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Date Posted: 23:37:17 04/30/02 Tue
Author: The Large, Intellectual Gibbon With a Toe Infection
In reply to: pinback 's message, "HAPPY CLASH DAY!" on 23:10:01 04/30/02 Tue

While I must admit (with all apologies to the host) that I do not frequent the "Pinback's Web Central" site as much as perhaps some of the rest of you do, preferring to spend my time in somewhat more "rewarding" pursuits, I have to admit that at the time this nagging infection first set in, and before the veterinarians had set to correcting the situation, I happened by chance over to the "Clash" portion of the page.

At first I was someone put off by the relatively negative life-view the author appeared to be taking, and the occasional bout of excessive drug use, I nevertheless was continually amusing by his obvious talent for creative, expressive writing, and the "comedy-of-errors" style jocularity that the writings were infused with.

As guilty a pleasure as it is for me, I must now admit to you, Clash: I am a fan!

In an ironic turn of events, I have even started waiting until the pain medication sets in before reading the latest installment.

Part of me will be sad to see this toe infection (painful and debilitating as it is) go.

Thank you, Clash! And enjoy your special day.

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  • Re: HAPPY CLASH DAY! -- 47-year-old Counterstrike Player, 23:39:51 04/30/02 Tue

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