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Subject: ..::.+.::..

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Date Posted: 15:51:30 12/04/02 Wed
In reply to: Crystals Tear 's message, "-€-" on 15:20:00 12/04/02 Wed

The shadow prince snickers slightly.
So this vixen disliked him? Good. He felt the same. Tail flicks back and forth and he mumbles slightly after she speaks.
I'd liek to see you try.
To prove his almost unspoken point, he slips back into 2D form, then back to shadow form. She couldn't touch him.
Trouble making male shushes himself and listens intently to the other, including his father speak. It all seemed realistic, and reasonable. So far, he had no problem with it.
As his childish boredom return, he looks to the golden drakling. Hrmmmm... At least if this alliance formed he have someone new to torment, err... Oh why bother. No point in changing your thoughts...
Yawns slightly and waits. Curses, what was taking him so long to decide?

Devious One.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: -€-

Crystals Tear
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Date Posted: 17:05:42 12/04/02 Wed


She listens to his thoughts and snickers,he still thought like a hatchling,a child.She'd read mouses brains that were more intelligent.
Maybe some day i will
She sent it mentally,her voice purred daring him to come closer.She had her own powers that could match his.Although ashe done this all mentally no one eles knew what she was saying or doing beside the ignorant shadow.


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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: |:|:...:|:| €From Beneath€ [ The Truth Shall Set You Free ]

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Date Posted: 17:49:11 12/04/02 Wed

Masculine nods shortly.
Well Lord, under these terms, it would seem as though we have a deal. But as Tear has stated a treaty, if you will, does seem like a wise disicion. What say you to this?
As he waits for a reply for the dark shadow, a warning glance flies to the little drake.
Beware Ethra'Kaal, for in the shadows you are still not safe from minds yet more powerful than thee...
A dark sneer greets the young prince. But, unwilling to jeprodize(sp?) this nearly made alliance, he ignores the little brute and quickly advises Tear to do the same, with a flash of black in her mind.
Notices the golden sillouhette of Enya and he welcomes her gently. Motions for his brother to come forward, to introduce the two, and to speak with his brother about this new drakling he speaks of.
Hello again child. This, is my brother. He unlike you, is a pure but he is mostly like that of your form. You'll find he is slightly more sane than either Astarte or I, which shall be of some comfort...
Grins and then addresses Tear and Enya.
Hopefully, once this all has been aranged, you two can begin training. Enya under Tear of course.
Finished with them for the moment his attention turns to his brother and he opens a mental link unaccesable to all of the other mind readers around.
What is this child you speak of? And where did you find him, or her?
Waits silently mentally and physically for a responce from any of those he has just addressed.


€From Beneath€
€Elegant femme notices the minute gold and greets her somewhat more warmly€Slender whips curls slightly round Enya, portraying a caring aura€Smiles softly€
€With a sudden realization of her present actions, she nearly cries out in horror€No! no...€The dragoness within her now was old, deceased, no more€And yet, so alive and vibrat€Present€
€She sighs mentally and continues to hold the little femme gently in her grasp€Perhaps she was not so insane after all€
€With a sudden flash of protection for the child she hisses and speaks€
€Might I add one thing m'lord and brother?€I might request that if any brawl, or annoyance is flung upon us by those of Shadow breed, royal or none,€
€Dark glance finds her way to 'Kaal's eyes, not threatening, but informing€
€The priveledge of dealing with them shall be upon us€With of course, no extremes without the parents, erm, concent€And vise versa of course€
€Well, she had added her two bits€And of course, she once again appeared and felt hostile and mad€But, stangely the presence of Enya was calming€Damn light€How would she ever get used to this...€

€Fallen Embers€
€The Cursed, The Fallen€

[ Her slight suprise is portrayed openly on her face but she smiles slightly, resting on the femme's tail ][ Nods in responce to Bairavee ][ Now, her attention turned to the heir of Raistlin ][ Snickers to herself ][ So, he thought he could toy with her? ][ She'd like to see him try... ]

[ Enya ]
[ Forever Changed ]

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: + Evil One +

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Date Posted: 17:50:20 12/04/02 Wed


+ Glancing towards the Hellbender, a hiss is heard +
+ Saying a few arcane words, and performing a few gestures +
+ A paper appears within his talons +
+ Breathing deeply, the magic strained him +
+ But, he let the paper float towards the emerald one +

There, is a copy... of the agreements... written in my own blood... Read, sign ... do..what ever..

+ Finally, he was fine +
+ Glancing at Crystals Tear, a smirk appeared upon his handsome face +
+ Looking to Kaal, then back to Crystals Tears +
+ He didnt say a word, he knew she could tell +
+ Smirking, slightly laughing +
+ He was telepathic and telekinetic +
+ The supreme of shadows +
+ Dare she? +


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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: :^:A Warrior's Hell:^:

Bronze Warrior
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Date Posted: 18:39:49 12/04/02 Wed

The golden brute issues a soft snort of agreement to what had been said between the races. He only had one thing to add to make it almost perfect. I have something for you to add to that treaty Raistlin. At any given time, either side can request a change, alteration, improvement, or addition to the treaty as long as both sides are still in agreeance with it. I think that would sum it up. Whatever we can't think of now will be thought of later and something can therfore be done about it. Silver orbs meet Raistlin's head-on. He was not as strong as the Shadow Lord, not by a long shot. And he doubted that the Shadow Lord even respected him, for he seemed estranged. But he didn't consider himself stupid and would not portray himself as such.

He smiles at Enya as he and the small golden femme are introduced. He winces slightly at his brother's words of sanity among their family, knowing he had spoken the same thing not long before. He sends her a warm feeling and the color of shimmering gold into her mind before he speaks along their mental connection. I'm glad to know that we have yet another Gaia amongst us though I do believe my brother and I are being over-run by females. He gives her a wink and turns back to his brother.

His mind catches his brother's questions and is glad that they are friendly. He returns his own answer along the same connection. I have been traveling the earth in search of more Gaian's. I believe I may have found another little female about the same age as Enya. There were no other dragon's about her. She was obviously abandoned. Yet she managed to survive on her own living within the belly of a volcanoe for at least a few months from the sound of her story. However, I have noticed that she is becoming increasingly sick. She craves the heat though you burn you hand when you touch her. And a strange delerium is setting in. His eyes travel to his brother's as he finishes their mental conversation. I think she's an Impure Hellbender waiting to be released.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: -€-

Crystals Tear
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Date Posted: 18:59:03 12/04/02 Wed


Crimson stained vixon takes note of the shadow lords after weakness.And unable to help herself the words excaped her lippen.
"Maybe if you did'nt use your blood for every bloody spell you would'nt feal so weak"
Oh she was a little out of line,but did she care?Of course not!He had mental powers as well?Interesting...then the flash of color sent by Bairavee apeared and she sighed.Her games were always foiled.Her eyes remainded on the young shadow and she purred hauntinly.Oh how she wished to play games with him.Perhaps it was a good thing she was deaf,this way she would not be able to hear his screams when she did play.She grinned at Bairavee knowing he could hear her blood thirsty thoughts.


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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: |Enlightened One|

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Date Posted: 18:49:41 12/04/02 Wed

|Appearing from the shadows, the Shadowess did not bother with any fancy entrance or words of wisdom|No, she was not her arrogant, ignorant, or intelligent brother|The intelligent part, yes she was jealous of|Blinking orbs, the Shadowess floated gracefully towards her Lord|Half her body engulphed within the darkness, her upper torso was clearly visible|Standing, somewhat, beside her Shadow Lord, it was obvious|They were related|Her streamlined and serpent-like body was the same as the other|Instead of black scales, plates of pale ivory dotted her almost flawless body|A diamond shaped, diamond heart stone posed upon her chest|Chipped repeatedly|Dull, compared to the Shadow Lords|Finally, the Shadowess blinked her eyes|One of silver hue|The other of baby blue, the color of sapphires|Now, it was obvious|Glancing to the King Gaian, supposedly, she smirked the same grin as the Shadow Lord had done so many times before| .I am Nuitari. The twin sister of thy Shadow Lord, Raistlin. |That was all she said|In a bittersweet tone of voice|She would not let these fools play her brother for what he was worth|Something needed to be set straight|If the treaty was to go through, they had to be equal|There was no longer "I'm better than you"|.Equality between the two dragon races is requested, in order of I. |Magically, the statement appeared upon the paper of which her brother had magically produced|She too, could do a few magic tricks|Not compared to her brother, not at all|Glancing at the Bairavee everyone feared, she smiled|Kinda cute, not my type|Waiting, the ivory stood, more floating, next to the ebon one of which looked identical to each other, except through color|


God of Black Magic
Protector of the Arcane
Shadowess of Eternal Darkness

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: + Evil One +

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Date Posted: 12:32:43 12/06/02 Fri


+ The ebon dial halts +
+ As eyes of sapphire and sterling narrow +
+ Dial turns slowly towards the vixen +
+ His orbs remain emotionless +
+ Yet cold, hard +

For as the Shadows have their weaknesses, so do the Gaians... For never can a dragon be immortal. What I do is for my race, my species. What you do for your own, is not of my care... yet

+ His voice was bittersweet, the sarcastic tone stinging +
+ Nodding head towards his sister and the new Shadowess +
+ Yet, he looked towards Bairavee +

Anything else that needs to be said, do so now... Otherwise, I shall return to my home. And ready it for the arrival of the Gaians +

+ Cold eyes remain upon him +
+ Seemingly, not looking at him +
+ But through him +
+ Waiting, the dragon disregarded the vixen +
+ Her comments did nothing but bitter the treaty +
+ T'was her own doing +
+ Waiting, he remained silent and still +


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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: ±.The Rebel.±

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Date Posted: 13:22:47 12/07/02 Sat

OOC: Just moving this message over 're...forgot it would post so far away from the others..)
Hyrid Shadowess could
contain herself no longer in Everdark, wanting
desperatly to know wat was going on. She appeared in
the shadows, keepig to her amber hued Shadowess form,
not bothering with any disguise.
She watched for a moment, her optics keeping to
Raistlin and Kaal, wondering if her presence would be
a burden to them. Well..they didn't say she couldn't
Anyway, she only wanted to see those Gaians she stil
considered her friends.
She came forward, vix'n coming to stand just b'hind
the great Shadowlord and his son Ethra'kaal whom the
Shadowess could not help but admire.
She said nothing, Takhisis gracing each dragon with a
single look, ready to leave if her lord should give
her the slighest demand to do so.
She had to come..she had been a friend of Ezzy's, and
she had said she would watch out for her
children. She looked at te treaty, saying nothing of
it. Her optics of scarlet stayed 'pon the treaty for
some time..

Dead. Alive, Traitor. Shadow.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: ±.The Rebel.± (('dis 1))

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Date Posted: 13:24:30 12/07/02 Sat

OOC: Just moving this message over 're...forgot it would post so far away from the others..)
Hyrid Shadowess could
contain herself no longer in Everdark, wanting
desperatly to know wat was going on. She appeared in
the shadows, keepig to her amber hued Shadowess form,
not bothering with any disguise.
She watched for a moment, her optics keeping to
Raistlin and Kaal, wondering if her presence would be
a burden to them. Well..they didn't say she couldn't
Anyway, she only wanted to see those Gaians she stil
considered her friends.
She came forward, vix'n coming to stand just b'hind
the great Shadowlord and his son Ethra'kaal whom the
Shadowess could not help but admire.
She said nothing, Takhisis gracing each dragon with a
single look, ready to leave if her lord should give
her the slighest demand to do so.
She had to come..she had been a friend of Ezzy's, and
she had said she would watch out for her
children. She looked at te treaty, saying nothing of
it. Her optics of scarlet stayed 'pon the treaty for
some time..

Dead. Alive, Traitor. Shadow.

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