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Date Posted: 22:30:58 08/29/02 Thu
Author: Robb
In reply to: ChainGangGuy 's message, "Re: HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!" on 09:54:51 08/28/02 Wed

>Thanks for the support! Also watch for me in,
>hopefully (provided the series was 'picked up'), a new
>show this Fall called "In My Life."

Dude, that's awesome! I appear to have already used the "Holy Fucking Shit" phrase, but I think it bears repeating. HOLY ... well, you know. Are you far enough along to know what network will pick it up?

>RE: the new game
>I'd love to! If you can find a place to squeeze
>me in, well, then I'd be All For It.

Alright, sounds like a blast. Send me a jpg at beaver@zombieworld.com and we'll have you in there. (If you're able to pose for one, just look zombie-rific!)

>>Anybody stand out on the opposite side, as a cool
>>actor to work with?
>Yes! Several of the 'unknowns' and newcomers in the
>film were very pleasant guys. More so, Ethan Suplee
>was a tremendously fine chap. Sadly, though, the usual
>topic of conversation from him generally regarded
>anyone having any extra cigarettes (supposedly they
>weren't allowing him to smoke for the duration of
>filming, constantly ensuring he had no smokies on his
>person). I cheerfully handed over two for him to
>quietly enjoy around the corner under cover of night.
>Some folks may snag an autograph from an actor, maybe
>even shake his hand and have a brief chat -- I,
>however, prolonged a deadly addiction grasp on an
>assuredly not-too-healthy individual. Hurrah!

AH-hahaha!! Dude smoked cigarettes with Willam Fuckin' Black!!

I am right now watching the film, it's during that one scene where the dude is in the hospital. I've been trying to look out for the scenes with the chain guys, but it seems mostly the corrupt refs are speaking. Do you recall a particular spot where we can see a good shot of you?


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