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Date Posted: 10:28:55 01/21/02 Mon
Author: Ben
Subject: PWC Meeting

You'll notice that Clash has not updated his section over the past couple of days. That is because he was down in my neck of the woods for the World's First PWC Writers Meeting.

The attendees were:
Ben "Pinback" Parrish
Laurence "Clash" Trask
Matthew "I'm Going To Eat A Fetus Someday" Perlman <- Jew

Here are the minutes of the meeting:

4:30 PM : Introductions, orientations.
4:35 PM : Beverages are served.

4:35 - 5:00 PM : We throw some new ideas for the website around. These ideas included a) ordering some pizza, b) watching some football, and c) reheating the leftover pizza.

5:00 PM : Leftover pizza is reheated.

5:10 - 6:30 PM : Pinback cooks dinner, while LT/MP watch football.

6:30 - 7:00 PM : Dinner

7:00 PM : MP forced to leave due to a guilt-trippin' girlfriend.

7:01 PM - 1:30 AM : Beverages are served.

This concludes my report on the World's First PWC Writers Meeting.

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