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Date Posted: 23:31:23 01/11/02 Fri
Author: Urethra-Man
Subject: Re: I like this BBS!
In reply to: Ben 's message, "I like this BBS!" on 14:44:49 01/09/02 Wed

i am UREHTRA_MAN!!! but u can call me what everone else calls me which is PORKBALL!!!!!! except that is mean but who carez every1 is mean to PORKBALL anyway

yesterday i went to the mall with my cousin DUMB DUG and i wanted to go into the arcade but DUG was like 'PORKBALL we are just here to RETURN THESE GIFT that gramma gave us so STAY WITH ME and dont be stUPID pORKBALL' but we got to the countar to return the gitfs. and there was this girl there who DUG thout was CUTE and he is all ta;lkign to her about the DUM GIFTS that gramma got us so i SNUK OOUT and went to the arcade and played SAN FANSICO RUSH 2094 which i totaly rule at...

wen i was done and put my name on the top of th elist i went out and DUM DUG was standing there all DEPRESED cuz the cute girl told him to GET LOST and then he had to wate for ME ahahhah ... he started to YELL like "PORKBALL U R SO STUPID..." but then he almost CRYED and so he shut up...

it was realy funnyyy!!!!!

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