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Date Posted: 14:21:19 01/31/02 Thu
Author: Senator Decius
Subject: He raised an eyebrow and looked across each face

It had taken all his self-control, but Decius had forced himself to absorb the information provided by Betacron without flinching. He had made himself digest it, consider it from every angle, and listen to each senator speak without saying a word. He looked across the senate floor at Lye-Onitron, perfectly aware that the upstart was mimicking his physical habits with the steepled fingers.

Before he was a scientist, he had been a warrior. More than that, he had always been a Decepticon. How could his people find their way once more if their homeworld was destroyed, or evacuated? What would that say about Cybertron and the people on it? If it was in his power he would not see his people turn tail run........but at the same time, Decius was painfully aware of the precarious state of Cybertron's military resources. With the links to the old colonies gone, with trade at a low, with a population simply tired of war, mounting a successful defensive stance would not be an easy task.

What then? he thought, frustrated. When faced with a superior foe, and no time to mount a defense, the only option is to.......find a weak spot and exploit it, ruthlessly.

"I second Embyr's vote to stand our ground, fellow Senators. However I cannot agree to our inviting a heavily armed and advanced fleet, however friendly, into our home space and under our defensive screens - to do so would invite the galaxy to see us as a second-rate power, one not strong enough to defend itself or the interests of any planet who wished to do business with us. Such a policy would not only be militarily dangerous, it would be a deathblow to any foreign policy we tried to enact in the future. People would look to the Dracans, and not us, to be the prime movers in the quadrant. No, we cannot allow that."

Decius looked to Embyr. "We need to find out the nature of our enemy, Senators. Are they beings of energy? Matter? Are they biological, or biomechanical? Will an energy weapon kill them, or a synthetic pathogen? Until we find out more about them, any strategy we take will run the risk of being completely ineffective when the time comes."

Decius laughed, a sound not often heard by any Senator. "We should stand our ground - as many have pointed out, a united Cybertron has proven to be a most resilient entity in the past - it will be again. If we are to fall I would rather see us do so for what we are rather than continue living for millions of years as shadows of our former selves. However, we are at a serious disadvantage. We must know the nature of our foes - once we know where to strike, we know where best to make strategy."

He knew he sounded like a timid scientist, but Decius knew all too well the problems inherent in fighting a war against an unknown quantity. Many of his faction had never really gotten to know the Autobots, and look what had happened there. When the time came, he would strike for Cybertron with all his might, but until then he had to urge the more headstrong senators into taking more of a long-term course. It would be a foolish thing indeed if Cybertron expended all its resources on a fleet of Maximus class battlecruisers only to find their enemies were not affected by conventional weapons fire.

As he looked at Embyr again Decius tried to gauge her reaction.......but the old warrior was giving nothing away today. Be that as it may, Decius had said his piece and would see what others had to say about it. Some way would be found to combat this menace. There was always a way.

It just remained to be seen if they would be able to find it in time.

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