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Date Posted: 19:40:26 01/23/02 Wed
Author: Robb

::In a recent interview, Ridley Scott (Alien, Gladiator) says he will decide on his next project within 5 weeks.
::Asked whether he is interested in doing Alien 5 or his other rumoured picutre, Captain Kidd, Scott replied, "I'm
::looking at Alien 5. There hasn't been a good Pirate Movie either, so I haven't decided yet."


I think it's him and not his brother.

If this goes down I would drive to California to catch it opening day with our boy Pinback. Well, first I would attempt to find his house, probably awkwardly shake his hand and he will say, "Hmm! How 'bout that!" a lot while looking nervously at a watch to try to cajole the time to pass as quickly as possible so that this unexpected guest will leave quietly without causing a flowery, emotional scene or (gasp!) fisticuffs.

But THEN the movie!!!

If you're not pumped about this prospect that probably will not happen because Captain 1492 here wants to make a fucking pirate movie, then there be ICE WATER in your veins, mately! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRR!


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