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Date Posted: 17:38:05 07/14/02 Sun
Author: Lord Lye-Onitron
Subject: Lord Lye-Onitron stood and nodded once at Kyrocos
In reply to: Lord Betacron 's message, "he waited, but he could wait no more." on 16:32:49 06/20/02 Thu

and raised a single brow at the retreating figure of the lumbering brute Betacron left the Meeting Hall. Action was required, he decided, but not at the risk of losing political standings as the brute had just done.

It pains me to see that at this time of action, we remain frozen pondering our position and not reacting to the moment. I was pained by the loses we saw in Velocity, but I assure you, that has not stunted my decision making capabilities in the least.

Being that Betacron has called the meeting and has now left to some...action...I suggest this meeting is adjourned and we do our best with what our abilities have given us.

I have contacts, ladies and gentleman, and I plan to use them to help calm the crowds below. I will also be notifying the Chancellor of these current events, perhaps he has sway in some areas that we know not of.
Lord Lye-Onitron lowered his head and let the swells of cries outside wash over the room and he nodded once. The people need us now more than ever

Lord Lye-Onitron turned and made his way out of the Meeting Hall, nodding to his fellow senators as he passed some of their aghast stares--to be leaving such a meeting seemed to spit in the face of necessity, but he knew what he did could be accomplished with or without their support. By notifying them, he was in no way planning behind their backs, but was indeed helping the masses.

He saluted the heavens once and made his way back to his office.

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