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Subject: |:|:...:|:|

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Date Posted: 19:22:33 09/26/02 Thu
In reply to: BT 's message, "+wonder+" on 17:10:44 09/26/02 Thu

Dragon growl softly, barely audible.
Strangely, he too wanted his brother to exit, even though he hadn't talked to him in the longest time.
Although he wasn't as good at conceling his emotions as the changed femme, he was still good at it.
Wicked smirk lays on dark emeralds features and he narrows red optics only slighty.
Clears his throat and speaks.
Hullo Bronze.
Still waiting for Ezmeralda to change you?
Awaits an answer, cock expression learing out towards the male.
He had been transformed, only parcially by choice.
The power had been waiting to destroy him, it had awakened unoticed.
Then he had changed.
But for the better or worst?


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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: He sighs....

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Date Posted: 19:40:28 09/26/02 Thu

He addresses BT first. I'm fine BT. Thank you for asking. He then turns to his brother. Hello to you too Bairavee. And yes, I'm still waiting for mother to change me.

Silver gaze flickers between the male and femme. Shaking his head, he speaks to both. You know, it's clear you'd rather not have me present. So I'll desperse with the pleasentries and leave you be. He nods to his brother and bowes to BT, turning away and walking off into the shadows.....

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