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Date Posted: 20:16:33 04/13/02 Sat
|*|Emerald dial sharply is thrown upwards as she roars at the Prince. She had made her mind to keep this creature, and she wouldn't let it go without a fight(hopefully without bloodshed). She charges at him and skids to a abrupt stop infront of him, demanding he leave. Violently she half yells and half bellows as she speaks to him, far more serious than before.|*|
"I said OUT! OUT OF MY HOME NOW! You are not welcome here anymore, nor were you ever! I decided to keep her, and I fully intend to do that very thing! She is not your concern, she is mine!"
|*|Huffing in anger she snarls, backing away in hopes he'll leave peacefully. She knew inside he wouldn't, he was as stubborn as she. And she did infact like this Prince, but she didn't want him near anymore. Turning to Spakinth she asks in a pleading voice|*|
"M'love? You do side with me on this? My adopted this hapless filly? If so, do take her away from us. I shan't want her seeing all this."
|*|Narrow eyes gaze back over to Bob, hissing and snarling in rage. Demanding with all emotion that he leave them alone. Speaking to him once then turning to Safi, then backto Bob.|*|
"Can't you see she WANTS to live here?! Can't you see that we are her choice?...MY sweet Safi, I fear that you are not a Dragon, even if your tiny heart demands to belive you are. You are a Mystic, a magical horse, not a magical reptile like us, though we will raise you and teach you all you need to know. And I won't keep you confined all her life in here....Bob, I ask you to take your leave quietly, I don't want any grudge between us...."
|*|Waits, head high and wings flared|*|
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