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Date Posted: 14:02:31 01/18/02 Fri
Author: Ben
Subject: Excellent
In reply to: I am Ben's Conscience 's message, "You are not your job." on 13:05:22 01/18/02 Fri

Best BBS post of all time.

Let me, however, address a few points:

>when you're watching a Ridley Scott movie and asking
>yourself where... the FUCK... all the talent went off
>and hid to.

My theory (seriously) is that Ridley Scott hasn't made a movie since White Squall (which, yes, sucked), and has lent his name to his brother Tony, who is now making all of the movies. This theory gives me a measure of solace in the long, dark night.

>library card.

No. I hate books, and I don't read.

>well-timed print statements,


>you goddamn Associate's Degree holding

I hold no degree. I went to one course in college: a creative writing course. I showed up twice, wrote a creative paragraph on the last day, and got a B. Such ended my educational career.

> the mansauce stain on your trousers

I've been real careful about this lately.

> the skid marks on your underwear

I'm going to be real careful about this from now on.

> You are not Clash.

It's worth mentioning at this point that you actually have no proof of this at this point.

> Clash is Clash, natch.

Or this.

> You are not your 401(k).

Not only am I not my 401(k), I can't find my 401(k).

>You are the best that you can be, that you have ever
>been or ever will be.

Well, that's a sad, sorry statement.

>But still, it begs a question: eSave?!?!

Here's a little excerpt from my resume, which of course, I am not:

e-Save Network, Inc., Woodbridge, NJ. Manager, System Development. 1998 - 2000.

· Designed and managed the Information Technology group that developed the company's e-commerce website. Responsible for all aspects of this system, which comprised C++/CGI software development, Oracle 8 database administration, Solaris 2.x system administration, Apache 1.3x web server and Sun E-450 hardware.

· Designed and managed the development of corporate management systems and customer relationship management (CRM) systems using a Java servlet architecture.

· Served as Program Manager, directing several development and maintenance projects concurrently.

But, as Clemenza said about Paulie: "You won't see [them] no more."

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