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Subject: (ok!)

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Date Posted: 18:05:59 04/14/02 Sun
In reply to: Shadows 's message, "((Cool! Now, reply again! lol))" on 17:31:18 04/14/02 Sun

*she hisses at him* I will leave when i want to leave. *she snarls and watches him*

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Blood Lust((eh he my new name))
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Date Posted: 20:14:43 04/14/02 Sun

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Date Posted: 05:16:41 04/15/02 Mon

*she stands her ground,eyeing him angrily*

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Blood Lust
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Date Posted: 17:57:41 04/15/02 Mon

He snarls with disgust. I have had enough of your foolishness. The grounds blow with an icey wind and his words echo across the land. Come my daughters! Come my queen! This pest shall be gone!

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Date Posted: 05:00:04 04/16/02 Tue

¤ Queen steps up by her king.She shoots an evil grin at BT and kisses Blood Lust on the cheek.She then also calls her daughters to her ¤

(hey,Blood Lust,BT told me bout you.Nice to meet you. *holds out a hand* I'm Kay.)

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Date Posted: 05:01:57 04/16/02 Tue

§ almost an adult,the full female walks up and takes a place next to her father,eyeing this other female curiously §

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Blood Lust
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Date Posted: 17:34:03 04/16/02 Tue

The male smirks and nuzzles her in return. He smiles at his daughter and looks around, lightly impaitent for their arrival.

((Yo, nice to meet you to. I'm Kitty.))

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Date Posted: 17:39:55 04/16/02 Tue

A solid black dragoness approaches, lips curled into anamused smirk. She eyes her father and smiles at her mother, leaving her sister unnoticed. Her fiery red eyes glare at BT and she unleashes a despising snarl. She smirks again and looks back, awaiting her sister, the last and youngest. The blacks young body trembles with excitement as she longs to try out her newest technices. She looks to her mother and then father, waiting for an approval to attack, or better yet and explaination of this new and unknown dragoness.

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Date Posted: 18:52:40 04/16/02 Tue

The youngest, a shadows black dragoness with blood dripping down her scales markings arrives. A beauty to all that can tell what a beauty is. She snarls as her intelligence hellish red, eyes glance quickly around. She first spys BT. Her hellish red eyes glance up and down studing her for a moment before snorting carelessly and turning away. She then sees her family. She walks over to them, though she seems to be at there sides in a flash. She snarls softly and speaks to them all telepathicly.
She smirks evily.
What tis going on? You'd better explain quickly of I am about ready to have some fun...

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Date Posted: 04:48:32 04/17/02 Wed

¤ she too looks at BT.She knew her.Well,in fact.But,now,she was a mother and a queen,of both beauty and grace.She hisses deep in her throat and approaches the female,this BT.She steps up in front of her.Her gray skin and deep dark blood-colored eyes.She speaks for her family and BT to hear ¤ I have met this Blood before.We must keep her down here until she is like us,until she is fully evil.Daughters,you may capture her,but do not hurt her.Then,we shall put her in the dungeon,or matbe a cage. ¤ smirks and turns,her nod to her daughters to take this female.She steps back next to her mate and watches ¤

(cool.I'll be done soon with the place for us)

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Date Posted: 04:50:08 04/17/02 Wed

*she snarls at Cataria,or,now known as Santana.She steps back.She wasn't going with them today.Her black scales shimmer and she gets ready to fight*

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Date Posted: 04:52:53 04/17/02 Wed

§ she waits for her sisiters to do something first.She knew she would not go in first and risk her own neck.Shae watches her sisters.She nods and waits.Though she wanted to kill,or at least hurt,she had to wait.Black scales alive in the light,her red eyes taunt her sisiters to go first §

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Date Posted: 16:02:01 04/17/02 Wed

She growls at her mother. This dragoness is not pure evil! Look at her! If she was pure evil she would not fight us. I know when a dragoness or dragon is pure evil. She does not have an evil heart. There is weakness and light in it. I can tell, for I have seen... She hissies. I will not fight the dragoness unless I can destroy her. No hurt! Ya right. This bonehead will her herself fighting any of us! If I am to fight I shall destroy. Even a weakling like her. She tosses her head careless ly at BT. Her eyes gleam with anger towards her mother. She snarls at her, wanting so much to destroy this whimp.

Ooc: BT's player you play Santara to don't you! All the posts for BT, Santara and Astarte are like 2 mintues away from each other. I bet you do! Don't lie eather you can't fool me!

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Date Posted: 17:22:43 04/17/02 Wed

(actually,my friend plays Santara,i play BT and Astarte.Ask Blood Lust's player.)

*hisses and snarls at the idiot hatchling*

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Date Posted: 17:26:54 04/17/02 Wed

¤ she snarls viciously at her daughter and throws her back with her mind angrily ¤ If you weren't my daughter you would be dead now.And keep inb mind,if you get me mad enough,i will kill you!Now,maybe one of your sisiters is smart enough to listen to her mother and queen. ¤ She knew Astarte wouldn't go first,she looks to her middle daughter to see if she could get the job done and waits patiently,scales glimmering,she shoots a warning looks to Sekhmet ¤

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Date Posted: 18:10:06 04/17/02 Wed

§ she watches her youngest sisiter thrown harshly to the ground.She walks over and stands by her father,being a daddy's girl.She watches and waits §

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Date Posted: 18:35:40 04/17/02 Wed

((I still think you play all of them.))

Her spirt and wildness makes it imposible her mother cannot throw her back.
((That's powerplaying)) She snarls, knowing she has better mind control and can control almost anyone, that it one of her gifts. She then speaks to her in her mind, but she makes it so that her father and sisters can here.
You cannot kill me! Incase you have forgoten my and my sisters are immortal. We are the only ones and you don't scare me abit! Try and kill me, see if I care.
Her eyes flash dangerouly., and they show no fear.
If I where you I wouldn't talk to me like that! You need me and my sisters and you know it. you can't kill this "light" hearted evil by yourself since you are so out of shape and get us to do all of your dirty work. I take no orders, no orders from no one! She hissies angerly.
She then blood markings on my black scales. See them, well that will be you blood if you wish to fight me.
She glares and turns to her father.
Tell you "mate" to contol her temper.
She snorts, unpressed by her fathers "mate"'s temper. She has now decided never to call her father mate by the name of "mother" or queen. For she has never made a good queen or mother acording to her.

(( Hey Santara don't take any of this personaliy k.))
((And Blood Lusts player I'm not gonna make her a "mommys girl" if you don't mind.))

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Date Posted: 19:18:49 04/17/02 Wed

She snarls at her idiot sisters and eyes her mother. She snorts with disbelief when she realizes they shall not attack. Her red eyes gleam as she steps forward. She snarls and her lips curl into a grin as she speaks to BT.
Hello hello. My name is Nephthys. It is not wise to stand up to me for, I am undefeated.
She smirks amused at her family.
Do you wish to fight me or come quietly, with out the pain of body and mind.
She snarls again and steps forward again. Two shadow like form slink up, bodies rotten and stinking of death. They snarl with rotting lips and the fem smiles, an expression more suited for a cow, not an evil princess. She shoots and angery look at her sister and then to her mother, as if warning her. She loved her family, if that is possible for one of no heart, and would not allow them to destroy each other.

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Blood Lust
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Date Posted: 19:21:39 04/17/02 Wed

He catches his daughters glance and carries it on to his queen. No member of his family would be tearing each other apart tonight. He looks at the queen.
Remember, she takes after you, not me, but you shal not deal with her in such a manner.
He smirks and awaits his daughters attack, her hellish follows pacing the area impatiently. He snorts with delight and waits.

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Date Posted: 05:10:16 04/18/02 Thu

¤ she watches Nephthys and nods the Astrarte.She listens to Blood Lust,then speaks ¤ I suppose she is like me,for I have never been defeated.But,what is the fun in destroying,Sekhmet?Hmm?With you it would be over to quick.Torture is better,my daughter,believe me.It lasts longer. ¤ she gives a slight grin to Blood Lust ¤ I'm sorry.That is how I was raised and it worked for me.But,i won't do it again,as long as she doesn't snap at me too much anymore. ¤ sighs and watches ¤

(I never take anything personally.:)But,your forgetting,Santatra's powers are greater then yours.You have her genes,thats how you got mind control,from them.No offnce)

(I play Santara.Michele plays BT and Astarte.Ask Blood Lust.She knows why.wait,did I tell you Blood Lust?)

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Mandy(Ezzy, whom owns this Lair)
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Date Posted: 14:05:03 04/18/02 Thu

(Yo! Who are all of you? What is going on here? Are you all in some other world or actually in my Lair? I'm lost, and, no offense whatsoever(And I hate to be rude), I'm not fond of a bunch of strangers in my Lair(As long as I know who ya all are and what's happening, it's all good). And Santara' player-where did you get her name? It's absurdly similar to the name of the Shadow I play.

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Date Posted: 18:06:16 04/18/02 Thu

You mean Santorini?Thats not where i got it.Blood Lust,tell the others to meet at the blood palace.BT,you know where it is

*poof and player dissapears*

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Date Posted: 18:21:57 04/18/02 Thu

((Ezzy~~We are Death, Blood, Shadow ect. dragons. It is a race theat Kitty and BT created. Blood Lust is the one that attacked Bairavee. Ask the others about the rest cause that's all i know.))

She snarls.
Santara, I am immortal. Do you know what that means? That means I cannot be defeated. Me,
Astrarte, and Nephthys have never been defeated or ever shall.
She hisses and snarls at Santara, knowing she could never defeat her for she was to weak.
Even if i wasn't immortal I could still beat you for I have something you never have and never will. It's called commen sense.

((Not the Commen Sense that owns The Light South lol))

She glares at BT.
If you give in you are even more of a weakling than I thought. For you are already weak and light hearted. You see I am evil. Santara is also not pure evil so she thinks light hearted things are pure evil. So I shall destroy you to show her what pure evil really is for she needs some help to do that.

She quickly turns to Nephthys.
I am not an idiot, you are for following orders from such a stupiud dragoness that thinks the this...
She tosses her head towards BT.
Dragoness is pure evil.
She snorts and turns back to BT.

((These powers aren't in my genes. They are specil powers we all got when we where born. You or Blood Lust never gave them to us, we aquired them. You may have some of the same powers we have but you can't have all of them, only a few. Ww are IMMORTAL!!!! That means we never die so you can't destroy us. You powers may be greater that hers now, because she is only a hatchling, but when she is grown she will have powers greater that yours.))

((Ya ya whatever. But I still think you play all of them and almost nothing can change my mind so I wouldn't waist you time trying! lol))

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Date Posted: 05:26:06 04/19/02 Fri

¤ she hisses and shakes her head ¤ I am immortal and I am pure evil.BT is evil,but she is not yet.If we keep her in our world long enough,she will be evil,then maybe we can sell her,or torture,her,whatever my daughters want,but not yet.She is not yet a worthy opponent for you Sakhmet.Would you rather fight a weakling and prove nothing or fight her when she is stronger and destry her with pride?Well?I would chose the second one.Believe me,my daughter,you will get to destroy plenty of dragons and dragonesses soon enough.As will your sisters,father,and I.What i'm saying is,would you rather look like a weakling yourself,fighting this weak dragoness.Or look strong and great fighting her when she is evil?(i'm not saying you are a weakling) ¤ she stands,watching them all ¤

(Do you not think she has powers too?She got powers when she was born.She chose telekinesis.She is powerful,do you think Blood Lust would chose her as a mate and queen if she wasn't?I damn well know what immortal means.Santara is immortal too.She is a blood dragon,which i helped BT and Famina's players create.You aren't just born with them?I mean,do you think you would that great powers if you were born by some light dragon?You wouldn't.What i'm saying is,even if you were born with them,they are only good because we are your parents.Santara has great powers too,you can't just come and say your the best and the most powerful.Thats basically power-playing.I'll stop if you stop saying your sooooo great and your the best.Man,your lucky no one at my school has that attitude.They would get the crap beaten out of them.No offence,its sort of alright on the game,but its really annoying and it is power-playing in a way.Even if i did powerplay,it was just because you started yelling at me.Do you think shes not gonna let you destroy BT sometime soon>just be patient!!!!!!!:)

((think what you want,but i don't.You can ask BT or Kitty,unless i didn't tell Kitty.))

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Date Posted: 05:28:59 04/19/02 Fri

*she snarls and looks to Santara,or Cataria,in her book,then speaks* I'll come,but that doesn't mean i'll be like you or fight your awful daughter who hates you! *she laughs spits at Sakhmet and Santara*

(there,now maybe you 2'll be mad at me,instead of each other.*grins and throws dirt at Cat* Destroy BT?Gee thanx!)

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§ Astarte §
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Date Posted: 05:31:10 04/19/02 Fri

§ she walks up and grabs the dragoness BT's arm roughly,cutting a bit into her scales,she smirks at BT § Oops. § she waits for her sister to grab the other side §

(cool,i'm beating myself up!)

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Date Posted: 15:49:43 04/19/02 Fri

She grabs the dragonesses other arm and smirks. Of course you don't like me because I'm pure evil, not like you. You barley have a drop of evil blood in you. She snarls at BT.

((Wheres the Boold Places. can someone give me the voy???))

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Date Posted: 20:48:14 04/19/02 Fri

(Ok, you didn't answere all of my questions.
1. Where are you guys? Are you here or in another dimension? If you are in another dimension, can Ezzy or Arkanis(BT's mate) get there somehow? Arkanis is not just going to let BT be taken away(I'm sorry BT for not keeping him very active. When alot of big things happen that includ my chars, I have to not play a few since I only am allowed 30 minutes online.)
2. What gives you any right to go attack Ezzy's kids and give me/her no clue as how she/I can help?! I just detest when people come in and take over everything and I can't do a thing to be a part of it! I'm sorry, I don't know what is wrong with me lately, but I've been in the foulest mood and all this is worse than that pain I get from my neck injury! Maybe my neck is the prob but whatever....)

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Sekhmet's player
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Date Posted: 21:05:25 04/19/02 Fri

1. We are hear and know we are leaving. No there is no way for you to come to The Blood Place. That is where we are going.
2. Well when we attched your kid we where bored. Or I should say Blood Lust (Shadows) was bored. Then Blood Lust and BT emailed each other and made up the race of blood, death, shadow ect. dragons. They sorta planned this I think...

I don't know if this helps but hey I tried.If you want more info ask Blood Lust. His's player really started the hole shadow world and death, blood ect. dragons along time ago.

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Date Posted: 08:27:46 04/20/02 Sat

*she snarls,but follows*

(scuze me.I made the Blood Palace and I did the breeds.Raistlin made Shadows.I made up death and blood,along with a tiny hint of help from Kitty.Its ok,BT is used to it.Arky hasn't been here for awhile and i'm ok with it-for now.we're leaving right now Ezzy.Well,maybe Fammy(Famina) can find a way in,but don't worry,they are taking BT in stead of the hatchlings,yay for me right?lol)

((sure,the voy is http://voy.com/83470/ ))

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Date Posted: 14:01:25 04/21/02 Sun

(Alrighty, thanks. Good thing I found out you where here now or else Ezzy have a ball harassing you guys. If you read the News on this pages, it states she is defiantely not in the mood for visitors)

>((sure,the voy is http://voy.com/83470/ ))
(Yo BT, can Arky and Ezzy go there too?)

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Date Posted: 17:25:17 04/21/02 Sun

(they have to be half dead,like I said,Famina will do it-if she feels like it anyway.But,if i ask her,she probably will.)

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Date Posted: 07:53:46 04/23/02 Tue

(Is there any way to 'half-kill' Arkanis? That way he could be with BT? Oooo! What fun I'd have with those others!)

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Date Posted: 16:57:47 04/23/02 Tue

>(Is there any way to 'half-kill' Arkanis? That way he
>could be with BT? Oooo! What fun I'd have with those

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