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Date Posted: 13:27:32 11/20/01 Tue
Author: SugarTherapy
Subject: Re: I want Darla back - Idea?
In reply to: Mari 's message, "I want Darla back - Idea?" on 01:18:33 11/20/01 Tue

>I am so sad that I haven't stopped thinking in ways of
>bringing back Darla. I have a little idea to bring her
>back to the present and not only in flashbacks. Maybe
>I am too optimistic or naive but this gives me hope.
>What if the writers have all very planned to kill
>Darla in Lullaby knowing that later Angel and company
>will need her again so they would have to find a way
>of bringing her back?
>If this is the case I think the writers will not use a
>spell again to bring her back, but what about if Angel
>or other character has to travel back in time to
>change what happened in Lullaby and stop Darla from
>killing herself? Maybe in some weird way Darla is
>needed to save the world or the baby or etc.
>Ok, maybe this is stupid but why get rid of her when
>Darla is like the best character there? I doubt Joss
>listens to fans. He writes what he wants so why
>listen to that group of Darla haters?
>I want and I need Darla back in the show and not only
>in flashbacks. These are great but nothing is better
>than the present. And a baby always needs his mother

I have this idea that Angel goes back to Sunnydale - back to the Master's Lair - because he thinks his son should have something that belonged to his mother. He goes back to the Master's Lair (which is now deserted) and finds her chambers or whatever, picking out some thing to bring back. Anyway, he stays the night in there and does some Darla brooding. As he's brooding her remembers something she said once, probably during the episode "Angel" while they were in his apartment... some of the conversation we didn't see. "Somebody once said that in this place, if you wish for something hard enough, long enough, you'll get your wish. Do you think it's true? Do you think if I wished hard enough or long enough you'd lose your soul?" Something to that effect. And he does. He wishes she'd come back, because not only does their son need a mother - his own biological mother - but Angel knows deep inside he needs Darla too. And apparently he wishes hard enough, and the need is strong enough, and she returns. Only she's soulless now and wants nothing to do w/ her child - wants it dead for putting that "filthy soul" inside her, for making her feel, for making her weak. Angel & Co. would be all mad at Angel for bringing Darla back, and he'd try to prove to them that he could make it right, that he could curse her and it'd all be okay. It could actually we a very good and complex story line. lol I say we all write to Tim Minear w/ our ideas of how to bring Darla back, show him all his options, maybe he'll think of more lol And then we can have our girl back


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