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Date Posted: 17:59:21 11/14/01 Wed
Author: Blue
Subject: Re: What happens to Darla in "Lullaby?" + another theory
In reply to: KhaliG 's message, "Re: What happens to Darla in "Lullaby?" + another theory" on 23:51:52 11/13/01 Tue

>Ahh, I've got my remote planted on the scene where
>darla hides her tears. Always brings a tear to my
>eyes. JB can really cry and look just so anguished.
>You know, last year, darla looked so delicate, like a
>a glass figurine that could be shattered in a n
>instant. This year, she just seems stronger and
>tougher and I can feel as though she can just about
>withstand anything, including maybe being a single
>mom. More and More I'm hoping she doesn't run away in
>Teusday's ep. She ran away all last year and she even
>died, for crying out loud. TM has to change the
>outcome of the Darla story just so that it won't be a
>repeat of last year's arc, meaning Angel loses darla
>just as she was about to stick with a life-changing
>decision, enter Lindsey with dru, killing her and
>making her a vampire in the process. This ep, I just
>want some peace at the end. Maybe Holtz holding a
>crossbow, says something on vengence, eyes the baby
>evilly or at least cruelly and leaves Angel, Darla,
>Fred, and the crying baby with a feeling of impending
>doom hanging over their heads. Or maybe, Angel, Fred,
>and Darla gathered around the baby with darla singing
>it a song. sappy, I know and probably not what I'm
>going to see in a TM ep.

I know how you feel. It's just all a frustrating mess and Darla does seem stronger now. She can take verbal and physical punches and not give a ****. That's my girl!

I *adore* the scene where she calls out to Angel. She still obviously cares for him and I think that theory of her falling in love with him during The Trial is true.

I wonder if she'll ever tell him. She's going to tell him she loves the baby next week, but I wonder if she will tell Angel how she feels about him later in the season.

>And I think that's what scares some fans the most.
>This baby is real and it is a permanent part of the
>Angel story. More importantly, this baby is a part of
>the Angel/darla story, and since quite a few of them
>hate the character, it is easy for them to convince
>themselves that the baby will be some big Evil or at
>least some ugly human/demon creature. If a baby comes
>from a ship that is not B/A or C/A, then it must be
>evil, according to some posters.

Oh, so true! The baby is always a reason for Darla to return as well.

>>You give me confidence it will never happen. Live
>>baby, live! That's it! Well, if the child was a girl
>>I think "liv" would have been a perfect name.
>Wow, I'm so glad I can be so inspiring.


>~Khali, trying out her new robes for the next church
>meeting of The Holiness Church of Darla and Angel. The
>collection plate will be passed around to help raise
>money for new padded walls for the screaming room in
>the D/A Bunker.

Wow, that sounds like the beginning of a fanfic or something creative!

Blue, still watching Quickening over and over

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