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Subject: *having just returned, he watches his precious little eggs, maybe thinking of names, maybe thinking of when they'd hatch.*>>>

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Date Posted: 12:29:49 10/24/01 Wed
In reply to: eggs 's message, "*the black with red stripes sits still and the dark green with dark purple stripes shakes a very little bit*" on 17:59:23 10/23/01 Tue

*He curls his long neck, like silver lining, against his chest, as he begins to lay his mass next to his mate. Blue orbs look at each egg, but their glare glare always seems to return to the black one. Was he favoring already? He hoped not, that's how his family got split apart.* But that won't happen to us, my little evils.* He grins before sending the tip of his tail into a circular motion around the top of the eggs, warming them further.*

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[> [> [> Subject: *smiles, metallic eyes still hidden, as feels the warmth of her mate beside her*

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Date Posted: 13:57:33 10/24/01 Wed

>*He curls his long neck, like silver lining, against
>his chest, as he begins to lay his mass next to his
>mate. Blue orbs look at each egg, but their glare
>glare always seems to return to the black one. Was he
>favoring already? He hoped not, that's how his family
>got split apart.* But that won't happen to us, my
>little evils.* He grins before sending the tip of his
>tail into a circular motion around the top of the
>eggs, warming them further.*

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[> [> [> [> Subject: (the eggs player will be gone for a week or 2,they will hatch when i get back!)

egg player
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Date Posted: 17:59:06 10/24/01 Wed

>>*He curls his long neck, like silver lining, against
>>his chest, as he begins to lay his mass next to his
>>mate. Blue orbs look at each egg, but their glare
>>glare always seems to return to the black one. Was he
>>favoring already? He hoped not, that's how his family
>>got split apart.* But that won't happen to us, my
>>little evils.* He grins before sending the tip of his
>>tail into a circular motion around the top of the
>>eggs, warming them further.*

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: (okay, someone gonna play them till you get back. just tell me when return. Thanx though!)

Lucifa's playa
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Date Posted: 17:43:28 10/25/01 Thu

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: My sister will play them until she goes back to college in a week or 2

Trajedi's Player
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Date Posted: 17:45:03 10/25/01 Thu

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *the black egg shakes violently, under his touch, soft whining can be heard*

eggs temp. player
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Date Posted: 17:46:45 10/25/01 Thu

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *swings her head around, to the origin of the shaking* Look, Trajedi...the black one is really shaking.*She presses her nostrils to it, and begins to blow a constant warm air on the egg----something her mother had taught her to do.*

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Date Posted: 12:55:20 10/26/01 Fri

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: (wait! stop! im back,my trip was cancelled! stop! i play them! They arent supposed to hatch yet!)

eggs real player
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Date Posted: 17:00:17 10/26/01 Fri

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: (okay *smiles) *She lifts her head from her egg, as it seemed to settle.* I don't think it's ready to hatch yet, Trajedi. *she glaces at her eggs again, before laying her head across her mate's spine*

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Date Posted: 15:19:24 10/29/01 Mon

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *turns his head slowly, so not to disturb her* Yeah, I guess not, but I'm sure it will be soon. *he kisses her* Hey, I going to go hunting. I'm sure your hungry and I know the hatchlings will be too. Okay? *he rises, letting her head slide smoothly from him; he spreads his wings and exits the cave*

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Date Posted: 15:25:08 10/29/01 Mon

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