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Date Posted: 13:05:30 11/19/01 Mon
Author: Blue
Subject: Re: A thought ... (and yes, those are Lullaby feed spoilers above)
In reply to: KhaliG 's message, "Re: A thought ... (and yes, those are Lullaby feed spoilers above)" on 12:41:20 11/19/01 Mon

>I agree. I don't understand, either. I love the Spike
>storyline and if they had killed him after The
>Initiative, we wouldn't have the beautiful Buffy/Spike
>storyline we're seeing today. The writers did not have
>to kill Darla off, unless it's to clean the slate for
>a new version of Darla, one that's a little bit nicer
>to the world. Sheesh, I don't know.

Yeah, something like that just seems to good to be true.

>You are not the only one. Just to kill her off, even
>though she made such a great sacrifice, seems so
>abrupt. The writers had plenty of chances to kill her
>off last year, only they hold on to her just so they
>can kjill her off as she was making a pitvotal change
>in her life. Darla seems to be the kind of character
>that's just plain doomed to die, over and over, again.

Yeah, and each time she came back she came back "wrong." That's one the major reasons why I feel so bad for the character.

>I'm glad I hit upon something. I remember reading a
>post on the NG just after To Shansu in LA by David
>Hines. I generally don't like some of what he has
>written, but this particular post came to mind,
>especially in the late of last year is that Angel fell
>in love with Buffy because she was a Darla-clone. At
>first, I dismissed it, but watching the eps last year
>and some of the flashbacks, it became more and more
>obvious to me that Angel gave Buffy the love he
>couldn't give Darla. Buffy had all the innocence that
>darla didn't have, so in my line of thinking, Angel
>could have loved Darla just as much as he did Buffy,
>it's only the way the story went that things didn't
>turn out this way.

I think you've hit it. I don't think the writers would have given us those obvious hints in "Offspring" esp. with the crossbow if it wasn't true.

>I know. I'm accepting it myself. When the ep premieres
>tonight, I'm just going to close my eyes when I see
>her die.

I think I'm going to rewind over and over.

>Well, there's the baby, and I'm happy for that little
>guy. At least D/A has gotten something that C/A, B/A,
>and all those other ships haven't gotten on screen, a
>baby, a true connection between the two couples. As
>long as the baby lives and he better live, Angel will
>always have a piece of Darla around.

Very true and good points. :)

>Oh, I hope so, but I don't know. It's best not to hope
>for too much.

It really is and I'm not going to. Been down that road before.

>Well, she is or was a Special Guest Star, they only
>put that title for an actor/actress on television
>unless their character is very important to the
>regular characters on a show. At least that's how I'm
>rationalizing it.

Yeah, maybe we'll hear something more about Darla tonight or tomorrow. Usually when there's a major event, some media outlet publishes an article the next day.


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