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Date Posted: 23:39:51 04/30/02 Tue
Author: 47-year-old Counterstrike Player
In reply to: pinback 's message, "HAPPY CLASH DAY!" on 23:10:01 04/30/02 Tue

What..? I don't understand what's going on here. What on earth does "f00koff n00b" mean? Why is everyone calling me a "fag0rt"? Does that mean 'faggot'? Sigh... I've been married for 22 years and my son Jerem has just introduced me to this 'Counter-Strike' game. I like it, but I really don't understand a lot of the vernacular...

OK, wait. Stop. What's a "wallhack"? Am I supposed to respond to this? I take it getting "kicked" means that they will go after you with just the foot/kick weapon... hm, just got disconnected, how odd.

Anyway, I'm back in. "Teams"? Why are they shouting "TEAMS TEAMS"? Is this directed towards me? I really do not understand. I wish I could turn the chatting feature off.

Ooh, they are calling to "ban" someone. I'll vote yes. Wait. What the?! Disconnected again? Dammit! I hate to bug him while he's on the phone, but I suppose I'll have to ask Jerem what some of this stuff means.

I'm just glad I'm not logged in as this "player" person. Dead last without a kill yet! Oh well! (How do you set your alias, anyway?)

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  • Re: HAPPY CLASH DAY! -- The Salt at the Bottom of a Bag of Pretzel Sticks, 23:39:56 04/30/02 Tue

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