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Date Posted: 16:35:46 10/26/01 Fri
Author: Lord Moloch
Subject: Unseen Observer
In reply to: Lord Betacron 's message, "There he sat..." on 14:06:09 10/23/01 Tue

Senator Moloch watched Betacron silently from above, lying coiled up in serpent form on one of the long beams that stretched over the Meeting Hall’s ceiling. He had left Calio in his office hours ago to take any messages that may come through for him, intending instead to make his way over to the Hall to wait for the emergency meeting that would no doubt occur, given the current threat making it’s way towards Cybertron.

Betacron sent a message out to the other Senators, and then leaned back in wait for them all to arrive. Moloch chose this moment to make his presence known. He silently slid down towards the ground, transforming on the way down so his feet landed ever so quietly on the ground directly behind Betacron, who had not noticed his company. His maroon cloak glided out from his neckline, and floated down about him.

“Betacron. You’ve seen the data, I presume?”

Moloch was thrilled to see brash, loud-spoken Betacron nearly fall from his chair at the unexpected sound of Moloch’s slithery voice. The tyrant quickly recovered, standing up to greet Moloch as poised as he could fake.

“Lord Moloch. I didn’t know you were already in here. Sorry for interrupting you…”

Moloch waves his hand, dismissing the idea. “On the contrary. I’ve been awaiting your arrival. I must say, you took longer than I expected.”

“You were…waiting. For me. May I ask why?”

Moloch seemed to float as he walked, sliding directly past Betacron’s right shoulder on his way down the length of the long hall towards his own seat. “You’ve apparently received the same data I have. You know what’s coming, as do I.”

Betacron seemed baffled at the thought of someone else knowing about this before he did. “Then…if you knew, why didn’t you call a meeting when you first found out? They could wipe Cybertron out! How could you do nothing!”

Moloch stopped, his back turned towards Betacron. “I have done something, Betacron. I’ve taken my own measures against the impending chaos. Now, I do my duty as a Senator, and see what the Government intends on doing.”

Moloch took his seat as the first of the other Senators began to trickle in to the Hall, leaving Betacron still curious as to why Moloch would lie in wait for a conversation that meant nothing. Moloch sat in silence, watching Betacron out of the corner of his eyes. The Senator obviously knew much more than he was willing to let out, which perturbed Betacron greatly.

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