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Date Posted: 13:05:22 01/18/02 Fri
Author: I am Ben's Conscience
Subject: You are not your job.

You are not your job. You are not the food you eat. You are not the car you drive. You are not the little husk of popcorn that gets lodged between your teeth when you're watching a Ridley Scott movie and asking yourself where... the FUCK... all the talent went off and hid to. You are not your wallet. You are not, specifically, the contents of your wallet, including but not limited to, your bank card, check card, credit card and library card. You are not the trillions and trillions of cells that make up the macro-organism which is your body, your mind, your eternal soul. Okay, er, you kind of *are* that, I guess, but not in a literary way. You are not the code you write. You are not the codes that compiles. You are not the debugger you use to debug errors within your code, even if it's a real debugger like SoftIce or Codeview and not just a bunch of well-timed print statements, you goddamn Associate's Degree holding *child*. You are not the syrup stain on your shirt, the mansauce stain on your trousers, the skid marks on your underwear. You are not Clash. Clash is Clash, natch. You are not your 401(k). You are not your unfulfilled hopes, your unreachable dreams, your pessimism, your anger, your rage.

You are the best that you can be, that you have ever been or ever will be.

But still, it begs a question: eSave?!?!

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