron! Why tell us of the military mission on Bastion when he can show us in vivid color on every screen in this room, save now for one? Why walk over here when he can leap across the table with feline grace and majesty? He ignores Betacron's wish for silence while I sit and ponder this glut of information I have recieved in silence. Though my body is nearly scraplet-feed, my mind was all I had left. If I begin to have doubts now, then...

I need to snap out of this, sittng here going around in circles. I have not said more to Onitron in what seems an eternity and he begins to look at me odd. I look down upon these Maximals and Predacons, judging their animalistic leanings and their small stature. And yet, for all my bulk I'm several tons of paperweight if my mental stature doesn't match up with someone like Lye-Onitron! That Maximal has a wealth of mental stature, making him deadlier than any physical giant. Would that I were confident of my soundness in mind and body. Decius is highly respectable, but a sad reminder of just how far I have fallen from days of old.

SPEAK! Say SOMETHING, Embyr! Why have I lost my vocals now, trapped in a loop of introspection! Focus! The last thing he said was R...Ru...Rug..."

Rugby! How long has it been since I have heard that name! Since any of us have? The massacre there is something best never forgotten, and cautiously spoken of. And Cybertron, plunged soon after into the darkness of Megatron and the Vehicon army's domination--a lot has happened to our people since then. I cannot imagine who would even still be on Rugby. For some reason, I cannot remember who was in charge back then. Forgive an old woman's mind, Senator.

Your intelligence must be inaccurate. Call the buzzing in my processors intuition or glitch, I'm certain of it. But these events transpiring on Bastion, transpiring NOW, this is a threat to our people. OUR people, Cybertronians. Not Decepticons, or Predacons, or Autobots, but Cybertronians. It matters not who massacred Rugby, though we all know his name and the stain his actions left upon both his Maximal creators and his Predacon allegiance. Now we are faced with Decepticon pirates from the looks of it, perhaps some Predacons, and again the faction names are thrown in the ring and old history brought to the surface. I believe Hegemon put it best when he called the miscreants on screen 'just criminals'. Until we know more of this common threat, we must never forget the unity this ruling body represents--or should represent.

Betacron. Surely you can see the potential on these screens for disaster? You cannot be so irrational and hold such a high office, so the source of your outburst must lie elsewhere. What? What do we face that's worse than this incident happening before all our eyes? What do you know? And though Lux, Eulogy, that fleshling Shelley and some others are still conspicuously absent, what impending doom is there that demands our silence and yet lacks immediacy? If the threat is so great as to provoke such a response, can it really wait for the others? Can it?"

Embyr's optics blazed strong, flicking from the fuming Betacron to the calm Onitron to the others assembled in the room. Though confined to a hoverchair she had found her feet once more verbally, and the haze triggered by the mere mention of the name 'Rugby' was already fading from her mind as surely as the earlier portion of the conversation itself....

"When you have an elephant by the hind legs and he is trying to run away, it is best to let him run."
-Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)

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