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Date Posted: 15:23:48 07/09/02 Tue
Author: Trask's Bricked-In Co-Worker
Subject: Clash's Demise

I used to work with Trask. Back during our days at the Brick company. Though most everything contained here -- http://www.larrytrask.com/docs/ad.html -- is horseshit (obvious if you've just met the man himself, much less worked with him) one snippet of reality did manage to work his way in.

On that page is the following:

What type of work do (did) you do? How long have you been (were you) in that line of work? Do (did) you enjoy it?

I haven't been employed in a long time. I made bricks for a while. Didn't enjoy that, though. There was a little problem with one of my co-workers.

Yes, Trask. Problem indeed.

What was the problem? If I remember right, I simply asked him to remove the excess bricking cement mixture from the edges of the spatula-type devices we use to lay bricks. When he was off doing his 420 thing he'd just trop his spatula onto the ground. We had to share them, and it's extremely irritating to have to clean off someone's tool in that respect.

So what did he do? First he knocked me unconcious with a brick. Then he sealed me... within the building we were bricking! Yes! I know! Can you believe the nerve of that madman??

I managed to survive for four years on crickets and rain water until the couple that moved into that house had a child. The child grew up in the room adjacent to the area I was enclosed in, and after he learned enough of the language he understood what my cries and pleas of help were. He got his mother and father and they helped to bust me out.

Four years. Four years I'll never get fucking back!!

Oh, how you best be deceased for your sake, Trask. Ooohh, indeed. For if I find hide or hair of you, or even hear a rumor that you still live, I will hunt you down and torture you for the crime you committed against me.

Also: I grew quite attached to cricket meat in that time. Anyone know where I can get a good deal on that stuff? Berkeley Bowl or something? KTHX.

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