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Subject: Jazz Funk Song: "Make it last Forever"

K. Page
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Date Posted: 11:01:13 11/12/03 Wed

Please ID this early 1980's track that's been bouncing
around my head for years.

Its a jazz-funk song, sung half by a woman and a man does the second
It's about a woman who has left her partner, and then returns, saying
that she was foolish to walk out on him etc. Here is what I know about

I think it's from the 1981-84 era when jazz funk was at it's best (at
least that's my opinion!).

The first line is "I can't sleep at night", and here are the other
lyrics I remember, likely to be out of order.

First half:

"I can't sleep at night"
"Here I am, with you again, I'm a woman in love and so in love with
"I've been a real fool"
"True love is so hard to find, and it didn't take you long to walk out
on me, hmmm-mmmm, and that was that"

"This time, I'm gonna make it last forever, hmmmm, you and me. This
time, baby, I'm gonna make it last forever and ever and ever and

Second half (male):
"Walked out on you" (repeated a few times)
"True love is so hard to find" (repeated a few times)
"Found somebody new" (repeated a few times)
"I'm satisfied, so satisfied" (repeated a few times)

As the final "so satisfied...." fades out, the beat continues in the
background and the chorus resumes.

Chorus again:
"This time, I'm gonna make it last forever, hmmmm, you and me. This
time, baby, I'm gonna make it last forever and ever and ever and

This song really is starting to drive me nuts now!! Someone must know


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