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Date Posted: 15:33:37 07/09/02 Tue
Author: Clash Memories
Subject: Re: Clash's Demise
In reply to: Trask's Bricked-In Co-Worker 's message, "Clash's Demise" on 15:23:48 07/09/02 Tue

It has been at least 30 minutes since I was last on PWC, so I'm sure there are five new "introductions" by now. And he's soooo proud of himself. Here's a (slightly inarticulate) quote: "I hope you've all been noticing how regularly I'm able to get these columns out on time lately."

BFD. How much effort does it take to go out to the garage and whip the thousand monkeys or whatever he does? I could put out one column per day, fer crissakes, if only I had my editor's fondness for scatological humor and inappropriate topics like tit fucking. But, because I care about you, I try to take the high road. By the way, any ideas why he's going on and on about his newspaper job, like he's Reporter Boy or something? He has a job -- what? -- fixing typewriters, I think. A job that just happens to be at the Washington Post but, really, could be anywhere. And now all of a sudden he's Bob Woodward? I'll bet he's bought himself a fedora and put a little "press" card in the hat band. Would one of you who see him from time to time email me and let me know if this is true? I'll bet it is. Of course, I'm fanning the flames by referring to him as "my editor," but it's okay to indulge in fantasy when I do it.

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