Subject: |~*~| Melancholy |~*~| |
Author: Ezmerelda
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Date Posted: 18:27:59 07/29/02 Mon
In reply to:
's message, "¤Enters¤" on 01:21:52 07/29/02 Mon
Sovereign femme enters her home just behind the metallic ecru brute.
Sensing his reminiscent thoughts she sits beside her once Mate.
Ah, the rose. No matter what he thought she shall always cherish the Rose, a reminder that she is capable of love, and to be loved.
..*..Yes, many memories dwell in this fridgid home. Many I hold dear, infact..*..
Not wishing to dwell on the past any longer, she turns to Spakinth. Nevermore shall she allow her thoughts to linger 'pon the past. Indeed, she felt remorse for the wrong she had done, the pain caused from her stupid feelings for another.
Another whom doesn't fell anything for her, one whom never in a thousand lives, be hers...
..*..Tell me, humor a sad and lonely dragoness. Why did you defect? Why become a Light? Abandon you children, a crazy, confused 'Ness whom doesn't know a thing 'bout herself or who she is? Hmmm?
If you left to get away from me, and my silly desires for Him...I can't say anything more than, I am truely sorry. I know now it will never be, not matter what may come, I and him, together? Never, although I wish it most with my whole heart, we will never be two together. I know that now, and it is behind me. I can't forgive myself for not realizing and accepting that b'fore....b'fore that fateful day at the Cliff..*..
Choked with a myriad o' emotions her voice trails with shame.
She was such a foolish dragoness, unworthy of all she had, and once had. Maybe, this is why all those whom she loved, left her....
"I am fog and fickle mist
I am all that can't be tamed
I am born of devil's kiss
Sear potential unrestrained,
I do not know what haunts me,
What saddened my mind all day;
An age-old tale confounds me,
A spell I cannot allay...."
the eduring, the cursed.
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