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Subject: |*|Firm snarl|*|

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Date Posted: 21:34:00 04/12/02 Fri
In reply to: Bob 's message, "The young Prince swoops in, appearing apologetic for violating the dragoness's privacy but believing it necessary." on 09:11:41 04/12/02 Fri

(Excuse any typos please-I just did my nails, oh so pretty in pink!)

|*|Tails coils 'round Safi's waist, lifting her up and setting her between her two claws. Glares at the adopted Prince as her talons form a cage before Safi, displaying Motherly protection. Cool voice speaks to him, trying to be as calm and tolerant as long as possible.|*|
"As I said before, no. I wish to keep her. Although I do respect your belief Prince Bob, I do wish to argue it. Like you've said, it's too late already. I have brought her into my home, now she knows it is her home also. To steal her away to a whole different world would be cruel now wouldn't it? Think of yourself as a young dracling again, being accepted by one in the only home you've ever known. Then to be taken away into another one that is strange and, in a sense, scary. How would you feel? I am keeping her-that is the end of it..."

|*|Rising, she gently steps over her knew daughter and toward the Prince, slowly yet threatening|*|
"And I do think I can keep her alive, how hard is it to care for a equine? The only thing different is she has fur, hooves, and is a vegitarian. Though, she will need constant watch as she cannot defend herself from fanged and taloned draclings. Other than these things, she is no different. She may 'belong' with the Mystics, but I say she also 'belongs' here. Where she will be loved and well cared for."
|*|Now face-to-face & eye-to-eye with the Prince, she hisses in a whisper. Harshly and cruely.|*|
"....now out of my home..."

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[> Subject: ¤Watches¤

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Date Posted: 05:23:15 04/13/02 Sat

¤Cat like eyes flick toward the unipeg.He did not know about this,he sighed slightly than swoped over.Maybe he could help¤
She does'nt have to go out into the lair,She could stay here,i could find a pasture for her
¤His eyes flick to his mate¤
If its what Ezzy realy wants

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[> [> Subject: He shakes his head.

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Date Posted: 06:06:30 04/13/02 Sat

"Ezmerelda, as I will repeat, my mother ordered me to do what she would. Therefore I must insist that Safi returns to where she can be taken care of properly. Imagine yourself as a young dracling, stranded among unicorns and pegasi who would surely taunt you for your scales and attempt to feed you grass. As much as I hate to say it, you're being selfish, Ezmerelda. What of when she grows up, believing she is a dragon? You will doom her to never finding a mate of her own, never living life to the fullest, never starting a family, knowing only a world that is not hers. Why must you insist upon inflicting that kind of existence on her? She will not know who she truly is, she'll be caught between two worlds. I know you have become attached to her, but have you ever heard the saying that goes, 'If you love someone, set them free'? And if she proves that she truly belongs here, she will be returned to you. But I will not give in until she is at least given the chance of living a 'normal' life among her own kind, and that is final. I'm not leaving here alone."

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[> [> [> Subject: *she was no normal unipeg*

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Date Posted: 18:02:34 04/13/02 Sat

*her hooves were now pointed.Her horn was sharp.Her teeth were sharp.She would do anything to prove herself.She walks over to the table that had meat on it.She sniffed it.She did not eat any horse,but she did sniff some bear.She grabs a piece and brings it over to them all.She eats it with her new sharp teeth and flies over to the one called Spankith,landing proudly on his shoulder.Her teeth went back to normal,but her hooves and horn stayed sharp,that was her protection.She could fight with them.Unipeg's fought after their day of birth with other babies and they were strong.She could defend herself.The meat was ok and she could eat more,but she preferred grass.She would be alright though*

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[> [> Subject: |*|Roars|*|(You're in for it Bob, I hate to say)

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Date Posted: 20:16:33 04/13/02 Sat

|*|Emerald dial sharply is thrown upwards as she roars at the Prince. She had made her mind to keep this creature, and she wouldn't let it go without a fight(hopefully without bloodshed). She charges at him and skids to a abrupt stop infront of him, demanding he leave. Violently she half yells and half bellows as she speaks to him, far more serious than before.|*|
"I said OUT! OUT OF MY HOME NOW! You are not welcome here anymore, nor were you ever! I decided to keep her, and I fully intend to do that very thing! She is not your concern, she is mine!"

|*|Huffing in anger she snarls, backing away in hopes he'll leave peacefully. She knew inside he wouldn't, he was as stubborn as she. And she did infact like this Prince, but she didn't want him near anymore. Turning to Spakinth she asks in a pleading voice|*|
"M'love? You do side with me on this? My adopted this hapless filly? If so, do take her away from us. I shan't want her seeing all this."

|*|Narrow eyes gaze back over to Bob, hissing and snarling in rage. Demanding with all emotion that he leave them alone. Speaking to him once then turning to Safi, then backto Bob.|*|
"Can't you see she WANTS to live here?! Can't you see that we are her choice?...MY sweet Safi, I fear that you are not a Dragon, even if your tiny heart demands to belive you are. You are a Mystic, a magical horse, not a magical reptile like us, though we will raise you and teach you all you need to know. And I won't keep you confined all her life in here....Bob, I ask you to take your leave quietly, I don't want any grudge between us...."

|*|Waits, head high and wings flared|*|

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[> [> [> Subject: ¤Hiss¤

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Date Posted: 02:57:15 04/14/02 Sun

¤He did'nt know what he should beleave he watched the poor unipeg eat meat.He saw she was trying hard to fit in with the dragons,but the fact was she was'nt a dragon,She was not a reptile she was a equine.He looked down at her as she seteld on his shoulder.But what he beleaved was she should'nt pick fights with the qeens son,For one fact he was younger than she¤
Ezzy what i beleave is both you and Bob.Like he says she deserves a faimly of other unipegs she'll leave eventualy as most of us do, what ever speacies we are,we get lonley and look for a mate.But will she be acepted back after eating meat?

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Ahh posted to soon!

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Date Posted: 02:58:43 04/14/02 Sun

¤He stands his ground,Between the prince and Ezzy refusing to move...¤

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: *she watches*

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Date Posted: 06:29:52 04/14/02 Sun

*she gives them all a look that plainly states "I may not be a dragon,bit i ain't leaving!" She snorts at Bob and walks over to the corner,watching*

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: . Growing anger .

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Date Posted: 08:44:55 04/14/02 Sun

He sighs warily, and swoops unto the crowd of dragons. Bob, please. One week is also Ezmerelda asks for, and you should obey that. Please leave, for I believe our dearest Beta would like some time alone with the little unipeg, Safi. Now, we have far more important matters to take care of Bob, and Ezmerelda does as well. He nods curtly, and licks his glassy talon.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *snorts*

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Date Posted: 11:11:50 04/14/02 Sun

*she trots up and watches the dragons,she didn't care what she was,she wanted to stay*

(thank you kindly Ossie)

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[> [> [> [> Subject: |*|Sigh|*|

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Date Posted: 18:52:34 04/14/02 Sun

|*|Sighs as she turns from them all, taking her spot on the ledge 'bove the sparkling pool. Her world was collapsing and all seemed against her. Parasitic Blood dragons were trying to take all her children and she couldn't do the slightest thing to help them. Bob tried to steal her Safi away, her mate took sides with Bob. Had she only Osiris? Sighing she lays her dial in cupped claws, what is she to do? Worthless 'ness she was, she did nothing and had nothing to do but chase off annoying Mystics and take in their hapless spawn.(Ez does like Safi, don't get her wrong)|*|

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