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Date Posted: 09:05:43 02/10/03 Mon
Author: Shit on the Shitty
Subject: Re: Rugby League kicks off.
In reply to: Tubby Lard. 's message, "Rugby League kicks off." on 21:47:54 02/04/03 Tue

What a tosser.

You fail to mention that the match was also the most committed display by 11 men that the stadium has seen so far.

Still bumming around in Division 3 eh ? What a great team you are. Don't forget to keep attacking the trains as they keep come in to Paragon.

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[> [> Re: Rugby League kicks off. -- bigfatbarrat, 21:34:33 02/16/03 Sun

we don`t have to forget about attacking trains, cos someone else is doing it for us. surely, you understand the concept. y'know, must carnivores don`t hunt their own meat and drinkies do they? Cuh

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[> [> [> Re: Rugby League kicks off. -- Tim big boy Wilby., 20:35:38 03/02/03 Sun

It was rugby league fans who attacked the train, daft lad. Anyhow what are you doing on a Hull City supporters site when you are an egg chaser? Is your site full of the usual two or three schoolkkids predending they really support Manchester United? Liked the novel way Sheffield Eagles (tee hee) 'had' to switch thier home tie with your rag tag and bob tail lot to the KC because of a computer fair!! How very mickey mouse of you. Must have been a thrilling game at 88-0, Sheffield must be a good team, had they all just clocked off work at McDonalds ten minutes before kick-off?
How's the world famous Boulevard doing these days now West Hull (always get four figure gates them) play there? Wests get a couple of 'action' photos, that means two fat bloke wrestling on the floor with there fingers up each others arses, in the sports mail every week and I havnt seen a single person on the terraces yet, king ell, your a joke man piss off back onto yopur own site, tosser.

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[> [> [> [> Re: Rugby League kicks off. -- Fcuk you, shitty fan, 14:21:32 03/07/03 Fri

you are scum

even Scunthorpe and Lincoln look down on you.

truly pathetic lowlife scum

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[> [> [> [> Re: Rugby League kicks off. -- Eddie Waring, 22:52:03 03/19/03 Wed

100% Mickey Mouse. Bent game bent rules, no support, no national interest only as a stop-gap until the football results come through. Dying old fashioned game watched by fat lasses and people who all have a favourite Premier League football club that they tag onto. Flat caps, Eddie Waring, Aussies taking the p1ss, and all your money. Wait till Sky pull the plug you'll sink faster than a fast sinking thing. Club shop full of tat. Naff kit that no-one over 11 would be seen dead in. Beer Bellied 50 year old Giro seekers shuffling around car boot sales wearing Hull Sharks shirts. Scruffy Twats. No style. No ideas of your own. Pretending to be a football club to appear more popular. 100% mickey mouse and gettin worse by the day. Now shove off back onto your own boring little site by logging onto HullFC.com which is Hull Fishing Club. As I said mickey mouse.

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[> [> [> [> [> Hull FC -- The man with the oval balls, 10:53:52 04/23/03 Wed

Look you have to feel sorry for them Rugby lads at Hull Fc you see they havent any Promotion seasons to look forward too. They are already at the peak of their game, in their "premiership" league. So the fantastic crowds they attract reflect this. Oh no hang on, just over 9,000 for the last home game, a local derby on a Bank holiday. Oh dear.
This is why they are so upset about Hull City AFC. The fact that we are in the lowest Div. of our league system and average twice as many per home game as them rankles them a tad. Rugby will soon go the way of Cock fighting and bear bating, flat caps and whippets. All hail Gateshead, the saviours of Rugby in Hull.

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[> [> rugby, football -- terence trent d'arby, 00:43:09 11/03/03 Mon

Has anyone bought a Perry Como CD yet?

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