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Date Posted: 09:54:51 08/28/02 Wed
Author: ChainGangGuy
In reply to: Robb 's message, "Re: HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!" on 21:52:01 08/26/02 Mon

>I haven't seen it... yet. The DVD is downstairs.
>Actually, I have a habit of letting these things get
>away from me. I'll bring it to work tomorrow. Hahahah!
>Make THE MAN pay for me to watch my boy in his acting
>gig. Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!

Thanks for the support! Also watch for me in, hopefully (provided the series was 'picked up'), a new show this Fall called "In My Life."

>Hey, if you want to be in this new game I'm writing as
>one of the zombies, just let me know.

I'd love to! If you can find a place to squeeze me in, well, then I'd be All For It.

>That sucks that Denzel is that much of an asshole. I
>always (no idea why) thought he was cool enough, thus
>when I was watching Training Day I said to myself,
>"Self, this is one hell of a performance." If you go
>in thinking he's more like that than the nice guy he
>played in... (shit, I can't think of a specific name,
>just pretend I completed my analogy here) well, not
>only does that ruin the movie for you, but it makes
>all his other ones go topsy-turvy as well.

Regardless of his less-than-classy demeanor, I do still consider him to be a fine actor. However, the times when he would growl, toss over a chair, storm off set and not return for a couple hours could only be described as hissy-fits. Also, the sour scowling entourage he kept with him most of the time didn't help his image with me either.

>Anybody stand out on the opposite side, as a cool
>actor to work with?

Yes! Several of the 'unknowns' and newcomers in the film were very pleasant guys. More so, Ethan Suplee was a tremendously fine chap. Sadly, though, the usual topic of conversation from him generally regarded anyone having any extra cigarettes (supposedly they weren't allowing him to smoke for the duration of filming, constantly ensuring he had no smokies on his person). I cheerfully handed over two for him to quietly enjoy around the corner under cover of night. Some folks may snag an autograph from an actor, maybe even shake his hand and have a brief chat -- I, however, prolonged a deadly addiction grasp on an assuredly not-too-healthy individual. Hurrah!

-Gerrit, Miembro de Chain Gang

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